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Monday, 16 October 2017


Sometimes it is good to have a bit of a re-freshener with Astrology.  The fundamental basics are essential and need to be carried through even with the most advanced techniques.  In the field of Astrology you will always be a student.  It is important to recognize that we will NEVER know all that is available through Astrology as it is an ongoing science.  As an Astrologer, it is essential to always be open to and welcome continued education as you will be a permanent student of Astrology.

The sign positioning and house positioning of planets and significant angles (MC, ASC, DC, IC) are the most relevant in determining the areas of life (houses) and the relevant signature traits (signs) inherent with a chart.  Always look to these positions and placements to get a clear picture of the energies inherent in the chart.  House placements and Sign positioning emphases, such as a Stellium in a house or sign for example, will greatly enhance that area of the chart.

The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant are determining factors in the individual’s expression and greatly enhance the character traits of an individual.  A Stellium, for example, in the sign of Leo or an emphasis in the fifth house ruled be Leo, will significantly change the character of someone with a Virgo or Capricorn Sun for example.  This is a perfect example of why some people do not fit into their Sun sign character trait (and for the simple fact there is so much more involved in an Astrology chart than just the Sun sign).

Tight aspects between Planets or Angles have a profound impact on the energies of the planets or angles that are aspecting.  For example, using the Leo signature again, it will be very difficult for the Sun in Leo to have the usual flair and ego consciousness if there is a square from let’s say the Moon and Saturn.  It would take hard work to bring to the forefront the emotional response of the typical Leo and its release due to the square from Saturn and the Moon.  This individual would have to work very hard to express themselves emotionally and with any type of vigor in comparison to say someone with a Leo Sun with a conjunction from Mercury, Jupiter and Venus or a rising sign of Leo as well as a Sun in Leo. 

Angles or aspects from other planets help determine how challenged or with what ease an individual has in releasing the energies from that planet.  The energies are also influenced greatly by the energies of other planets.  For example, a Sun in Leo individual with a conjunction to Uranus in Leo would also be somewhat eccentric in their expression and have a very unique character.  With a Pluto conjunction this individual would express themselves in a more dynamic manner and have great power in their self-expression.  This could point to leadership abilities being enhanced, but could also indicate a domineering individual.

Astrological configurations, as well as an emphasis on an aspect or lack of aspect, will also have a profound effect on the individual’s life journey.  A person with a Grand Square will have much more challenging conditions in life than someone with a Grand Trine.  The Grand Square individual will have opposing factors within their life’s mission but can use these energies to propel them forward in life once these energies are harnessed.  The Grand Trine individual will have a greater ease in obtaining benefits than that of other individuals, but may also become complacent and sit back far too much when they should be driving themselves forward.

These are a few examples of the factors which must be considered when deciphering a natal chart   Although they may seem rudimentary, they are significant and should never be overlooked when determining factors at work in an individual’s Astrology chart.

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