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Wednesday, 11 October 2017


If transiting Pluto is currently trine your natal Mars, Mars would have to be in an earth sign, either Taurus or Virgo as transiting Pluto is in Capricorn. 

Pluto is a powerful transformative planet and pushes for change and evolution through these changes.  With Mars and Pluto both being in earth signs, these transformations often take the form of material quests.  Trines are favourable and even with the energies associated with Mars and Pluto, which can both be disruptive, if harnessed, can produce a powerful drive to achieve.  Trines represent flowing energies and most often characterize opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities when associated with Pluto and Mars only come after perplexing and challenging conditions.  More often than not, anything worth having comes with some type of lesson energy.

There is a lot of energy attached to these two planets and the drive is often towards material objectives.  This could be brought forward within the working environment or with a personal achievement taking hold after a lot of diligent work on your part.  Some receive recognition from those in positions of authority for all their diligent work under the influence of this aspect. 

With natal Mars in an earth sign, much of what you have been doing may have gone unnoticed by your superiors.  Now, however, your efforts come to the surface and is often followed by acknowledgement.  This goal or objective you have been working on is important to you and although it may benefit others, it stems from something within.  Because of this, you may gain power in some way.

This is a very physical based alignment, and it will be a favourable time to enrol in any kind of physical activity that requires great effort on your part.  Most sports are favoured under this influence, especially such things as martial arts, wrestling and body building.  This energy mixes well with short bursts of strong energy, but is not as conducive for long or softer actions.  The energies are good for re-building and regenerating the body and provides vital energy and staying power.

This combination is known to be a confidence builder as well as an energy builder, especially if you have been struggling for a long time with an ongoing problem.  In rare cases trines have been known to stimulate energy to flow with individuals that have been terminally ill.  Some people after a long struggle finally make the final push to pass over, but there would have to be several other influences in the chart suggesting the same thing.  In most cases this is a very positive aspect although someone who has been struggling with Cancer, for example, and finally letting go is positive in its own sense.

Use these energies constructively in your life.  The worst thing you can do at this time is to do nothing.  These energies need to be released.  If not utilized, they may release themselves in a much more aggressive manners.  In most cases, it is better to go with the flow than fight the process.  Pluto often creates change after a challenging period, but these changes are a requirement of the soul and will pan out in a positive way over the long haul. 

Take advantage of this time in your life and take the steps that will ultimately aid you as time goes by.

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