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Friday 17 September 2021


 Transiting Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn at 24 degrees and will move into the sign of Aquarius in January, 2024. Due to its retrograde motion, it will not remain in Aquarius permanently until November,2024.


Those that are born with their Sun in Libra or with their Sun in Aries from approximately 23 to 29 degrees will be experiencing a square in their birth charts, at some point. Those with their Sun in earlier degrees in these signs have already experienced this square from transiting Pluto. Check the house position of transiting Pluto, the house position of your natal Sun and the house cusp that is ruled by Scorpio (Pluto’s ruler) to get a clearer picture of what areas of life are affected by this aspect.


Pluto has been known to purge and to assist in uncovering different facets of life. It helps you to uncover information that needs an honest review and then expects that you make appropriate changes as necessary. Pluto often brings an end to conditions for something new to emerge. Pluto’s changes are often total and complete and what once was is no longer.


Pluto in the square aspect often produces challenging conditions and stimulates action particularly when it comes to your goals in life and who you are as an individual.


Pluto tests your resolve and your self-control. Its energies will push you ahead ambitiously. Pluto can be somewhat relentless as it moves through the areas of life represented by the house positions involved. There are often power struggles as your “will” is being tested. If you force your opinions on others during this time, you will more than likely experience much opposition. If, however, you are working for the general good for those involved, you may find that you do not have much disagreement coming from outside sources. This will also hold true for those who are experiencing the opposition from transiting Pluto (Those individuals with their Sun in the later degrees of Cancer). Those with their Sun in the earlier degrees of Cancer will already have experienced this opposition. With the opposition other people are usually part of what is unfolding.


The Sun deals with your life’s objectives and the will to move ahead. The ego is stimulated during transits to the Sun, and it will seem very important to have things right. There will be those that are opposed to your objectives, but you must stand strong in the face of opposition and follow what you believe in, unless of course you are not allowing others to provide you with necessary information.


If you try to avoid what this aspect is attempting to convey to you, life might challenge you through more difficult conditions and force you into action. Pluto is relentless and its lessons are necessary. It is best to move forward on your own than to have Pluto force the change.


Under extreme conditions (this would only apply if there are other factors in the chart suggesting the same overall picture), you may find that you feel over-burdened and that you cannot continue along the same path. This can lead to nervous disorders and an undoing of sorts which can be hard to put back together. If by chance you fit into this category, seriously consider seeking professional assistance as some assistance would make this aspect much easier to deal with.


Although squares are always considered challenging, it is up to us to handle these energies and take whatever action is appropriate for the situation. Fighting these energies creates difficulty. Recognizing the need for change and moving on this creates a much easier flow.


This transit is in place to build character and strength. The energies can be used to assist you in many ways. We need to wrap our arms around life’s adversities as these experiences are what propels us ahead and teach valuable lessons.


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Thursday 16 September 2021


Does it feel like you are at a standstill?


What is causing this lack of progress?


Before you point a finger at someone else take a close look to see what it is that you might do to change the direction of your life. Is it someone else who is holding you back or is it your ego that is playing the game of “It is not my fault!”?


If you feeling as though you are at the mercy of life, perhaps a change of attitude is what you really need. Perhaps a change of mindset and a little push from complacency might be in order.


If you honestly believe that someone in your life is holding you back then step past their influence and stand on your own. Perhaps a new direction is what is called for. Perhaps breaking free from this individual is what is needed. This is not to say that when life is holding you back that you break free and run. You may, however, have to make your own way.


In most cases, we stand in our own way. The changes or new beginnings that you are in search of can come about with ease if you change your outlook on whatever you see as intrusive.


Your ego’s schemes are often what stands in your way. By following these negative suggestions, you are your own stumbling blocks. You can overcome and change direction when you change your outlook. You are in command of your life, your reasoning, even your future direction. Ride the wave but stand tall in the face of adversity and claim your rightful place in life. You can only do this when you take responsibility for your life.  Take the reigns!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 15 September 2021


For the remainder of 2021 and through to 2026, transiting Uranus will be in the sign of Taurus. Uranus moved into Taurus in May, 2018, and went retrograde and moved back into Aries in November, 2018. In March, 2019, it moved back into Taurus.


Taurus is a Fixed, Earth sign and Uranus, known for bringing about necessary charge, may have some struggles in moving ahead.  Earthly matters will be indicative of the changes that will take place.  Uranus is currently at 14 degrees Taurus (September 2021) and in retrograde.  It becomes direct on January 18, 2022.


The Trine aspect, in general, is considered a fortunate aspect, although (for example) if someone has been struggling with a serious illness, this aspect’s energies can define the finalization of this energy and will give details on the passing beyond the turmoil which has been impacting the individual. In all cases, it suggests easy flow of energies and opportunities.


Uranus always speaks of change and sometimes the changes can be disruptive yet stimulating. Uranus’s energies bring about exciting change and new adventure.


In most cases, the changes (sometimes of your own accord and sometimes by the nature of life) will be what is required at that point in life. Life may have stagnated on a personal, spiritual, or evolutionary level and Uranus will stimulate action. Quite often the periods when Uranus is direct in our charts, we can count on changes although how the change takes place may be unexpected.


Transiting Uranus is often used in predictive Astrology as a timer of events along with the progressed Moon, transiting Mars and the transiting Sun.


With an aspect activated in our charts by Uranus, there is little doubt that we will grow through the resulting experiences. The areas of life involved will be defined by the Astrological houses involved in our personal chart. The Sun in Astrology often has to do with goals and aspirations, and this may be the time for these focuses to be stimulated. This could involve a business proposition, a job opportunity, a project that you have been working on now, etc. The likelihood of success is enhanced during this aspect period. In retrograde, the energies are not in full force. Retrograde Uranus moves from 14 degrees to 11 degrees so anyone who has their Earth sign Sun in trine at these degrees will experience these energies three times as it passes over the Sun’s position.


The Sun also speaks of physical health, and many can begin new physical regimes during this time. You may find that you are looking after yourself much better during and after this period and what you set in motion can be followed through on and permanently incorporated into your routine. This may be particularly true if the sixth house is activated. Using these energies in a positive manner can bring about great results. If you choose not to act on these energies, you are wasting a great opportunity and you may be forced, down the road, to take alternative measures to alleviate what could be dealt with now.


Is it time to move forward in a new direction?


Are there opportunities available for you to take advantage of?


Do not sit back and do nothing if this aspect is in your Chart. Use these energies to your advantage. It will be a long time (if ever again depending on your age) before this aspect returns in your Chart. Uranus has an 84-year cycle, so the next time your Sun is trine to transiting Uranus will be roughly 28 years from now.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 14 September 2021


When you acknowledge your abilities, it is important to understand that although they may now appear to be surfacing, they have always been there and have only been lying dormant. Provide them with the proper nurturing so they can bloom and bear fruit.


Many of us may notice these abilities surfacing but are hesitant to accept them. Some may feel unworthy, some just cannot believe that it is happening to them and will dismiss them repeatedly. Under most circumstance, these abilities are not going to go away no matter how you deny them. It is time to accept and explore these avenues of expression.


Are you ready?  Of course, you are. The mind may interfere passionately. The ego will try to stifle these new concepts and abilities. It will try to rule them as talents that you are simply not capable of handling. If you can push yourself beyond these ego limitations, you can create a level of comfort. You are ready for this whether you believe it or not. It would not be happening unless the timing was right. Allow yourself to pursue these seemingly far-reaching abilities now surfacing in your life.


This is part of the unfolding process. These abilities have been waiting for the appropriate moment to be released. They are far from foreign. There is no need to justify these abilities as they do not make you special in any way. Everyone can tap into these. Their presence simply signifies that you are now in the proper mind-frame and can open to these channels.


Everyone has their own unique part to play. We all hold key ingredients that foster growth not only for each of us as individuals but for all those we touch in life.


We will attract others that share our experiences and understandings. We can share our insight and sharpen our abilities as well as the abilities of those around us.


Remind yourself of your spiritual connection to all in life, and to your own personal world. Disregard the mind’s interference. When you become accustomed to shutting off this interference, the door to understanding will open wider. Trust and believe!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Monday 13 September 2021


If you are between the ages of 54-59, this post pertains to you. Maturity is in full bloom and you are beginning to see yourself as an integrated whole and no longer just an extension of others. You are becoming clear of who you are as an individual and are comfortable enough that what others think is not important anymore. You are who you are and that’s just fine.


This is a stage when you are more concerned about life itself than living up to other people’s expectations and you are forming relationships to make you whole. You have come to a point where you basically know yourself and are liberated with this knowledge. Relationships still have a place in your heart, some even deeper than anything experienced previously, but you can rid yourself of unwanted or draining relationships. This is not to say that you have become cold or uncaring. Quite the opposite. You are beginning to understand what it is that you need and will form more meaningful relationships to build on this.


This is about self-fulfillment and self-honesty and if you have been working well within these boundaries and living your life through generosity and love, you are well on your way to a more rewarding and satisfying life. You are approaching the second Saturn return and you probably remember your first around the age of 29, when you experienced life’s events to the fullest and matured immensely, coming through a period of transformation on many levels.


There are several astrological factors that are in effect during this time. You will be experiencing the second progressed lunar return, which in short speaks of emotionally coming of age. You will also be going through the Uranus trine Uranus transit, which is usually accompanied with excitement and the beginning of something new. Neptune is also in trine to its natal position, helping you gain a more realistic point of view on where your life is heading. For many Pluto is also making a trine to its natal position which could be termed a life transformation when we tap into our core. You are also going through the third nodal return which is directed towards a reorientation within and a clearer focus on life’s direction.


These astrological transformations taking place usually signify deep transformations on many different levels. Explaining these fluctuations is basically impossible in short form, but you now have an idea why life is going through changes on so many levels.


Enjoy the transformations taking place and prepare for the next major transition to unfold as you enter the last years of your fifties. Some now contemplate retirement while others begin anew. One thing is for certain this will be a fruitful time and everything begins to materialize and gather momentum towards this second Saturn return.


This is a high point in life and you are entering into what many call the awakening of the self period. Stay tuned to the higher frequencies taking place and enjoy your unfolding.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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Friday 10 September 2021


 There are four hemispheres in a horoscope:

1. The Northern Hemisphere which is below the horizon or centred around the IC;

2. The Southern Hemisphere which is located above the horizon centred around the MC;

3. The Eastern Hemisphere which is centred around the Ascendant; and

4. The Western Hemisphere which is centred around the Descendant.

An emphasized Hemisphere would have most planets in that particular quadrant.

Some Astrologers suggest that planets in retrograde should be considered in the opposite quadrant. For example, if Saturn is in retrograde in the Northern Hemisphere, when calculating a Hemisphere emphasis, Saturn would be considered to be in the Southern Hemisphere. Of course, the planets do not actually change positions in the birth chart but when it comes to this evaluation, they are in the opposite Hemisphere.

These Hemisphere configurations would look similar to a fan pattern, with most of the emphasis in one quadrant.

As we delineate this Hemisphere calculation, it is important to remember that this only applies to planets. Asteroids and nodes are not included in the calculation.

With an emphasis around the Eastern Hemisphere or around the Ascendant, these individuals would be concerned with their own personal ventures. They are driven by internal needs and push ahead with their objectives. This is not to say that they are egotistical or self-centered but that they are focused on advancing those things that they deem personally significant. Personal advancement on some level is a priority.

Some Astrologers have noted that there seems to be much defensiveness with people who have this emphasis. This Hemisphere incorporates houses 1,2,11,12 and to a greater extent the whole eastern side. Free will and the ability to move towards their path or orientation are important. They take on some of the qualities of the first house.

Those individuals with an emphasis around the Northern Hemisphere or centered around the IC are said to be more private and introverted. The emphasis would be with houses 3 through 5 and to a greater extent all the houses below the horizon. These individuals are often focused on the needs of the family and the home environment, like a 4th house emphasis.

Some Astrologers have noted that there are affairs or events that have been left unresolved related to early life conditions and there is a need for these to be dealt with.

The fourth/tenth house axis is related to the parents. Some say that the fourth house is related to the mother or the most nurturing parent and some say it relates to the father. This has been a controversial issue with many Astrologers. You will have to test it for yourself to see what fits and feels right for your practice or your chart. This area is related to private and individual areas of life and as such can be related to internal issues. These issues are usually kept private, or some individuals choose to not deal with them at all.

 Those with a vast number of planets on the Western side of the chart or around the Descendant, houses from 5-8, and to a greater extent the whole western side of the chart from the 5th to the 9th, tend to concentrate their energies on others. They are “other-people” motivated rather than being self-motivate. They are always considering the needs of others when it is time to take a step forward. Direction often comes through others. There is a great deal of giving but not very much taking. Some of these individuals can be taken advantage of from those with stronger personalities or those that tend to prey on others. Those with the Western focus are very giving but must watch for being taken advantage of. There are similar traits to those with the seventh house prominent in their charts.

With an emphasis on the Southern Hemisphere, (the houses above the horizon), houses 9 through 11, or to a greater extent the whole Southern Hemisphere from the 8th to the 12th, there is a tendency to be extraverted and these individuals are drawn to social environments. They are concerned with what is going on in the outside world and tend to gravitate towards social activities where they can mingle and be objective about what they discover in these areas of life. There is a link to the tenth house as events in life tend to affect these individuals and their path in life.

Some Astrologers have linked the Southern Hemisphere with being swept away by life’s conditions. It has even been suggested that these individuals could be victimized in some manner. This could also be potentially related to the parents because of the axis point. Again, some Astrologers differ on who the tenth house is representative of, the father or the most disciplinary or providing parent vs the mother.

This Astrologer feels that the fourth house, being ruled by the Moon and Cancer, would be representative of the mother or nurturing parent and the tenth house, being ruled by Saturn and Capricorn, would be representative of the father or disciplinary parent. I do note, however, that when it comes to a personal injury connected to the past (emphasis in the Northern Hemisphere) there would be a connection with the father. On a deeper level, you must question how the mother influenced life’s events and what was the reaction to her interjection? You be the judge.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday 9 September 2021


How many of us judge others and how they live?


Our view of others is tightly entwined with our personal view of self and more often than not mirrors our own self image.


Because of other’s personal view of themselves, we should not allow ourselves to be affected by others’ opinions and judgements. Someone else’s opinion says much about them and little about you. They recognize or exaggerate a specific quality in you and because of a lack of self-reflection, do not consciously see this within themselves.


We unfortunately can be blind to our own habits and reactions, and it can be helpful when others share their observations. We must keep our ego under control, however. Honest self reflection can point out “shortcomings” and with recognition comes solution. Another method to recognize characteristics within ourselves that we may be blind to is to pay attention to those things that bother us about others. This can be an excellent personal monitor to assist in self reflection.


What others think is their issue. Our own opinion of self is truly important. Because of this, make sure that you are seeing yourself clearly and not selling yourself short.


You do not have to please others, but you must be happy with who you are. Take an honest look. Do some self reflection. Sometimes acknowledgment can be challenging but necessary. Other times what we see can expand in a very positive sense.


It IS good to reflect and be sure to include all the great qualities as well. What we focus on expands. Where does your focus lie?


This also holds true for others. When we look for fault in others, fault is all that we will see. If we look for the greatness in others, then greatness will be seen.


Do not make a career out of judging others or yourself. You will never accomplish excellence. Self analysis and paying attention to our positive attributes, these we can excel at. Moving away from constant negative reflection which will allow contentment and happiness.


Find your true expression and stop worrying about what others think!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology.  Holm Astrology offers Astrology courses.  Our current classes have been postponed but please watch for the announcement of our new dates yet to be established.  Visit for course details.


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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit