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Monday 7 October 2013

Moving Forward

Throughout our lives, we reach junctions where we confront our own shortcomings and overcome obstacles placed before us. It is important to understand that in order to move forward in our life’s pursuit, we must take some responsibility for the situations that occur. In some circumstances, other people seem to force issues down our throats and we must contend with them in our own terms. Life often throws curve balls at the most inappropriate time and we are forced to make adjustments and sometimes on a large scale.

We have to learn to roll with the punches, pick up the pieces and move on. We have to let go of hurt and blame in order to overcome. This may be very difficult, but possible if you were to look at life from a broader scope with the understanding that life’s events, particularly the prime events, are sometimes fateful and out of our control. The purpose of such events is to force individuals into looking and going deeper into the meaning of their life. Sometimes, it takes drastic measures to break down the impenetrable wall that people put up as a protective barrier.

Sometimes events of magnitude occur to make us aware of the frailties of life and to bring us to the understanding that life is precious and not to be taken for granted. There will be times when loved ones leave us, sometimes completely unexpectedly, and we have to find a way to carry on and move forward with our lives. Life seems unfair and even unjust when these incidents confront our otherwise relatively passive existence, but moving forward with the knowledge that life does carry on is paramount and a step that must be taken.

Live within the framework of understanding, knowing that life will present you with unwelcomed events from time to time. Know, however, that through the through processes that take time mental anguish eventually resolves unless we put up a wall of resistance to healing. With acceptance, we do mend. Find that place within that offers forgiveness, that offers hope and that provides you with serenity and peace. Move forward knowing that the objective in life is to grow spiritually from all experience, regardless of its nature. There is something good in everything; you just have to dig deep enough to find the true purpose.

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