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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Your Place in the World

For those of you that are trying to find your place in the world and have become restless in this pursuit, be certain that there is a calling that is just meant for you. Many of you move forward with your professions or return to school to further your education; yet you still wonder what your journey might entail. Do you take a position that is being offered? Do you move in a different direction? Know that regardless of the worldly importance connected to your job, you are making a difference. The work you carry out is important and certainly has its place. The people that you touch within this framework hold far greater relevance than the actual job. Whether these people actually see or know you is not important. We are not in our roles simply for recognition.

If you find yourself in the trades, or working at a job such as a waitress serving others doing what must be done with superiors ever watching over your shoulder, know that this is okay. It is all part of the process even though the bosses, patrons, clients, whoever they may be, do not show appreciation. You are here to do a job or a service. Do your best and do not worry about what others think. This is all part of your learning process and the obstacles and challenges you meet along that road are not barriers to overcome, they are testing grounds for higher learning connected to your spiritual evolution.

You are serving your purpose through your daily regime, in the constant movement from one day to the next. Rather than becoming bored or unsatisfied in your occupation as the mind always gravitates to higher ground and wants more, be happy and know that all things in life are temporary and each one of our experiences are prerequisites to furthering who we are as an individuals.

Pay attention to the daily routine, and practice the art of being kind and helpful. See the benefits start to unfold. Most people will pick up on this attitude; regardless of how menial or meaningful you are to the people you work with. Think of your employees and employers as working mates and treat them the way that you would like them to treat you. Undoubtedly there will always be that one renegade worker bound and bent to inflict hardship on everyone, but take a moment and think about their life. Why are they so intent on bringing others down? Misery always needs company. Depression is a lonely place and many believe through some twisted concept that by making others unhappy, they will raise their own happiness. Unfortunately, as you know, by sending out to the universe nothing but contempt, you can only expect more of the same.

Today when you make your way to work, stop for a moment and focus on how fortunate you are in your world. If you are on the receiving end of some form of disarray, stand tall and acknowledge the universal lesson you are learning. Once learned, a change will eventually occur. Be happy! Share happiness and it will be plentifully returned.

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