If you had the ability to change just one thing (anything) in our world, what would it be?
Please share your thoughts!
As an intuitive Astrologer, I love to share my astrological knowledge acquired over years of study and hands on chart preparation. I believe that in order to experience growth along our earthly journey that spirituality should be blended into our daily living. As a result, I also share my "Food for Thought" writings which are inspirationally received. "You can accomplish anything in life if armed with the right attitude & tools. My wish is to provide a useful tool."
I have given this deep thought. Love is the obvious answer but one that is apparently extremely hard for the human race. The next best solution to better our world would be "Respect".....that each and everyone of use respected one another. If we show and feel true respect for each of us, there would be no war (respect other's opinions, religions, ability), no hunger (respect for other's welfare, health), etc. If we acted through respect for each other, we would do what it takes to ensure that all are on an even playing field. And this I can facilitate to those that surround me. Hopefully, my respect will become contagious and the ripple affects will be endless .