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Tuesday, 30 July 2024


Take a giant step into the future, what do you see? 


Do you anticipate clear waters or rough seas? 


Is it stormy, with gusts of winds and hail or is your forecast looking calm with sunshine and pleasant weather?


In many cases even the forecast that we see for ourselves is not always what materializes.  In real terms, what lies ahead is often out of view.  We can prepare all we want for what MIGHT lie ahead, but do we really know what awaits us? 


Your preparing for the future is tied to your daily journey that each moment provides. You are the benefactor of each of your experiences and the knowledge gained.  Prepare for the future by living today, in the moment.
The future is uncertain, yet we must prepare. 


We live in an earthly environment with earthly requirements. Money and what we consider our valuables are up front and, in some cases, foremost.  So, for many, it is important to prepare from security with that perspective.  Saving a little and planning for retirement or our next journey would be part of our focus. 


We can also be in the process of working on our spiritual existence, our ongoing evolutionary quest and development.  Our existence can be focused on a quest for truth and our awareness that there is much more than meets the eye in this life. We are open to learning and learning to listen.


Our mission to expand our awareness and soar ahead is tied to every facet of life. We are here to learn what all of these “expressions” denote in deeper terms.  Preparing for the future is about experiencing today and what we do with our life in our daily adventures. Our constant absorbing and movement fulfills and exemplifies what lies ahead.


Don’t forget who you are and why you are here.  Your preparing for the future is tied to your daily journey that each moment provides. You are the benefactor of each of your experiences and the knowledge gained not only benefits you but is eventually passing on beyond you to others. 


Prepare for the future by living today, in the moment.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #Medium #prepareforthefuture #plans #preparations #livingtoday #growfromthemoment #inthemoment #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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