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Monday, 21 October 2024


On October 22, 2024 the Sun moves from the sign of Libra, a Cardinal Air sign, to Scorpio, a Fixed Water sign.  Libra is very concerned with relationships and keeping things in balance, creating harmony through dialogue and fairness.  They are the mediators and the peacekeepers of the Zodiac.


Scorpio, on the other hand, is a deep and reflective sign and much of what goes on within is kept private. Scorpio individuals only share what they want to.  They go through major transformations in life, with one thing coming to an end because it does not fit their ongoing quest for understanding and reflection. Once things have ended, they begin anew with a concept or deep understanding.  This is not to say that they know where life will take them, but they do know what is no longer a viable source and will search for that which can take them to where they need to go.


Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto and co-ruled by the planet Mars.  Wherever Pluto is found in a natal chart depicts an area that needs transformation over time and heralds great change because of life’s circumstance.  Pluto often speaks of power struggles and in some cases, we find this true with Scorpio individuals.  They usually have a great deal of confidence within and are very hard to sway, unless “proven” otherwise. 


Scorpio runs deep below the surface and what goes on inside is often a mystery.  They have a mysterious demeaner and have the ability to penetrate deep within themselves and others.  Some individual are comfortable with this; others are not. 


The less evolved Scorpio will use this ability to delve deep and use what comes to the surface as a source of power over others.  Those more evolved use this ability, which will grow as the evolution takes place, to help others along their path in life, by listening and offering advice, which under most conditions, others will listen too. In general, Scorpio people are more introverted than extroverted, and therefore when they do offer their input in matters, people will listen.  In general, Scorpio individuals will not babble on about things that do not matter and are rather matter-of-fact individuals.


Scorpio has been given a bad rap because of their sexual appetite.  Many Scorpio’s can identify with this intrigue, but most are quite committed once they decide to stay with a partner.  They can be promiscuous although this can be controlled if they so choose.  Scorpio is a very sensual sign. 


Sun in Scorpio individuals have intensity in all they do and how they live. If you enjoy a mystery, you will enjoy the company of a Scorpio individual.


Happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.


Our post October 23 will touch on the upcoming transits that can affect our Scorpio readers.


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