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Showing posts with label Libra Transits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libra Transits. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 September 2023


We continue our look at aspects affecting Sun in Libra readers. See our previous post on Monday for more forecasting


Neptune and Jupiter are both currently (September 2023) in retrograde suggesting that they are not operating to their full potential. Neptune can make things feel unclear while Jupiter can influence you into thinking you could make anything happen. There are many more outlets for these energies, but it is safe to say that when they turn direct (December 2023) things will be clearer, more concise, and you will look at your objectives in a more reasonable light without overexaggerating the potential. The areas of life involved in these equations will be marked by their house positions and the house position of the Sun for those with their Sun in Libra.


The quincunx aspect is a 150° angle between two placements in your chart. You can allow an orb of 5° to see if these placements affect your Sun. A quincunx also known as the inconjunct is a challenging aspect which speaks of adjustments that need to be put in place. Once these adjustments have taken hold, things will flow more smoothly. As time passes you will recognize that the changes were essential to your goals and aspirations.


The Sun represents who we are and is connected to our path in life along with other indicators in the natal chart. The Sun speaks of inner personality and objectives available to us which we can either act upon or pass by. The Sun is our essential self and indicates our mission and who we are in personal terms. Not everyone sees certain Sun sign energies but with Libra, we are seen as someone who is seeking equilibrium, calm and also wanting fairness and justice to prevail. (See our previous post on Sun in Libra characteristics for more details


Sun in quincunx to Neptune often suggests that things are not as clear as they could be although when this placement of Neptune moves into direct motions (in many cases and depending on the rest of the chart), things often clear up. This can relate to relationships, goals, occupation, plans and the general direction of life and in some cases in mystical or religious terms. Again, review the house placements.


Jupiter tends to expand on situations, and growth is often apparent even when it is in retrograde (not as prevalent as when in its direct motion). Jupiter often brings good luck, an ease in obtaining benefits and opportunities to advance. When not operating in optimal ways Jupiter can create feelings that nothing can go wrong. Even when we make mistakes we may feel that we did not do anything wrong, and that things will eventually turn out better. In many cases this is still true but for now make your objectives practical.


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Monday, 25 September 2023


As mentioned in our post September 20, the Sun moved into the Cardinal, Air sign of Libra on September 23, 2023.  See our posts at  Here is our Libra forecast (transits) for 2023


With transiting Uranus remaining in the sign of Taurus reaching its lowest point of 19° towards the end of 2023 and into 2024, those with their Libra Sun within orb of these degrees will experience a quincunx. The quincunx can be a bit of a challenging aspect as it speaks of the need for adjusting their life’s circumstances. This can relate to relationships or goals in life, and it may not be an easy alteration. Uranus acts in unexpected manners although it does provide a degree of warning of what needs to be done.


Uranus’ action is swift and can be erratic although the changes will be what is required at the time and the need for change has likely been in place for some time.


There is also an upcoming Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra which will certainly touch those within a 3° approach to this degree with their Sun or other placements of planets and angles within their chart. (We will be discussing the importance of this upcoming event in a future post).


Jupiter is also in early degrees of Taurus having an influence on what unfolds in the quincunx. T Neptune will play its part as well being in the final stages of Pisces also making a quincunx to those with their Sun in these degrees.


In general, this upcoming period certainly suggests that adjustments are necessary for those with important connections related to these positionings.


More will be written in upcoming posts about the influence of these positions in the natal chart, but for a personal analysis contact an experienced Astrologer.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall Beginner's and the Level II registrations are now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses in the future. Visit for course details.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Libra Forecast