We have had clients relay to us that they consider themselves out of alignment. Some suggest that they are way off while others feel that they are getting closer to their alignment.
How do we
become aligned?
The alignment that we speak of is being aligned to our inner self, our higher self, and our inner guide.
This inner
guide or our core personality knows and understands what we require and knows
the best way to go about reaching these requirements.
We do grow
as individuals as we mature into ourselves and in the process, we change and
develop. We walk down many different
roads taking us towards our objectives, even when we are not sure what exactly
these objectives may be.
Being aligned
with our inner core allows us to listen, be open to and to following the advice
we are presented with from within. We
always have options, and we are never forced to move in any particular
direction even when it appears we are without choices. We always make the final decision on any
action we take.
The more
open we allow ourselves to be, the easier it is to hear the voice of reason,
the voice of calm and the voice of collaboration. When we begin realizing that this inner guide
is actually assisting, the clearer the messages become. Our inner alignment or higher self is also
tied to our collective source which resonates at an even higher level. We are fragments of this higher vibrational energy,
and this source energy is complete and is indivisible.
How do we understand
from a human perspective where this energy comes from?
How do we understand
the message that it is inferring?
It is my
opinion that we are incapable of understanding with our earthly minds. This
higher source energy enfolds all of us and is in constant communication with us.
When we are
in alignment, this essence is recognized as not only hope, but also as peace,
contentment and love.
How do we
go about finding this?
You have
already found it because it has never been lost. As you align, it surfaces. It
is within you, always has been, always will be. It is a part of everyone.
If you have comments, questions
or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via www.holmastrology.com/contact-us or holmastrology@gmail.com
Visit www.holmastrology.com for
more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we
Holm Astrology also offers
individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us
at www.holmastrology.com/intuitive-readings
Are you interested in learning
Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late
winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit www.holmastrology.com/astrology-classes for course details.