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Showing posts with label recycledKnowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycledKnowledge. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 May 2024


Process your feelings. When the lesson is learned, a door will begin to open. Be ready to step forward.

We all walk the road of life together.  Even those that feel as though they are alone in life, share it one way or another. We are never alone, and even in the darkest moments, someone stands by your side.  Know this and hold it close to your heart.


Sometimes our road needs to be revamped.  Sometimes we must step away from those travelling with us and take our own path. Sometimes those that we wish to remove from our life are actually the ones that need to walk this new path with us.


Lessons come from many different channels, and we must learn to accept them and learn what we must and continue on. Ignoring life’s lessons will only bring a repeat of the lesson and likely bring it with much more intensity. Things always happen for a reason and quite often, at least in the moment of engagement, we are not aware of the “why” behind what is taking place.


Sometimes our lessons pull us away from the familiar into new circumstances; and other times, we are taught to revamp what we know. We seldom know what comes next, but it is important not to anticipate the worst. Far too often we become depressed with what has taken place and because of this, our mind walks down the road of worry, anxiety and despair. So often, the bleakest of circumstances are the pivoting moments to a future far better than we could have anticipated. Change, whether for the better or what seems to be a bleak future, can be stressful but also temporary.


Always think carefully before you act or make decisions to move forward. The decisions you make today will affect your tomorrows. Never give up. Change is guaranteed in life. It may be swift; it may take time.


Process your feelings and actions. When the lesson is learned, the door will begin to open to the new. Be ready to step forward. Discard what you have outgrown but don’t discard anything worth carrying forward.


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Process your feelings. When the lesson is learned, a door will begin to open. Be ready to step forward.

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