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Showing posts with label words. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 October 2024


The ability to speak your mind, to participate in a conversation, to listen to understand what is being shared are key to communicating effectively with others. 


Some people are afraid to open themselves up in case of debate and yet others may take advantage of what they reveal.  Some have insecurities with their intellect and are uncomfortable when open dialogue is required.


At the same time, there are those that love debate and even confrontation.


It is important to know when to let others speak and to give our full attention. It is also important to be heard and to communicate what is important. Listening, sharing and respect are imperative in effective communication. Communication is a must.
Communication however is not just about speaking. An important key to communicating is listening, truly listening without thinking about what the response is going to be, to give the speaker your undivided attention.


In significant relationships, it is important to be open and discuss life events, even those you may feel insignificant.  It is important to open up to those that matter in life and discuss even the most intimate topics so that together resolutions can be worked out. When we open to conversation about any subject, we are closer to those that we communicate with.


In general conversation, there are individuals that constantly chatter, possibly because of excitement, anxiousness, lack of communication elsewhere, self-importance and the list goes on.  Those that never stop talking can be quite disruptive and need to be reminded that others have important contributions in a conversation as well. 


It is important to know when to let others speak and to give our full attention. It is also important to be heard and to communicate what is important. Listening, sharing and respect are imperative in effective communication. Communication is a must.


What type of communicator are you?


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #lifelessons #communication #communicationisamust #listen #undividedattention #words #conversation #debate #Newblogpost


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