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Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Holm Astrology is thrilled to announce a Basic Beginner's Astrology Course commencing November 13, 2017.

See our Calendar for specific course dates at 

There will be nine classes in total which will be held in Barrie, Ontario.

The classes are $25 each or if prepaid, the full course can be purchased at a discounted rate of $200. See Our Web Store at

For Course Outline and Details visit 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at 

Monday, 30 October 2017


If your North Node (NN) is in Scorpio, your South Node (SN) would then be in Taurus.

With the NN in Scorpio, your aim is transformation through life’s experiences.  This NN is suggesting that you are the truth seeker, the digger and the one who will uncover all that is hidden beneath the surface.  This is a very psychic placement and you have come to discover your abilities and to develop them over time.  You are here to define who you are and transform as you mold into yourself.  This will be a life of intensity; a life of learning about the occult/mysticism/spirituality and all of their teachings.  Some with this NN will need to go to great depths uncovering qualities within themselves that are both positive and less than desirable before they open up to forces greater than themselves. 

Those with the Scorpio NN are powerful and will find this power as time goes by and as they begin to understand life’s mission.  This mission may be to find answers to questions that many others do not want answered.  This placement creates the detective, the investigator, the occultist and also from a higher level, the spiritualist.  These are all in the making and transformation is part of life. 

With this placement, you will find that there is great resilience in this life and you will find that sex and life and death issues all play powerful roles.  You are here to uncover and go deep to find places within that will replace anything superficiality.  Eventually you will find your home in the realm of psychic sensitivity.

With Taurus as the SN, you have come from a life of materialistic concerns, a life where financial security was important.  You may find that you still hold on to this.  You are not here to find security through material conquests.  You are here to find security through finding yourself in mystical practices.  You may have come from riches and handling money came easy.  Now part of this earth life may be attached to making a living through banking or working with other people’s money, but life runs so much deeper than this.  You know this now.  Yes; we live in a material world and do have to earn a living and finding material wealth feels comfortable, but it still leaves you empty and asking for more. 

Be sure to watch which node you are working from.  Make sure you are staying away from the comfort zone (SN) within the framework of possessions.  You have brought with you a steadfast approach and will steadily move towards your goals which should be centered on finding the truth and uncovering life’s mysteries.  You may have come from wealth or lack thereof and you may find yourself wishing to find comfort in these things.  This is not your course for this life.  You are here to discover and find yourself through self-examination and many internal changes.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Saturday, 28 October 2017


You will note that our post from yesterday, October 27, 2017, titled "Saturn Conjunct Sun in Scorpio" has been deleted. Most embarrassing as it was created in error.

I write posts well in advance and obviously this was a late night creation. The only thing that makes sense for this error is that I was thinking of my wife's chart and what is taking place in her chart.

No excuses however.

I promise to be more diligent in the future.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Holm Astrology


For information on astrology and the charts we offer, please visit our website at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Thursday, 26 October 2017


Have we reached our tipping point? 

The world and its political arena seem to be heading for collapse.  If so, how will this affect us?  Does this reveal that the duties and motives of some politicians are misrepresented by them?  In the free world, politicians are supposed to reflect and act upon the choices and sentiment of their people.  If our politicians are not doing this than either they are not fulfilling their duties or our understanding of leadership is incorrect.

It feels at times that we are in the midst of a storm and it appears that many are being swept into the turmoil of its force.  After any storm, however, is there not a clearing and the sun returns?  There are those of us that recognize what is currently taking place as a simple storm and nothing more.  It does not have to be catastrophic and debilitating, but once it clears, it should enhance a welcomed change.

There are many that are awakening to a clearer vision of what our world is moving towards.  It does not have to be devastation or disillusion.  It is a foreseeable turning point where we can learn to work together.  There can be a unique interchange which has not been adhered to up until this point. 

We are on this road together.  Many are awakening to their true self and their authentic light is shining bright. 

We cannot help but see it if we are looking for this energy.  We feel it within the core of our being and we understand that it is unfolding at an increasing rate. 

In the face of adversity, stand tall.   Know that you are meant to be here and experience today’s events.  Have faith in the process.  Believe in yourself and stay open.  Allow love and compassion, and you will bring love and compassion to our world.   You do not have to own the sentiment or energies of those around you.  Their energies and focus are not yours.

For information on astrology and the charts we offer, please visit our website at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 25 October 2017


There are two nodes of the Moon, the North Node and the South Node.  These areas of the chart are always in opposition (180 degrees apart).  They are known as destiny’s gate or the axis of fate.  These Nodes have a karmic and spiritual relevance and some say they are the meeting point between the higher powers and humanity as a whole.  This is where the spiritual energies enlighten humanity with their life’s mission.  It speaks about where we should be heading (North Node) and where we have come from in a life that has significant ties to this one (South Node). 

The South Node has connections with our past, and we bring with us qualities that we can use in this life to help us connect with our current life’s mission.  The South Node is an area or energy that we are comfortable with, as these energies are instinctively familiar.  The North Node, however, is completely new and rather unknown to us.  Most of us are a little uncomfortable with the energies of our North Node (NN).  However, life tends to keep pushing us towards our NN objectives.  We are linked to the NN as this is what we need to learn and to develop and use as our journey continues.

It takes some courage in surrendering to our NN energies and direction in life.  New areas are opened and revealed to us over time, and they are necessary traits to be acquired in order to facilitate the growth required by the soul. 

The North and South Node often provide us with information so we can decipher why we have come into this life and what our purpose truly is.  It is said that what happens in this life is tied to what we have experienced previously.

The North Node is known as the dragon’s head while the South Node is known as the dragon’s tail.  These nodes although coming from different perspectives will aid in our quest and foster growth through life’s experience that will eventually lead us to where we are meant to go.  The North Node and South Node are defined by sign and house position.  For example since they are always 180 degrees apart, if you have a NN in Pisces in the third house, you will have a SN in Virgo in the ninth house.

The house position is similar to having the ruling sign position.  As a result, if, for example, you have the NN in the first house, it is like having the NN in the first sign of Aries.  The SN would be in the seventh house which would be like having the SN in Libra.  Between the Nodal sign position and the Nodal house position, you will get a good idea of what life’s mission might be.  Many in early life are led by the SN node tendencies as this is a comfortable place.  As we mature into ourselves, we begin to develop our NN abilities and move into our destined path.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Praying and meditating have a similarity in that they both, in their own way, assist us in reaching the inner realms.  Both stimulate heighten awareness and more often than not, focus on internal connections as oppose to outside influences.  Many do not consider that when we are praying, we are not asking for guidance from some separate foreign energy.  We are actually speaking and making contact with our source which is a part of each of us. 

So many pray to God, Source, the Universe with the intent of communicating their feelings, their wishes and their gratitude to an outside, entity/energy, someone or something separate from themselves.  God, Source, the Universe or love, which are all one and the same, is found within.  We are all one.  This oneness includes higher powers or energies, spiritual entities and enlightened beings.

Meditation and prayer is also a technique that allows the inner energy to gently speak its truth.  For some, this is what we are trying to reach when we meditate.  We reach for a connection to our higher self or the total God Consciousness.  We quiet the mind, silence the ego and focus on stillness.  This can be a little difficult in the early stages, but becomes easier with regular practice.  Everything can be found within.  Nothing is found from external sources.  We are all made of that special stardust, if you will.  It is who we are.

Prayer and meditation are the key ingredients to connection with our true self.  These are tools to open the door and to allow the energies to flow.  Reach inward and recognize your connection.  It is already there.  You simply have to recognize the whole.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Monday, 23 October 2017


The Sun moves into the self-reliant and passionate sign of Scorpio on October 24, 2017.  These people are strong and intense individuals.  They seem to know what they are doing although they may be secretive about their objectives.  They like to keep some part of themselves a mystery and because of this, may be difficult to get to know on a personal level.

Scorpio individuals have a great interest in the intangible and love a mystery.  They have the ability to get to the bottom of issues that may be buried deep within.  They are also quite intuitive and will feel their way through some of life’s experiences.  Many are interested in the occult, mysticism and spiritual practices although they have also been known to go into what could be considered the darker areas where others may not venture.  You could say they are fearless although this attribute is far more prominent with the sign of Aries.  Scorpio, however, are strong and unafraid of what could be referred to as hidden matters or dark secrets.

These individuals do not like to show any vulnerability and any signs of weakness are well hidden from others.  They can be comfortable in situations that can be life altering and although they don’t like change, they recognize that change is inevitable on some level.  They also have great recuperative powers and when they experience life changes, they are able to recover and build inner strength along the way.

Those with their Sun in Scorpio are determined and are rarely passive or neutral about anything.  They may be somewhat reserved, although if crossed can strike back with a vengeance, when the time is right of course.  It is not a good idea to undermine these individuals, although those Scorpio individuals that are evolved can go deep enough to find resolutions and the answers to most any problem without the need for revenge. 

They are the truth-seekers of the Zodiac and have good judgement and insight.  Others will rarely be able to slip something by a Scorpio individual without them noticing.  Determination and persistence are their strong points, and when challenged, can be quite frank and unswerving in their delivery.  Scorpio individuals are not known for their calm demeanour, although when others need to be calmed, they have the ability to redirect others and to assist others in reaching a state of calm.  Scorpions, if it is their objective, have a way about them that helps those in need find a better place.

Scorpio’s motto could be “I desire”.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Saturday, 21 October 2017


Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Friday, 20 October 2017


Venus is the planet of love and attraction.  Its movement through the zodiac is quick and often very passive in its energies.  Its influence lasts not much longer than a day or two, but while in retrograde can stimulate an area of your chart for much longer.  In retrograde, Venus can pass over a specific area of your chart several times and highlight that area for the duration it is in effect. 

Venus often draws things to you and this could include romantic involvement, social attractions, financial conditions, creativity.  It often suggests that this is a time to enjoy yourself.  Venus in its highest form is love, pure love; and its connections can bring wonderful experiences. 

Venus in almost any aspect to another planet or significant angle has positive ramifications.  Even under the more harsh astrological aspects, such as the square and opposition, Venus often brings fruitful conditions although you may have to work to get there.  Saturn is often the only contrary planet as it seems to test love and affection.  Saturn is the teacher and can create struggle, although the final rewards may be a relationship.  Venus factors “growing into maturity” under a more stable and secure structure.

Under the influence of Venus, it is a time to have fun, go to parties, host parties and socialize with others.  It often suggests pleasant conditions and fortunate encounters.  Venus can bring beauty and refinement into your life. 

Check which sign and house your natal Venus is located in to get a clearer picture of how Venus interacts within the natal framework of your specific chart.  Also check to see which house and which sign transiting Venus is moving through to get a clearer understanding of what areas of life are affected and under what energies its influence will affect.  The aspect it makes to natal planets has a huge impact on how the energies gel and how they will be released.

Enjoy your Venus transits when they are activated and have some fun.  Make the best out of a good thing.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Thursday, 19 October 2017


We continue our look at the New Moon in Libra from yesterday, October 18, 2017. 

As mentioned yesterday, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Libra peaking today, October 19, 2017 at 3:12 p.m. (Eastern daylight savings time).  Plant your seeds for growth or bring something already created to an exciting new level under these energies.  Please read yesterday’s post for information on the Libra New Moon specifically and the influence Jupiter currently has.  Today we will continue by looking at Mercury’s conjunction and Uranus’ opposition to the New Moon.   

Mercury conjunct this placement of the New Moon brings together mental reasoning into the realms of emotional and instinctive feelings.  You may find it easier to rationalize your emotions and this is not normally an easy task.  The energies of the New Moon in Libra can push you to be extremely protective of those you love and you can use your intellect to defend those that you might feel are being treated unjustly.  The emotions can work well with the intellect under this influence, and you may find ways to keep things in line and also find solutions to problems with family and friends.  As mentioned, it is all about balancing things out.

The only aspect that could be a little erratic would come from the opposition to Uranus.  Uranus is a bit impulsive and behaves in unconventional ways.  You might feel the need to break free from any intrusive behaviour from others or from life situations, at this time.  The desire to move in a different direction is strong and often other people or life circumstances seem to push you in this direction.  Uranus will bring awareness to anything that needs dealing with, but can make you behave erratically.  Remember, however, your response to life is always in your hands.  You choose how to handle any situation, so you cannot blame your reactions on anyone or anything else.  It is wise to accept responsibility. 

Check to see where these planets are transiting in your personal natal chart, especially Uranus as it will have an impact on that area of life for some time.  Uranus moves slowly through the zodiac, and it remains in each house for approximately seven years.  It may be affecting other planet or angles within your natal chart as well which will also have an influence but this obviously cannot be detailed without having seen the chart. 

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, and Venus often speak of financial conditions.  With Uranus and Jupiter as part of the equation, you may become overly extravagant during this time.  Watch for over-spending or spending on a whim.  Erratic financial conditions are sometimes part of the process and you may find that you come into money or spend too much money during this time. 

It is a good idea to monitor your spending and use your funds wisely.  Even though you feel like you can spend freely during this time, it might not be the best idea.

For further clarification of transiting Uranus and other transiting planets as well as any progressions now affecting your natal chart, we have information on the planets and houses on our website at

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


On October 19, 2017, we will be experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Libra.  As we have mentioned many time before, the New Moon signifies the potential for starting something (time to plant your seeds) or to bringing something already created to an exciting new level.  This ability to go deeper into something already begun or begin something completely new applies to everyone. 

When deciphering what influence the New Moon will have on you specifically, it is important to know that the energies will have a greater influence if it is near a planet (either by conjunction, square or opposition) in your Astrology chart.  It should be within five degrees to a planet or important angle.  The closer to exact, the stronger effect it will have in your life.  Check to see which houses are being touched by this New Moon (the house of the New Moon and the house/houses of planets affecting the position of the New Moon).  Sextiles and Trines also affect the New Moon; however, the more challenging aspects will promote growth and opportunities to accelerate the potential, while the easy aspect speak of easy flow and often comfort within the areas of life affected.  As a result, the easier aspects may not promoting action.

The new Moon in the sign of Libra often points to the energies of pleasing experiences, social settings, amiable situations and sometimes important love relationships.  It is a time of balancing and harmonizing relationships with others and also a time to look for harmony within self.  It is a balancing time not a balanced time.  If there are problems within close personal relationships, this will be the time when you have the potential of correcting these issues.  You can be personal, influential and also quite agreeable.  Do not go overboard with this, however, as Jupiter is conjunct this positioning and often exaggerates whatever potential is available.

Jupiter tends to amplify things.  It tends to blow things out of proportion or make you think in over-optimistic terms.  Being optimistic and feeling that nothing can go wrong is a portion of the energies that Jupiter will bring.  This can be a good thing as long as you do not over-expect, as this can bring feelings of despair when Jupiter passes from this position.  Jupiter brings expansion and teaches us about life’s philosophies while experiencing it.  Jupiter’s energies can open doors at this time and bring people into our circle that have great influence on us in very positive ways.

We will continue our look at the New Moon in Libra and the current aspects to it tomorrow.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Tuesday, 17 October 2017


I have read, as I am sure many of you have as well, that we are currently experiencing a shift in consciousness. 

Do you feel it?  

What, if anything, can you do to prepare for such a shift?  Do you need to do anything?  How will it affect you, if at all? 

These are questions that we have heard being tossed around. 

Whether we take action or not, the shift is in motion. 

How do you prepare?  The energies, as with any energy, will touch us if and when we are ready.  The personal experience of these energies only unfolds at the rate we are able to experience them.  One individual may have already undergone an immense shift.  The next individual may only have a few more things that need to surface to begin their new journey and yet another person may have years of prep work ahead of them. 

Preparation can be part of the process and many of us have been going through changes at an incredible rate in the recent past.  What can we do to prepare?  We can, but it is not necessary, have a look at our life and make changes if we feel we must.  Most importantly, let go and recognize the eternal moment and its significance.  Be present and allow.

Are you ready?  Think about that question for a moment.  We would not be focused on this shift if we were not ready.  Let go of the outcome and enjoy the process. 

How will it affect you?  It is enlightening.  This journey brings you into the moment and within that moment resides everything. 

Release your expectations.  This experience may seem new, yet we also know the feeling, as though we are returning home.  It is somehow familiar. 

You are part of the shift.  Enjoy and be.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Monday, 16 October 2017


Sometimes it is good to have a bit of a re-freshener with Astrology.  The fundamental basics are essential and need to be carried through even with the most advanced techniques.  In the field of Astrology you will always be a student.  It is important to recognize that we will NEVER know all that is available through Astrology as it is an ongoing science.  As an Astrologer, it is essential to always be open to and welcome continued education as you will be a permanent student of Astrology.

The sign positioning and house positioning of planets and significant angles (MC, ASC, DC, IC) are the most relevant in determining the areas of life (houses) and the relevant signature traits (signs) inherent with a chart.  Always look to these positions and placements to get a clear picture of the energies inherent in the chart.  House placements and Sign positioning emphases, such as a Stellium in a house or sign for example, will greatly enhance that area of the chart.

The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant are determining factors in the individual’s expression and greatly enhance the character traits of an individual.  A Stellium, for example, in the sign of Leo or an emphasis in the fifth house ruled be Leo, will significantly change the character of someone with a Virgo or Capricorn Sun for example.  This is a perfect example of why some people do not fit into their Sun sign character trait (and for the simple fact there is so much more involved in an Astrology chart than just the Sun sign).

Tight aspects between Planets or Angles have a profound impact on the energies of the planets or angles that are aspecting.  For example, using the Leo signature again, it will be very difficult for the Sun in Leo to have the usual flair and ego consciousness if there is a square from let’s say the Moon and Saturn.  It would take hard work to bring to the forefront the emotional response of the typical Leo and its release due to the square from Saturn and the Moon.  This individual would have to work very hard to express themselves emotionally and with any type of vigor in comparison to say someone with a Leo Sun with a conjunction from Mercury, Jupiter and Venus or a rising sign of Leo as well as a Sun in Leo. 

Angles or aspects from other planets help determine how challenged or with what ease an individual has in releasing the energies from that planet.  The energies are also influenced greatly by the energies of other planets.  For example, a Sun in Leo individual with a conjunction to Uranus in Leo would also be somewhat eccentric in their expression and have a very unique character.  With a Pluto conjunction this individual would express themselves in a more dynamic manner and have great power in their self-expression.  This could point to leadership abilities being enhanced, but could also indicate a domineering individual.

Astrological configurations, as well as an emphasis on an aspect or lack of aspect, will also have a profound effect on the individual’s life journey.  A person with a Grand Square will have much more challenging conditions in life than someone with a Grand Trine.  The Grand Square individual will have opposing factors within their life’s mission but can use these energies to propel them forward in life once these energies are harnessed.  The Grand Trine individual will have a greater ease in obtaining benefits than that of other individuals, but may also become complacent and sit back far too much when they should be driving themselves forward.

These are a few examples of the factors which must be considered when deciphering a natal chart   Although they may seem rudimentary, they are significant and should never be overlooked when determining factors at work in an individual’s Astrology chart.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Saturday, 14 October 2017


The Fair is finally here.  Doors open at 10 a.m. today, October 14.  Our last booking will be 4:30 p.m. 

We are located at the beautiful Georgian Bay Hotel & Conference Centre, 10 Vacation Inn Drive in Collingwood, Ontario.

Admission to the fair is free.

These events are traditionally very busy and bookings are a first come first serve basis.

We will be offering Astrology base oracle card readings only at the fair as Astrology charts are too extensive with the fair time restraints.  You are certainly welcome to book an Astrology chart reading for a future date. 

Please be sure to locate us at the fair and stop to say hello.

Friday, 13 October 2017


This transit of Pluto to Venus can manifest in several ways.  First and usually foremost it speaks in terms of love and romance.  Second, it may speak in terms of your finances, material possessions and in some cases, artistic pursuits.

When it comes to love and romance, it often brings to the surface challenges within an existing relationship that can now be dealt with and rectified.  It can deepen and bring more security within this relationship as long as you deal with things appropriately.  If there are problems, they usually stem from ego and power struggles.  You must recognize them as such and be able to face and deal with them.  Sometimes the relationship seems to be running along perfectly and now becomes even deeper and more satisfying.  The relationship reaches a new level of understanding and commitment under this influence.

If this period brings a new relationship into fruition, this relationship can be a deep and personal one with strong sexual energies.  You seem to know each other instinctively or the dialogue between you is very deep and personal.  The potential for change and evolution for both of you is heighten, and this applies to a new found relationship or a long standing one.  Pluto transforms, regenerates and speaks of personal change.  Its energies can make love relationships profound and with great substance.  In general, trines speak of easy flow and a good rapport.  This combination bring positive outcomes to life.  This aspect is the one we are always waiting for.

If this transit of Pluto to Venus brings financial conditions into focus, then it often speaks of potential increases in this area.  You may inherit money, come into money through marriage or partnership, even through business associations. 

Sometimes Venus speaks about creative potential and much recognition is possible at this time.  You will need to bring things to the surface and find ways to express your creativity, perhaps through shows, or through the meeting of influential people.  It is a time to push forward with your creative insights and let others see what you are capable of doing.

Your feelings are stimulated at this time, and you can make things happen.  DO NOT sit back in reflection even though Pluto will make this easy to do.  Push forward and strive to reach your objectives in life, whether this is creative and/or romantic.  The energies are in a good place and you should use them to assist you in uncovering what you are in search of.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Thursday, 12 October 2017


Our thoughts are essentially the control centre of our lives.  What we concentrate or focus on, what we believe and what our expectations are form our reality and enhance or hinder our life’s conditions. 

We are not our minds, however.  We do not have to be held captive by our thoughts but we must first recognize that we have control of our thoughts.  We are the observer and with this knowing can direct our thoughts in whatever direction feels appropriate.  Over time, thoughts and expectations build and grow our reality.

Why would we not focus our thoughts in positive directions?  Remember thoughts mold and create.  Belief structures become our present moment.  We always have choices as to which road we will follow with our responses to events in life.  When we recognize that we are not travelling in the direction we wish to or we are in a place of discomfort, we can switch to a place of peace by moving our thoughts in a peace filled direction.  This will take practice but with practice, we find that we have to intentionally redirect our thoughts less and less frequently.  Eventually it becomes natural to see the positive in each and every moment.

If we attempt to ignore something or try to avoid thinking about something, we are still giving it energy and focus.  We are essentially feeding what we are attempting to get away from.  The energies of life or the universe (whatever you choose to call it), does not decipher whether our focus is good or bad, it just gives us more of the same.  So the thoughts we allow and process are just as important as our belief structures and expectations.  We are molding as we move through our lives.  It may take time to manifest but we will move in that direction as long as we are not creating road blocks (consciously or unconsciously).

In our true and highest form, we are spirit borrowing this physical vehicle, temporarily.  We have the ability to transform our lives to better follow the plan in place for our spiritual development.  Know that we each walk our individual path and there will be challenging conditions from time to time but we are here to learn.  We have been given the tools we need to accomplish what we must.  We can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way.  It is a personal choice.
You are in control of your attitude, your focus, your response, etc.  You and only you make the choices.  For some individuals this take much practice for others it becomes as easy as breathing. 

Will you focus on and expect negativity in order to create difficulties (which truly are just hard lessons to be learned)?  Have you not followed this route long enough? 

Accept responsibility.  Shift into knowing?  Regardless of what takes place in life, take control of your reaction and your action.  How will you handle your next lesson? 

We can never blame others for the actions we take.  We can sculpture our lives into that which we truly want them to be.  What are you creating?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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Wednesday, 11 October 2017


If transiting Pluto is currently trine your natal Mars, Mars would have to be in an earth sign, either Taurus or Virgo as transiting Pluto is in Capricorn. 

Pluto is a powerful transformative planet and pushes for change and evolution through these changes.  With Mars and Pluto both being in earth signs, these transformations often take the form of material quests.  Trines are favourable and even with the energies associated with Mars and Pluto, which can both be disruptive, if harnessed, can produce a powerful drive to achieve.  Trines represent flowing energies and most often characterize opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities when associated with Pluto and Mars only come after perplexing and challenging conditions.  More often than not, anything worth having comes with some type of lesson energy.

There is a lot of energy attached to these two planets and the drive is often towards material objectives.  This could be brought forward within the working environment or with a personal achievement taking hold after a lot of diligent work on your part.  Some receive recognition from those in positions of authority for all their diligent work under the influence of this aspect. 

With natal Mars in an earth sign, much of what you have been doing may have gone unnoticed by your superiors.  Now, however, your efforts come to the surface and is often followed by acknowledgement.  This goal or objective you have been working on is important to you and although it may benefit others, it stems from something within.  Because of this, you may gain power in some way.

This is a very physical based alignment, and it will be a favourable time to enrol in any kind of physical activity that requires great effort on your part.  Most sports are favoured under this influence, especially such things as martial arts, wrestling and body building.  This energy mixes well with short bursts of strong energy, but is not as conducive for long or softer actions.  The energies are good for re-building and regenerating the body and provides vital energy and staying power.

This combination is known to be a confidence builder as well as an energy builder, especially if you have been struggling for a long time with an ongoing problem.  In rare cases trines have been known to stimulate energy to flow with individuals that have been terminally ill.  Some people after a long struggle finally make the final push to pass over, but there would have to be several other influences in the chart suggesting the same thing.  In most cases this is a very positive aspect although someone who has been struggling with Cancer, for example, and finally letting go is positive in its own sense.

Use these energies constructively in your life.  The worst thing you can do at this time is to do nothing.  These energies need to be released.  If not utilized, they may release themselves in a much more aggressive manners.  In most cases, it is better to go with the flow than fight the process.  Pluto often creates change after a challenging period, but these changes are a requirement of the soul and will pan out in a positive way over the long haul. 

Take advantage of this time in your life and take the steps that will ultimately aid you as time goes by.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


There are times when our journey through life seems hindered.  We feel weighted down and overwhelmed by life events which we seem to have no control over. 

Do not view these as stressors or punishment; these are valuable lessons from which we can experience our greatest growth. 

Depending upon our attitude and focus, we may feel at the mercy of life and react in ways that do little but feel as though they send us backwards in our growth. 

What do we do to relieve these tensions and how can we find hope when everything seems too harsh to deal with especially from a rational point of view?

We are never alone.  There are many that walk this journey with us.  Some that accompany us are angels disguised in earthly bodies and there are also those that are not visible to most human eyes.  These are guiding forces beyond this earthly dimension that can always be relied on.  They are always available to us even when you feel completely alone.  If we quiet the mind, we can listen to that little bit of inspiration, that little piece of information spilling through.  Pay heed to those quiet messages for this information is powerful.

Our guides are with us always and although we walk our own road in this life, they often provide a guiding hand, especially in our darkest hours.  We can be so caught up in events and emotions that we do not notice the gentle persuasive nudges that points us towards the solution.  The guidance or assistance is never overwhelming or forceful.  As we learn to hear our guides, the voice can become much more direct, and we feel as though we certainly need to listen.  Even with these more clear messages, the delivery is still subtle in its expression.  It always comes through in a gentle fashion and love is in its expression.

Recognize that we are never alone.  Our guides will always be with us. 

We are one of the many sparks from the fire of life we call source.  If we are all sparks of this one fire, who truly then are our guides?

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.

Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

Please “Like” us on Facebook. Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.

If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please

Monday, 9 October 2017

Saturday, 7 October 2017


Mark your calendar.  Saturday, October 14, 2017 is next weekend!

Holm Astrology will be participating in the Body & Mind Psychic Fair at the beautiful Georgian Bay Hotel & Conference Centre located at 10 Vacation Inn Drive in Collingwood, Ontario.

The fair will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

As with all events hosted by Lynn Anne Hill, admission to the fair is free. Of course, there will be draw prizes!

These events are traditionally very busy and we recommend that you pre-booking your appointment to avoid disappointment. Prepay your appointment with Holm Astrology and get a discounted rate. Here is a link for your convenience.

Once you have ordered your reading, contact us so we can reserve your time at

Hope to see you there.

Friday, 6 October 2017


Once we have built a good foundation of the fundamentals of Astrology with the signs, houses, and aspects, we can then begin to grasp the meanings behind the horoscope.  The birth chart is a precise tool which delineates the character traits of an individual.  There are unlimited combinations and variations found in a natal chart and this is what defines each of us as unique personalities.

Once you have a clear picture of what energies are suggestive of an individual for example from someone with Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon and how this person would differ from someone with Aquarius Sun and Cancer Moon (which is only a part of the process), we can move on to delineate a chart for upcoming transits and progressions.  Transits and progressions decipher what potential future events or areas of life will be affected by the passing of the planetary giants in our solar system (and through our chart).

We have to take into consideration all the planets but pay particular attention to the outer planets, especially Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto together with any inner planet that is in retrograde motion (appears to be moving backwards) for a prolonged period of time.  The inner planets move very quickly through the zodiac and under most conditions, usually only impact us for a very short period of time and have little to no lasting influence.

The outer planets and retrograde planets passing over sensitive points in our birth chart, particularly the Ascendant and the Midheaven, can have profound effects on our lives and these often point towards turning points or significant life events that can alter our perception or instigate action that changes our perceptions or can point towards changes in our lives.

The most powerful transit is a transiting planet conjuncting (0 to 10 degrees apart) a natal sensitive point or planetary body.  The energies of the planets merge and become one and under many conditions, they intensify their energies when they are linked together. 

The houses are areas of life and the transiting planet will intensify these points and may produce profound life altering effects especially when several transiting planets are saying something in the chart that is repeated.

The outer planets can be in an orb of influence for up to two to three years depending on when they go into retrograde motion and when they become direct again.  The first impact when a transiting planet makes an important aspect to another planet and makes a direct aspect to a natal point or planet will be the strongest.  An example of this might be Saturn conjunction Mars at 15 degree of Aries.  Both planets become direct when the transiting planet is exactly 15 degrees Aries (0 degrees difference).  This applies to squares, a 90 degree aspect, the opposition, a 180 degree aspect and all other major aspects, (the trine, sextile) as well as the minor aspects (semi-sextile, the semi-square and so forth).  The major aspects are more significant than the minor aspects and the challenging aspects usually promote transitional times in our lives.

There are several progressed aspects that are also important in determining factors in a chart and the potential for change in a person’s life.  We will look at the progressions at a later date.  The energies of a progression bring about more internal changes.  You will use the progressed Moon, transiting Mars as well as the transiting Sun and transiting Uranus as timers, as they often produce a push that activates the energies of the outer planets and often signify an event or a peak producing internal insight.

Today we have only touched on how to delineate potential life events as well as the timing as to when these events may unfold.  The area of life affected will be described by the houses involved in the transit or progression, as well as the natal placement of the transiting planets by aspect and house placement.

We will certainly have to take an even closer look at Astrology Forecasting techniques at a later date.

Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.
Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at

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If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit