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Tuesday, 17 September 2024


Much of how we act today (and react if applicable) is reflective of our opinion of how and what has transpired in our life up to this point.  We react to life experiences and our response will enhance growth or stagnate or even deterioration.  Much depends on the resilience and attitude of each individual as they encounter life.  Some face life with resistance, some face life with observance, some face life completely open and some face life with fear.  Much depends on your upbringing, your inner personality, your attitude, your state of mind as well as the circumstances that life has provided.


Some of us recognize the inner beauty that dwells within and bring it out into the open without fear of what others may think.  Some of us keep our inner beauty hidden beneath the surface for various reasons.
Within most individuals, but not all, dwells a hidden face reflecting our inner beauty and affectionate response to others.  Some put on a tough exterior that they feel they need to protect them; some relax and show this inner face, some withdraw as they are deeply affected by what goes on around them and they take on other’s energies. 


We all need a place of solace and peace.  We all need a comfort zone. 


Some of us recognize the inner beauty that dwells within and bring it out into the open without fear of what others may think.  Some of us keep our inner beauty hidden beneath the surface for various different reasons.


Perhaps it’s time to reveal that softer, more gentle person that lies within, to reveal that inner beauty.  Perhaps we need to rise above our fears and be open to life. 


Letting go is not a weakness. It is faith in life that whatever transpired is meant to transpire as it should. It is faith in ourselves that we are who we should be.


Imagine a world where the vibration has been raised beyond fear.


Will you allow your inner beauty to shine?


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #innerbeauty #beyou #showthetrueyou #innerself #innerlight #letyourlightshine #newblogpost


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Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall course is now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Fill out your registration form and submit it to us so that you can joint us. Visit for course details.


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