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Monday 23 September 2024


Sun in Libra aspects 2024 involving Jupiter and Pluto have a favourable and lasting quality for those affected.  It would be wise to take advantage while they present themselves to you.
The Sun in Libra aspects 2024 that we are about to highlight applies to those people who have their Sun in the sign of Libra at the degree of influence noted giving yourself a 5–8° orb of influence.  The planets mentioned will be allotted their appropriate degrees as of October 2024 but will change degrees as the year progresses and an ephemeris will be required to see what degrees throughout the coming year.


Transiting Mercury will join up with those with their Sun in Libra from the 26th of September to the 14th of October. Mercury will affect everyone who has their Sun in Libra at some point during Mercury’s visit in the sign of Libra. 


The conjunction of Mercury with your Sun is a powerful combination, and the thinking process particularly connected to personal plans and goals in life will be enhanced and, in many cases, understood.  This, in general, will be a good time to make sure that you move ahead with your plans as the mind is focused on these areas.  The rest of the chart always needs to be deciphered to get a clear picture of the energies in place during the Sun and Mercury application as well.


Transiting Jupiter (21° Gemini and it goes retrograde October 8) will make a trine to those with their Sun in the mid to lower degrees of Libra.  Trines carry with them easy flow, opportunities, and good luck.  This is what we wait for and especially so with Jupiter, the great benefactor of the Zodiac. 


Even when Jupiter is in retrograde motion, which it will be until February 3, 2025, going down to 11° Gemini, it will still have positive effects although you may have to work a little harder and be more diligent in how you maneuver your way forward.  Jupiter brings with it growth, good fortune, expansion and opportunities for learning.


Transiting Pluto is just entering Aquarius, although it will make a short visit back into Capricorn on September 2 through until November 19 when it moves into Aquarius to stay for many years to come. 


Pluto has to do with transformation, and often brings new beginnings because something has to come to an end as it no longer suits your growth potential or no longer serves any viable purpose.  Pluto brings about the death of one thing in order to bring new life with something else into your life. 


Pluto also makes a trine to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Libra.  Pluto moves slowly, sometimes only 1° a year so it will have a profound effect on those with the Sun at the same degrees as Pluto.  Pluto not only makes changes on the outside and affects your goals, but it will likely make changes on a personal basis.  It is best not to fight the energies of Pluto as it will make its stand and can force action when being held back. What Pluto calls for is important and will be realized.


Sun in Libra aspects 2024 involving Jupiter and Pluto have a favourable and lasting quality to those affected.  It would be wise to take advantage while they present themselves to you.  The houses will highlight the areas of life being affected which are determined by the transiting position of these planets in your natal chart.  Of course, the natal potential will need to be studied as well to be fully informed on what lies ahead and has potential to grow.


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Join us at the WITCHES FALL MARKET & PSYCHIC FAIR on Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario for oracle card readings.


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Fall Beginners course have started. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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