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Showing posts with label PlutoGoesDirect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PlutoGoesDirect. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 October 2023


Today, October 10, 2023, Transiting Pluto moves into its direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde since May 2, 2023.


This will be the time for those individuals who have a planet or angle either Conjunct Pluto’s position (27/28° Capricorn) or in Opposition to this placement to go through some important changes and major transformations. The Square, Trine and Sextile aspect also have influences on this position but the Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful.


When Pluto goes direct is a time when you can move ahead with any issues that might have been buried or left on the back burner. You should move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.


If a relationship is what this speaks about (check house position for area of life) then it can mean new beginnings or endings that should have taken place long ago. Pluto is literally about death and rebirth and these endings, if this is the case, are likely total and complete. You will want to confront any part of yourself that needs facing or changing. These innate character traits may not be comfortable to face but this will bring a sense of power you may not have experienced before. Do what needs doing and life will take you to where you need to go.


It is time to be honest with not only yourself but also with others. Let the cards fall where they may. Honest self-reflection can change the course of your life and there may be no halfway measures about this. It offers psychological and, in some cases, spiritual insight and you may meet someone who helps you with this process or in the case of the opposition pushes you to confront your darkest secrets. This is not a time to be easy on yourself. It is a time of realization and confrontation and then healing can take place. Sitting back is not a good idea at this time and you may not have a choice when the veil begins to lift.


As mentioned, the areas of life will be indicative to the houses involved and the energies in place will correspond to the merging of the planets/angles involved in the aspect. You can give yourself about a 3 to 4° orb of influence. It will also be important to look at where your natal Pluto is situated and the aspects to it as this will give you further insight.


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Pluto goes direct is a time to move ahead with any issues that might have been buried. Move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.