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Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharing. Show all posts

Thursday, 13 February 2025


What are your personal gifts or abilities?


Be open to exchanging gifts.  Without help from others & being open to our own gifts, we lose their benefit. Share but be open to receiving too.
Do you have psychic or medium abilities, do you have musical or artistic abilities, do you have the ability to translate your deeper thoughts into writings, do you have the ability to repair, or do you have people skills?


These are some of the many gifts that we may have.  Gifts can be linked to almost anything from the mystical side of life to the practical side of life. 


Ask yourself what you are doing with these gifts. Are you sharing your gifts with others and what is your impact by sharing these gifts?


Your purpose may be to teach your gift to others so that they may grow and evolve, which also helps you on your evolutionary path.  You may not realize the impact you can have on others and at the same time the impact others can have on you from the connection you create. 


We should share our insight and talents with others and at the same time recognize that others have something of significance that will in turn inspire or motivate us. We can learn information that might otherwise not have been available to us if we are only open to others.


Energy exchange is important, maybe more important than you just using your expertise.  We share this earthly experience even though at times we feel solo on our journey. All that we do affects others.  What we know can help others.  What we do with our lives can benefit others, and in particular help us. 


Be open to exchanging gifts, gifts of knowledge and know-how and, on the other hand, be open to receiving what others have to offer. We are part of a whole and being part of that whole when we help or teach others, we too benefit.


Be open to exchanging gifts without measure. Be open to receiving.  Without help from others and without opening up to our own gifts, we lose the benefit of these gifts.  Gifts are meant to be shared, not hoarded. Hoarding stagnates our evolutionary quest.  Share life and whatever it is you have to give but also remember to open your arms to receiving too.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #lifelessons #exchanginggifts #personal #sharingknowledge #growth #giftsofknowledge #life #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 10 December 2024


Although our traditional season of giving is still a few weeks away, giving does not have to happen on just one day of the year. We live in a commercialized world which pushes us to spend our hard-earned money during these times on “things”.


You are one of the lucky ones. Be sure to acknowledge this and share where you can in any way you can, not just during the season of giving but always!
We can share with others at any time, and the season of giving is not a season, it is any time we decide to share with others.


The holiday season, (Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, Kwanzaa, Posadas Navidenas, Winter Solstice, Yule, Soyal, New Year, Ōmisoka and the list goes on and on) is a wonderful time for many to celebrate their own traditions with family and friends   


Although these celebrations are special, we must not only count our blessings at being able to commemorate these special times but to share life with loved ones on every other day of the year as well.


Our time and attention is the best thing we can give to those we love. Create and share memories that will last a lifetime. Do it often and without hesitation.


Our money can be shared to help those who live with shortages, again at any time of the year.  How can we help those that live in fear, in dangerous situations, with shortages? These individuals may be someone right next door or someone half a world away.


Not just during these seasons, but daily, be thankful for the magic we experience in our lives.


This season and every day after it, offer a lending hand to those in need.  Share your compassion and open the door to giving.  Be a part of it all and not just a spectator.  You are blessed to be here. There are no guarantees for the future, so celebrate your life, share the moments and be thankful for what is. 


You are one of the lucky ones. Be sure to acknowledge this and share where you can in any way you can, not just during the season of giving but always!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #opportunities #sharing #giving #shareyourtime #celebrations #holidayseason #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 22 October 2024


When sworn to secrecy, it takes deep contemplation and understanding to know when it is not acceptable to share and when it is essential to speak up. If you carry the weight of a secret, sharing your secret may far outweigh the benefits of keeping your secret hidden. If, however, you are sworn to secrecy, honor your commitment to this individual.
Trust and willpower are two key elements when being sworn to secrecy. You must know that you have the willpower to honor the wishes of the individual who trusts you.


There are times when what you know can cause harm to someone else and in some cases change their lives forever.  Let’s use a married couple for example. We are open and bear our deepest, darkest secrets to our partner. Even if the partnership falls apart, I personally believe it is our obligation to retain our partnership secrets as such. Divorce should not steal our integrity no matter how hurt or blindsided we may be.


There are also times that what we have learned needs to come to the surface because keeping it hidden and away from those that need to know can harm them as well. 


When sworn to secrecy, it takes deep contemplation and understanding to know when it is not acceptable to share and when it is essential to speak up.


For those asking for secrecy, it is important that they realize secrecy can harm them both physically and mentally.  Keeping a personal secret can cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, and a disconnect to name a few. It may be healthier to share your secret for your own health. Sharing will also give a feeling of control and release.  Sharing your secret can lighten the load.


If you carry the weight of a secret, sharing your secret may far outweigh the benefits of keeping your secret hidden.


If, however, you are sworn to secrecy, honor your commitment to this individual.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #secret #sworntosecrecy #sharing #secrecy #trust #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

Thursday, 4 January 2024


Are you overly focused on the needs of everyone else? 


Do you neglect your own needs? 


You matter as well.  If you don’t look after your own needs, who will? 


You are important and you can’t help others for long if you neglect yourself.  You matter and you should be a priority.

You have value.  Respect that value. Time to refocus.

Take a moment to think of something that you wish for yourself. What was your reaction? 


Your reaction will be a good indicator of the importance you place on “YOU”.  Is there a part that says you are not worthy or not good enough? 


Recognize your value. Do something for you!  We are not referring to material things. We are referring to your health - mentally, physically and spiritually. Pay particular attention to how you talk to yourself and how you prioritize your needs.


Listening to that little voice that whispers what is important for you right now, even if it is just a 5 minute break from the hustle of parenthood, from the demands of clients, etc.


You have value.  Respect that value. Time to refocus.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X


You have value.  Respect that value. Time to refocus.