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Monday, 22 January 2024


Happy solar return to our Aquarius readers.


Let’s look at some of the Sun in Aquarius transits (2024) that may be affecting Aquarians during their next journey around the Sun. 

The 2024 transits for Sun in Aquarius indicate that this should be an interesting period for those with aspects to different areas of their chart affected by Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. Astrology points the way, but it is up to us if we take the advice and use it to its fullest potential.

 The biggest and most powerful aspect affecting those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aquarius is the conjunction of Pluto to their Sun.  Depending on where your Sun is in the birth chart, this area of life is now subject to massive change.  What was in place previously is now subject to deep reflection creating inner changes as well as the likelihood of changes and transformations taking hold to the current path in life.


Some inner ego challenges are likely and the need for an honest look at your life will provide the answers to what is unfolding or needs to unfold as time passes.  This will likely be a long-term adjustment where something, from the past from an inner perspective affecting your life’s path, will undergo a needed change. You likely have been aware of this needed change for some time.  In many cases, what goes through such intense change will now changed on a permanent basis.


Conjunctions are powerful energies where planets mold with each other and needed change is brought forth.  Pluto suggests that something needs revamping as it no longer suits your evolutionary quest.  It is almost impossible to ignore. 


In this case, you are best to listen to the inner voice that is beginning to make itself heard. Go with the flow.  A big part of you knows or understands that you should now change paths on some level and move beyond of what no longer serves a viable purpose.  Look for other indicators in your chart with transits and progressions which will provide you with defined information.


Pluto can be quite disruptive, and it is likely that you will encounter some disputes perhaps from others or within yourself.  Ego intervention and potential arguments can be part of the process.  Pluto is a force you must listen to for an easier adjustment.


Jupiter and Uranus moving through Taurus will align closely in the later stages of March, through April and ending into early May.  This alignment will create change for those who have their Sun in Aquarius from around 14° to 26°.  This aspect of these planets will be emphasized as Jupiter tends to expand things but usually in positive terms.  Uranus is known as the awakener and brings forth much needed change as does Pluto (With Pluto the change is usually quite complete while Uranus changes what needs to change and can leave the rest untouched). 


An awakening of sorts takes hold and a move in a new direction is quite possible, especially for those who are going through the Uranus opposition (ages 39 to 43).  These changes might be unexpected or erratic, especially in the eyes of others, but they are needed as things have now become dormant and a new road is in sight.  Uranus always pushes us in directions that, over time, will be suitable for us.  In many cases, we are not sure exactly what that picture looks like now with Uranus and this can be upsetting to say the least.


This should be an interesting period for those with aspects to different areas of their chart affected by these positions.  Look to see how Pluto and the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter affect your chart even if you are not an Aquarius.


Astrology points the way, but it is up to us if we take the advice and use it to its fullest potential.


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