It might just be time to open the door to your own personal discovery.
can bring forth much which is otherwise hidden.
Through opening these channels, we allow a flow from outside sources and
attract unseen or hidden material not available to us in the busy day-to-day
What you find will be personal and specific for you. You are able to discuss what comes to you with others, and they may have had similar experiences, but your experiences are unique to you. What becomes available is important at this moment and can help you with your understanding of your personal journey.
questions you may have can be answered and in turn comprehended and utilized by
you. These answers will also be for the purpose of your perception that much
goes on beneath the surface in life. You move along at your own pace and often
gather momentum once the connection is made but you must do the work required.
You may begin
to understand the why behind your experience.
You may find a deeper understanding of who you are and the gifts or
tools you have brought with you to formulate the route to your destiny.
Do not
listen to the mind’s chatter, especially in the beginning when it tries to stop
you before you begin to go deep. The
mind wants control and will relay any type of information whether helpful or a
hindrance. Go beyond the surface of your existence. Practice stilling the mind
so that a much wiser process can provide you with whatever assistance you may
and follow-through are of utmost importance.
What lies beyond the mind’s useless chatter is yours to discover. Don’t
give in to the pressures presented by the mind and continue your movement
forward to see what lies beyond.
Are you interested in learning
Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course.
Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class
learning environment. Visit for course details.
If you have comments, questions
or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or
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more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we
Holm Astrology also offers
individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us