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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Ego's Hold

Our ego is an influence to be reckoned with, yet it is personified with childlike conduct. When given dominance, the ego can overpower our true identity and lay a foundation, although weak, that will stifle our true potential to the point of stagnation. The ego wants to give us a false sense of self, and will promote feelings of superiority over others, usually through intellectual ability, or attained success.

If you over-identifies with the ego, you will resort to putting others down leaving those that lack self confidence bewildered by such attacks. The ego infiltrates our rational and makes it somehow acceptable to willfully hurt others through jokes or otherwise. When the ego is allowed to flourish, it intends to gain some internal power that once again provided a stronghold on its existence. In gathering momentum and power, the ego penetrates your consciousness and makes you believe that you are right about almost anything. Even when you acknowledged that you have strayed in your judgement, the ego insists that it is right and will never admit defeat or error.

The ego is easily hurt when attacked and will stand loyal in its own defence fighting back with force to prove its validity. It requires a glorified image of self and needs no one, as it is totally self-sufficient and believes in its own justification at any cost. The ego’s will to live or continue to thrive is the ultimate concern.

The weakest link that can be found in the ego is the fact that it is false, and as long as we identify with this false image, we allow it to gain momentum and strengthen. The true self, a much stronger entity which resides internally, can dominate the ego force at will, but over identifying with the ego’s intent limits its interaction. Eventually in the majority of individuals, a balancing takes place and the ego loses its effect. A life connected to its pure essence will crush the bloated ego, as ego’s rightful place resides in balance with our true self, where is can promote confidence in self without the feeling of superiority over others – just equality.

As balancing is found, one understands that hurt can only be generated from the ego and the true self can never be hurt. You begin to release the stronghold of the ego and humility, love, compassion and enlightenment replaces the once held fortified foundation of the ego. The inner self knows that enlightenment can only be attained through the release of the ego, as any worthwhile emotion will not be found within the bloated ego’s grasp.

The longer you allow the ego’s domination, the harder the fall from grace. Put a stop to the ego’s eternal need for supremacy over everything and everyone, as this sense is only temporary and fabricated. Moving beyond the ego opens the door to true perception and moves you ever closer to oneness with your essence.

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