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Monday 9 December 2013


In order to awaken to your full potential, there are two main components that must be followed and I use the word “must” because without following these guidelines, you may eventually reach higher learning but may not reach it to its fullest potential. By following these guidelines, you will stand a much better chance in obtaining a more desired outcome.

The first of these practices is to accept that there is a much greater force than self which impacts your “being”. This essential force, call it God or Godhead, if you will, or pure essence, or source, or basis, our genesis has an impact on our lives that cannot be found elsewhere. You have to give yourself over to this essence and let go. We must realize that this will accurately guide you in the intended direction. Letting go squashes the ego and all its imbalances which makes room for true guidance.

The second preparation that should be followed is meditation and you should practice meditation regularly at least once a day for as long as you can, without overextending yourself. You will know when each individual meditation is complete. Keep the flow going and open channels that otherwise may remain dormant or closed to future growth. Meditating on a regular basis will eventually awaken you to the essence and the knowledge that dwells within us all.

Do not worry about the mind’s interference. If you mind wonders just pull yourself back to your mantra and let go of the thoughts. As time passes, the interference becomes less frequent and eventually what you experience does not come from the mind’s -- it will come from our pure essence. This potential awakening is available to each and every one of us without exception. The door is never locked and all you need to do is decide to enter.

For those who do not have a mantra, you could use “God is love”. “God” on the in breath and “is love” on the out breath, or “Peace is with you” “peace” on the in breath and “is with you” on the out breath. You can discover your own mantra, one that resonates with you and has special meaning. Remember to stay steadfast to your meditation and if you should fall off, so be it; just pull yourself back and begin again. It takes time to make it part of your life, but over time you will feel incomplete without meditation.

Your practice can be as little as five minutes several times a day. You can meditate anytime and anywhere. You do not have to close your eyes, although it is best to do so. Find a comfortable position, relax your body from the toes up—actually feel the body relaxing. Take three or four deep breaths through your nose hold for a second and then release through your mouth. These deep breaths begin the relaxation process. It may take time to experience anything that you realize comes from your pure essence, but it will happen.

It’s best to stop looking and just experience. Do not give up. Stay consistent, steadfast and above all else, be true to yourself. Meditation will impact your life; guaranteed!

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