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Thursday 26 December 2013


Mercury is strongly affected by sign and house position, but affected even more by any planet making an aspect to it.  It takes on many characteristics of other planets and is associated with the way we communicate, our thinking and ability to learn and our mental reaction to life’s events.


We will be discussing Mercury in Capricorn in this post.  If you have strong placements in Capricorn, such as the Sun, there are some tendencies that will also be reflective with the placement of Mercury in Capricorn.  Mercury is the planet of the mind and when in the sign of Capricorn the mental process is unhurried and very conclusive.  These individuals would never just jump to conclusions.  They would have to weigh things out and decipher the meaning, and then after careful consideration come to a viable conclusion.


Often the first reaction is somewhat skeptical, as time is required for reasoning things out.  They will not take anything at face value.  The proven and tested path feels much safer and taking a chance is not a good approach as there is potential for failure.  The processing of information is also very thorough and if there is too much information to process, it is easy for frustration to set in.  One step at a time could easily be their motto.


People with Mercury strongly placed in Capricorn are usually very industrious and yield concrete and practical results.  Their judgement is usually crystal clear, unless Mercury is poorly aspected by other planets in the Natal chart.  Their strict attention to making things the best they can be will produce noticeable effects. 


When presented with a new idea, they will take time to digest this new concept.  As mentioned earlier, new ideas are viewed with some skepticism and they will not just accept them at face value.  These individuals will put the ideas through vigorous scrutiny and then come to their own conclusions.


When communicating, Mercury in Capricorn people often have difficulties expressing themselves, although when they are communicating, they will be very precise and to the point.  Most would be considered introspective, and not verbally aggressive, unless Mars afflicts Mercury in the Birth chart.  Most people with this placement are very deep and would not be considered a frivolous communicator.  Small talk is not their forte, nor is gossip.  They will choose their words carefully and articulate with precision, and in many circumstances are direct in their statements.  They want to be clearly understood and also want others to be as clear as possible.  When communicating with this individual staying on course without jumping from one topic to another.


Mercury in Capricorn individuals are methodical and practical in the workplace and many gradually rise to positions of authority.  They can be great leaders, but most are poor followers.  Others can learn from their precise application and their knowhow, as nothing from these individuals comes without study and experience.


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