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Friday 20 December 2013


Do you feel as though they have been down this road before, made significant changes but still feel that there is no real progress in your lives? You have tried many different alternatives and still feel as though life has stagnated on you somehow. How do you move forward and give your life meaning?

Let me reassure you that any step regardless of how minor is a step in the right direction. Change takes time and although you are working hard, progress is limited to what is right for you at the moment. You may feel that you are ready and know that you are willing to obtain your goals, whatever that goal may be, but advancement seems sluggish or even stalled.

As I am sure you have heard before, “Rome was not built in one day” and this should be your expectations with life’s progress. It takes time but understand that although progress seems slow, you are progressing. This is what is important.

Recall back five years and visualize your life then. Do not focus on material success; look internally and remember where you have come from. The change is far greater than anticipated. We sometimes have to stop to take a closer look to actually realize how far we have journeyed. Progress may have seemed sluggish but if you look at the whole pictures, you realize your overall progress confirms you ARE moving along.

Do not gauge your life by material achievements. Do not gauge your life by the schooling or academic understanding you have incorporated into your life. True living is not reflected by external achievement, although one can take personal satisfaction in a job well done. Life is gauged by internal achievement and how you view yourself. What internal changes have you made? How have you improved your life? What further growth do you envision for yourself in the coming years? What truly makes you happy (and we do not speak of fleeting happiness)?

Write down these questions and then record your honest answers. This information does not need to be shared as it is personal, but valid. Place these notations somewhere so that you can review them later on to see what changes have transpired in your life. It will be a good gauge for you to actually see your progress. By writing these questions and answers down, you will receive a push in your intended direction.

If your focus leans towards material improvement, this is okay. We are not brought into the material world to complete ignore the physical needs. Ask yourself what your plans for the future are likely to manifest and what you want to manifest. Do they match up?

You must prioritize and rationally decide what is important and what will further you own personal growth. There are all kinds of life lessons and accept that you will veer off course every now and again. That is part of the process, as nothing worthwhile comes without some challenges. Hold on! Stay strong and know that if you stumble, you just have to stand up, dust yourself off and continue your journey. (Note-- When you have tripped and fallen, before you get up, be sure to look around on the ground around you. Your most valued treasure may be lying there waiting for you to find it!)

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