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Monday 23 December 2013

Love Yourself

Have you taken the time lately to be appreciative of whom you are?  Take a moment and reflect on the divine personality that radiates from within and then accept your connection.  The one within is reflective of the whole self--complete within itself needing nothing more, nothing less.  This is your linkage with the foundation that connects us with the infinite.


All love radiates from within.  We are a reflection of that love.  Love connects all things with harmony and compassion and is the reason for our existence.  By connecting ourselves with that eternal enlightenment, we pull together as one to spread love and all its ramifications.  We are in unity with that love and we have come into being as an expression of love.


The first step in furthering love’s growth, as its growth is eternal, is to recognize that love that radiates from within you and to find the ability to love yourself.  Mastering self-love can be difficult, because one always finds flaws connected to our self-image.  If you can penetrate the ego’s force, as it is the ego that creates this doubt, you move a step closer to this realization.


You must align with your true self and simply allow that magnificent force of love and compassion that exists within.  This is not connected to the ego and this alignment allows you to understand the ego’s endless pursuit of control.  If you see flaws in yourself, do not identify with them as they are not part of your true essence.  These thoughts are manifestations of the ego and you can transcend ego’s force by moving beyond its power.  See the thoughts for what they are.  To beat ego’s struggle to maintain control is no different than beating an addition.  The thoughts that go through a smoker’s head when they are trying to quite are ridiculous in content when heard after the addiction has been beat!  The ego’s voice is no different than the voice heard by those suffering from addiction.  We must learn not to identify with them.


You are a perfect creation without flaws and love radiates through your pure essence.  We continually seek to learn and for the spirit to grow but its essence is already a reflection of love.  See yourself for that which you truly are.  Stop identifying with the ego.  Any misleading thoughts that belittle you or make you feel superior are ego generated.  Do not identify with these.  They are not part of who you are.  Watch for making judgements based on the ego’s interpretation.  Love yourself as you are and watch love grow in your life.  Love is the greatest power of all and can never be relinquished.  Eternal life, eternal love; there are no bounds.


Visit Holm Astrology at for more food-for-thought posts and for information on Astrology.  If you would like to keep your questions confidential or would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please contact us through private message.


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