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Monday 16 December 2013

This Life's Last Door

The ego expresses itself on many levels and there are several ways of looking at this apparent companion or “master” force. Identifying with the ego is of paramount concern as it can take you places that both create concrete results or entangled concepts that are anything but effective in their nature or for your growth. As you walk with your ego, watch for identifying with the voice that says you are better than others, deserve more than others, should have recognition for who you are and even more subtle you deserve these rewards and more.

When we come to terms of being equal as spirit (as our whole essence), and that each and every one of us are in the pursuit of true happiness and enlightenment, regardless of what enlightenment may mean, we begin to get a grasp of how the ego transcends on our attitude of self. At some point in time, we all walk together towards the road of death of this material lifetime and everything we have gained materially as well as spiritually will be on our minds when we near the end.

If you have spent your life, high on who you are and what you have accomplished in your life, whether that be abundance in the material world, or advancement in the concept of doing what others could not do because of your intellectual abilities, where does this leave you on deaths door? How did it move you forward as you prepare for the final stage of this life’s mission?

All balances out in the end and it does not matter what you have attained during this life unless it is something that will not be left behind upon death of this incarnation. If you have chosen a life of service, one where in your own personal way you have assist others and help them find a place of happiness, you can move into your final moments with a sense of contentment that will not be found elsewhere.

You may leave behind a legacy of financial security; however, money is fleeting and often leads to wanting more. Leaving behind a memory, or better still, an example of how fulfilling life should be lived is far more reaching and may sway others into a direction more appropriate to their evolution while on earth.

As you mature and evolve as spirit, you will find that giving without measure actually gives in return internal rewards that far outweigh any material success you may gain. Providing a shoulder to lean on, a smile of reassurance or a congratulating handshake can be far more effective in motivating others and helping them believe in themselves during times of strife.

When it is all said and done, how will you be remembered and what will your achievements provide for those left behind? Be the agent of love and compassion. Be the example that others will follow. Ensure that the example you provide is one of reassurance and growth. When you shed your earthly skin, what legacy will you leave behind?

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