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Thursday 19 December 2013

Sun in Capricorn

We welcome in the Sun Sign of Capricorn on Sunday, December 22, 2013. Capricorn is perhaps one of the most misjudged signs of the Zodiac. Those born under this sign have been identified as emotionless, as driven by sheer determination and as arriving at a place based solely on material achievement. It is true that Capricorn people do not reveal their emotional nature, unless the Moon is placed in a watery sign such as Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, but this does not mean that they are emotionless. Capricorn people are very emotional by nature but have difficulty letting these intense emotions out.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which has a tendency to restrict and inhibit such things as emotions. Capricorn people are sensitive to criticism and especially when the criticism is pointed towards their emotional side. They are far from cold! It is suffice to say that when they find a place of release, their emotions comes out in a slow but deliberate fashion.

Most individuals with the Sun in Capricorn and strong placements in the tenth house could be referred to as achievers. They make their mark in life, but not through channels of quick decisions (such as Aries individuals). Capricorn people will make their way up the ladder in a precise and calculated manner. They are strategic planners and will make their way up the corporate ladder through diligent and consistent effort and hard work. They will gain their recognition through their own personal efforts and understand that it takes time to reach the top.

Most Capricorn personalities are reserved, and conscientious of their mannerisms. They rarely reveal much of their true identity and believe in gentle persuasion rather than gruff behaviour. You will have a difficult time getting to know them, as they withhold much of what goes on inside. As they become comfortable with you, however, they slowly start to release. As this is happening, you may be tested with regards to their strict and moral conduct of behaviour.

Many Capricorn individuals have a religious side and once again this may not be obvious to others. Many follow a strict code of personal ethics. Nothing comes without some type of effort and Capricorn understands this better than most. They are methodical thinkers, particularly so if Mercury is in an earth sign and would rather take the tried and tested route than move into something unfamiliar. They value those that have “been through the ropes” and are more than willing to learn from other people’s experience.

They have a place in their heart for tradition, and many have strict moral upbringings. They know the difference between right and wrong and follow upright and honest approaches to life. There are those that become obsessed with the pursuit of achievement and these individuals must find a place of balance between corporate success and a happy family life. Some become corporate climbers and never marry to dedicate their life to success and moving up this ladder.

In order to move beyond the barriers they erect, Capricorn will have to find a cause that is greater than self. As important as corporate achievement may be, if they find an occupation where they can be of assistance to those of lesser standing in the eyes of the status quo and help build up confidence in others, they open the door for an achievement far beyond the boundaries of the material world.

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