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Showing posts with label findingbalance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label findingbalance. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Happy solar return to our fair, social, intelligent Sun in Libra friends.
On September 22, 2024, the Sun will move from the mutable, earth sign of Virgo into the cardinal, air sign of Libra.  The element of air has to do with the communication process and our thinking.  All air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are the thinkers of the Zodiac and are involved with the sharing of ideas and the spread of information.  Libra, however, is all about balancing life.  They require peace at almost any cost, are fair-minded, conservative, and most do not feel whole unless they are in an earnest relationship.


Relationship is a key word for many Libra individuals, and this can also apply to those who have Libra on their Ascendant and from an emotional connectedness, those with their Moon in the same sign.  Those with many planets in their 7th house also have some of the Libran characteristics. 


Libra individuals make good collaborators and will see to it that things are just and fair.  They can make good lawyers, judges and mediators.  In part, Libra is here to bring evenhandedness into the world through negotiation and justice.  Libra is all about others and will willingly sit on the proverbial fence so as not to cause any rift, balancing themselves to keep the peace.  However, when it comes to those close to them, especially their partners, they can most certainly speak their mind.


Most Librans enjoy hosting parties, or at least being part of a gathering, if those in attendance are peaceful. They do not enjoy aggressive individuals and hate confrontation.  Libra individuals are gentle persuaders, kind personable individuals and in most cases, genuinely care about others.  Friendship is important but they should learn to choose their friends with care, although in most cases they do.


Being a cardinal sign, Librans are not the ones who will sit back and do nothing. They enjoy getting moving and making plans that suite all people involved.  They make good conversationalists, and their peaceful demeanor suits most people.  They do, however, sway from one perspective to another, but this is often because they do not want to ruffle any feathers.


Happy solar return to our fair, social, intelligent Sun in Libra friends.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 4 June 2024


Some of us live in a very toxic environment.  We may be in regular contact with people that know nothing more than to take and take and take. This can be challenging to say the least and it may be difficult for some of us to recognize that we may even carry some of their energy. 


You do not help someone by giving them all the answers or trying to do their personal work for them.  You are standing in the way of their growth and recovery.
There are many individuals that are high maintenance mainly because they are not willing to do the work themselves.  It takes courage and dedication to tackle some of life’s issues, but in the end, we, ourselves, must fix our problems, and we cannot and should not rely on others.  For those that have become reliant on you to do the work for them, it may be time that you make an adjustment and let them know that they must be willing to do the work themselves, as no one else can do it for them.


For those that are clinging and have become dependent on you, by stepping back you are helping them find independence. You are denying them self-reliance and the confidence that self-reliance provides. No one can do the work for others. We can only support them in their decisions and sometimes plant a seed that may guide them in a better, easier direction.


If you feel drained and all of your energy is sucked out of you, you had better take some time to work on healing yourself.  You cannot feed anyone from an empty pantry.


You do not help someone by giving them all the answers or trying to do their personal work for them.  You are standing in the way of their growth and recovery.  Over time, you may be creating a dependent and hurting yourself by becoming a victim.  It is not being selfish to take a break from serving others for your own sake or to break free of energy vampires that would drain you fully of your energy.


Do an internal audit. Do something you enjoy. Where might you want to focus next? 


You DO need time for yourself.  We all need a little bit of space.  Take this space and fulfil your own needs too. 


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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