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Monday, 16 October 2023


Transiting Jupiter moves through each sign in approximately one year therefore taking 12 years to complete a full cycle through the zodiac.


T. Jupiter moves into retrograde (appearing to move in a backward motion) once a year. During its retrograde cycle, it can make aspects to planets or angles up to three times, making these aspects from Jupiter more relevant.


Jupiter is the planet of good luck, expansion, growth, and easy flow. Its energies are what we wait for and in many cases good things happen (although when we are having an extended difficult time, it can exaggerate what is already in place). E.g. If someone were to have terminal health conditions, Jupiter’s energies can influence the situation to end the suffering. Jupiter’s energies are in place to expand situations.


A sextiles aspect indicates opportunities. When Jupiter is in sextile with natal Venus, it can bring good opportunities for a romance to blossom and go to the next level. Perhaps you have been involved in a relationship that seems promising and now you become engaged. Good, easy flow comes your way. Unlike the Trine aspect, however, with the Sextile, you should put energy into the situation for it to go to the next level.


Venus is about love, affection, romance, sex, finances, and social energies. All of these can be part of the conditions in place although much will depend on the area of life involved (determined by the houses involved in your chart). Check where T Jupiter and your N Venus are located, as well as the natal position and natal (aspects) to Jupiter’s place in the birth chart. This will give you further information.


E.g. T Jupiter moving through the seventh house (relationships, marriage partner or business associates) while N Venus is in the fifth house (children, romantic involvement, and the enjoyment of life) while N Jupiter is in the second house. This could refer to a romantic relationship with your partner moving to the next level and affecting your children or the children of your partner. Security is enhanced because of the combined income now being generated.


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Good Luck and expansion opportunities in connection with romance, finance and social energies.

Thursday, 12 October 2023


This title was specifically chosen to draw your attention.


In reality, the soul does not need cleansing. It is the human portion of our being that might be in need of some cleansing. By “cleansing” we mean the need for thoughtful change.


Let’s sit down with ourselves and examine our lives. Are we living in harmony with our long-range plans for spiritual growth?


We are not referring to attending church or living according to religious beliefs (this is not to say you shouldn’t be practicing these. We must do what feels right our core.). What we mean “Are we living according to our own specific principles and to enhance our growth?”


We are connected and aligned with our soul’s purpose; no matter how the picture looks at present. We are meant to go through everyday situations and to experience the moment even through difficult lessons, but if there are undesirable events/situations next to us, we have the option of distancing ourselves if these are separate from us.


On a regular basis, it is important to take an inner evaluation, and with intent, make change where change is needed. When being honest with ourselves, we open the door to growth. We don’t need cleansing, but we may require realignment with our intensions.


We can move in whatever direction we wish, but in all sincerity, is it not best to move in a direction that will suit our evolutionary quest?


One step at a time! The old saying goes “Rome was not built in a day”. Self-understanding is very beneficial. Cleansing Our Soul, why not start now?


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Self-understanding is very beneficial. Cleansing Our Soul, why not start now?

Wednesday, 11 October 2023


On October 14, 2023, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 21° in the sign of Libra.


Anyone with planets or angles within three degrees of this placement in their natal chart, either by conjunction or opposition or to a lesser degree by the other major aspects will be influenced by this eclipse. Check the placement of this eclipse along with the aspects it makes, and the natal configurations attached to this position in your chart. Natal potential will give a clear understanding of the energies in place and their potential in your specific case. Each chart will have different dynamics in place and although the energies of a Solar Eclipse often bring the same conditions into life, the areas of life will differ from person to person.


Solar Eclipses, although quite different from a Lunar Eclipse, often signify the likelihood of some form of stress or in some cases a crisis. With the Solar Eclipse, there is an indication of the initial stages or beginnings where there are opportunities, although we are often hard-pressed because what we feel comfortable with in our life, now has changes in place. These changes can be quite vast and will be defined by the placement of the solar eclipse in the chart. What is now in place (beginning phases of this transformation or alteration) will set the theme for the future, some six months ahead, although many Astrologers believe the influence of these solar energies lasts much longer than six months.


There is a sense of destiny in place often with karmic indictors and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra. As mentioned, this Solar Eclipse is at 21° Libra. This can be a time of balancing and creating harmony in the sphere of relationships. Harmonizing is especially essential, and it is important that we also check the opposite house (Aries) to see which other area of life will be affected. If there are planets in your chart at this position (21 degrees give or take 3 degrees of influence) this placement will also be affected by this event.


E.g. Someone with their Neptune in the tenth house conjoining this placement with the eclipse at close proximity, would have indications of spiritual evolution or psychic indicators that would pertain to the career path or goals and aspirations. Neptune would evoke something connected to the psychic realm or some spiritual offerings. This will also affect the home and family because of the fourth house location in opposition to the tenth house placement of this eclipse. The tenth house alignment would be where this Solar Eclipse makes its mark.


What is the influence in your chart?

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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There is a sense of karmic destiny in place and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra and the Solar Eclipse

Tuesday, 10 October 2023


Today, October 10, 2023, Transiting Pluto moves into its direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde since May 2, 2023.


This will be the time for those individuals who have a planet or angle either Conjunct Pluto’s position (27/28° Capricorn) or in Opposition to this placement to go through some important changes and major transformations. The Square, Trine and Sextile aspect also have influences on this position but the Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful.


When Pluto goes direct is a time when you can move ahead with any issues that might have been buried or left on the back burner. You should move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.


If a relationship is what this speaks about (check house position for area of life) then it can mean new beginnings or endings that should have taken place long ago. Pluto is literally about death and rebirth and these endings, if this is the case, are likely total and complete. You will want to confront any part of yourself that needs facing or changing. These innate character traits may not be comfortable to face but this will bring a sense of power you may not have experienced before. Do what needs doing and life will take you to where you need to go.


It is time to be honest with not only yourself but also with others. Let the cards fall where they may. Honest self-reflection can change the course of your life and there may be no halfway measures about this. It offers psychological and, in some cases, spiritual insight and you may meet someone who helps you with this process or in the case of the opposition pushes you to confront your darkest secrets. This is not a time to be easy on yourself. It is a time of realization and confrontation and then healing can take place. Sitting back is not a good idea at this time and you may not have a choice when the veil begins to lift.


As mentioned, the areas of life will be indicative to the houses involved and the energies in place will correspond to the merging of the planets/angles involved in the aspect. You can give yourself about a 3 to 4° orb of influence. It will also be important to look at where your natal Pluto is situated and the aspects to it as this will give you further insight.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Pluto goes direct is a time to move ahead with any issues that might have been buried. Move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.

Thursday, 5 October 2023


Recently, have you been reaching your objectives?


What are your expectations, and do they align with what is possible?


Are you willing to do what is necessary to reach your goals?


Reaching our goals certainly depends on our investment in getting there. Many unwittingly fear reaching their goals. They subconsciously question their worthiness. Take a deep look to see if this applies to you.


Alternatively, do you fear not reaching your goals?


Why do you question your abilities?


Failure is in the mind only. If we do not reach our goals, we are learning valuable lessons and creating steppingstones to move forward. The time and the effort are not wasted. We are not only learning about our goals, but we are recognizing more about ourselves and our abilities. The latter is just as important as the goals we seek.


We always must give our all with no half measures. Be responsible for your efforts, but we can’t always control outcomes due to circumstances beyond our control. If we believe we will fail, we are creating a self-prophesy. Believe in yourself first and foremost.


In life the things that truly matter can take work. We will not always reach our goals, but in all cases, we will learn from our experiences, and we can build from there.


Inner strength is always gained if we look at life from this perspective. Our alignment with life is certainly influenced by our attitude and our efforts.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses in the future. Visit for course details.


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We will not always reach our goals, but in all cases, we will learn from our experiences, and we can build from there. Stepping stones to a personal investment

Wednesday, 4 October 2023


When transiting Pluto squares your midheaven (MC) challenging situations will affect your career options, life status, goals and aspirations and life’s path. This is not an easy time, and you will have to adjust and often to a great degree. Intensity and disruption along with adversity can be expected.


There are no halfway measures about Pluto and in many cases, what takes place is out of your control. You can fight the process, which in some cases can be beneficial) but, in this case, you may have to go with the flow and recognize these energies over time will move you in the proper direction (although perhaps not in the direction you anticipated).


There can be power strategies and ego disputes and almost always a struggle to gain insight into where life is taking you. There can often be a degree of uncertainty especially when Neptune is involved in the calculation. Worry and concern about your future is often evident because of the uncertainty.


As with all transiting squares, however, the energy is challenging enough that it forces you into action. A resolution is needed, and you will find one if you go deep enough. Sometimes attitude is your greatest enemy.


Your goals in life will likely change and your path will alter, but the outer planets when transiting over parts of your chart are indicators that change is required. Although it may feel like the rug is being pulled out from under your feet, you will find a way to land on your feet with new perspectives and a new path as you move forward into what now seems like the unknown. Faith in the process is vital and although the struggle may be intense, you need to keep your wits about you. Don’t let life get you down and believe that this is for the best, no matter how things might look in the moment.


Everything in life happens for a reason. Take the bull by the horns and adjust when you need to and know that as time progresses you will recover, be in a better position and be wiser when the dust settles.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall Beginner's and the Level II registrations are now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses in the future. Visit for course details.


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When T. Pluto squares the Midheaven, change is required.

Monday, 2 October 2023


With this aspect you can expect changes in the areas of love and affection, socializing, and finances. Uranus brings changes that are required to move you forward. Sometimes these changes are sudden and completely unexpected while at other times you “feel” or know that the potential is there for things to make a move.


Uranus acts in quick and unusual ways bringing about an awakening of sorts to what it touches. It invites “new” to situations that require change. When Venus is involved perhaps this could involve a love affair that you never saw coming, or perhaps you have been friends and now the relationship goes to the next level. You may feel ill-prepared and may never have considered this individual on a love relation level. Perhaps things just happen out of the blue and one thing led to another. Now it may seem as though this was a fated encounter.


Venus, definitely speaks of love and affection, can also refers to a younger woman. It is likely females that we are speaking of whether this be you or it is speaking of a female counterpart. Perhaps your friends set up a social gathering where you met. Perhaps you were celebrating something, and this individual connected with you.


As mentioned, this can also speak of your finances and beautiful objects. Perhaps on a whim you decided it was time to buy a new car or perhaps you decided it was time to sign a mortgage.


Watch for Uranus being retrograde as this can restrict its energies. Review what you might want to buy or where you place your attention at this time, and if possible, wait until the retrograde period is completed.


E.g., if T Uranus is conjuncting the MC as it sextiles your Venus, you get a raise or you become more social with those that you work with (this is more likely if Uranus or Venus is in the sixth house). The sextile is an opportunity aspect, and the energies are ripe for more positive potential to arrive. You should review your objectives, especially with love, affection and your finances, then take advantage of your options. Make sure you check out your full chart before you advance, as any challenging influences can hinder things or influence bad decisions.


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology?. Our Beginner’s and Level II Fall course registrations are now complete. Watch for announcements for courses this Spring. Visit for course details.


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Transiting Uranus sextile Venus is a time of sudden change in relationships, finances and social networks