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Thursday, 2 November 2023


Do you have tenacity to just keep going no matter what you face or do you lack determination and drive?


In reality, giving up on living is not an option if we want to live life.  We can and must learn each lesson that is in front of us. It does take determination, but we cannot allow the pressures of life to rob us of the right to live.


There are many events in life where we do not have a choice if we learn the lesson or not. Some events may not have a resolution (that fits into our idea of a positive outcome). We wage wars sometimes and the battles cannot be won. Resistance to change is futile. That is when we can adjust simply by changing our outlook on the change. Letting go is not giving up. There are times when letting go is the intelligent route to take. Holding on can create stress and disease and we generally hold on because of a mental concept we are also holding on to or we simply fear the unknown. Our mental attitude can be our own worst enemy.


Persistence and drive or allowing events to unfold are choices that we must make. Although the road ahead may seems bleak, we do not know what is on the other side of a life lesson. 


There are times when we seem to have to reach bottom and nothing more could possibly go wrong. We feel deflated and overwhelmed (but isn’t this when we stop resisting?). It is then that there seems to be a shift and we find the resolve to stand back up and subconsciously say, “I understand now”.


Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.


Recognize your strength, your resolve, your abilities, your value.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Persistence, determination, but also perseverance are invaluable. You are worth it! All things are temporary, but the tools obtained from the lessons learned are irreplaceable.

Wednesday, 1 November 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Square Natal Saturn


For those individuals with Transiting Pluto (which will soon enter Aquarius) squaring their natal Saturn this will be a time of transformation and change in life. Saturn moves through each sign over a period of approximately 2 ½ years. This suggests that those experiencing T Pluto square to their Natal Saturn would have to have their Saturn either in the late degrees Libra or early degrees Scorpio or Natal Saturn in the late degrees of Aries to the early degrees Taurus in their birth charts. Saturn would have been either in Scorpio beginning 1953, 1982, or 2012 or in Taurus beginning 1969 or 1999.


Pluto will be affecting these individuals for approximately 1 to 5 years depending on where their Natal Saturn is located. Much will depend on the houses involved (areas of life) and the natal positioning of Saturn in their charts (challenging or favourable aspects to Saturn).


There are no halfway measures about Pluto as it transits through the birth chart. It brings an end to outdated conditions that no longer serve a purpose and brings to birth something much more suitable to life’s current conditions. There will likely be quite a struggle for those experiencing this square in their charts, as Saturn enjoys what is familiar and does not like change or disruption to the norm. There may be restrictions and delays to the inevitable but over time (and this could take as much as 1-3 or 4 years for things to be understood and accepted) life will transform to a great degree.


Security might be part of the process and perhaps what we have been aiming towards and working diligently to obtain might be what this is about. Life structures will change and if Saturn in the birth chart is poorly aspected this will likely not be a pleasing time. There could be some difficulty moving out of what is comfortable into the new. This may not be clear in the present moment, especially if Neptune is part of the profile somehow.


Pluto will instigate change and often through rather dynamic ways. There may be issues with authority or ego disputes. Control and power issues will likely be part of what unfolds over time. There will be concerns about what this new turn of events will bring but Pluto moves you where you need to go. It opens the door for growth through underlying events or energies that push us in certain directions.


What was stable and secure now needs revamping or completely overhauling. After this timeframe is over, what was in place will no longer be part of the picture moving forward. In most cases, it is best to go with the flow and not to fight what is inevitable. Pluto’s influence is often subtle in the beginning and then as time passes it becomes more informative and ever present. Motivation is part of the process and life will take you to where you need to go.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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With Pluto square Saturn, what was stable and secure now needs revamping or completely overhauling.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023


There are periods in life when everything seems to be working out perfectly. These are times for celebration, to acknowledge our blessings and be appreciative. These blessings should never go unnoticed or appreciated. Focusing on these draws even more attention to them.


Do not take anything for granted. There are so many in our world that can only dream of what many of us take for granted.


When life is bountiful, be sure you recognize it as such. Focus on your bounty not what you feel is missing.


Many of us live wonderous lives and should recognize that many others live in tumultuous circumstances around the world.


Can we help those less fortunately than ourselves?


Appreciation can open the door to more and with more we are able to share. We are our own creators through our focus. Life will dictate but attitudes form our response to life. What is your response?


Can you do something that will help make someone else’s life easier?


This is your time to act. Be the agent of positive change in our world.


Each of us can create small changes in our little corner of the world and together we can create ripples that affect everyone. It works out perfectly.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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We can create small changes in our little corner of the world & together we create ripples that affect everyone. It works out perfectly.

Monday, 30 October 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto square natal Jupiter.


T Pluto moves very slowly through the Zodiac, about 1° per year. Its impact is therefore quite significant as it will be in place for 3-5 years with its major aspect lasting at least one year. The outer planets are important because of their slow movement over positions in the natal chart.


Pluto is about transformation and regeneration and often produces some type of power struggle as changes take place. We might want to fight its energies, but in many cases, it is futile to attempt to control Pluto’s driving force. It is like swimming upstream when we know that sooner or later the current will take us downstream which is actually where we need to go.


Pluto will bring up anything that needs to surface and often makes us deal with parts of ourselves or life conditions that may not be overly pleasant or may be challenging to deal with. As with all the outer planets, especially Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, their energies are in place because we are at a point in time where we are ready for some type of advancement or awakening to take place. Transformations are at hand.


Jupiter is known as the greater benefic and often creates potential for growth, good fortune, advantageous situations and in general good luck and opportunities. In some cases, Jupiter, because of its expansive nature, can bring an end to situations that have been tormenting or in some cases brings an end to suffering. Much will depend on the houses connected to the positions of N Jupiter, T Pluto and the Natal positioning and aspects to Pluto.


The Square aspect is often a sign of struggle and obstacles to be overcome. The aspect creates tension and adversity which must be dealt with. It is a positive tool as, due to the strength of the challenge in place, we often feel we must deal with the challenge in our own appropriate manner. As a result, the square is a push to resolve issues.


E.g. If T Pluto was moving through your second house which involves finances and security measures, Jupiter which would be in say the fifth house, could suggest that there are issues pertaining to your children or perhaps a creative outlet now needs financial support. Because the fifth house also deals with romantic involvement, perhaps there needs to be some financial aid in place or perhaps this needs to be addressed on some level (because of the link with security and finances from second house). The rest of the chart will have to be taken into consideration before a complete conclusion can be reached.


Most likely, some transformation is in place and undoubtedly in a big way that will make you delve beneath the surface and deal with whatever hurdle has surfaced. This is an opportunity to see things as they are and make the necessary changes that need to be made. There is nothing halfway about these energies. They often signal something is coming to an end in order for something new to present itself, something that is needed now in life.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Pluto square Jupiter signals something is coming to an end in order for something new to present itself, something that is needed now in life.

Thursday, 26 October 2023


How much time has been wasted waiting for the right moment to take action?


Are you afraid to fail?


What is failure… it not just a lesson on how to proceed when you try again?


Do you believe in yourself?


Perhaps it’s time to stop listening to our mind’s negative chatter! Perhaps it’s time to stand up, take the bull by the horns and follow our heart?


No one stops you from moving forward but you.  Isn’t it time to stop worrying about possibilities?


There is no time like the present. What are you waiting for?


Life is to be lived. Start living!


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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What are you waiting for?  Life is to be lived. Start living!


Wednesday, 25 October 2023


On October 28, 2023, we will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse. In the Toronto area it will be a partial eclipse reaching maximum at 6:10 p.m. EST. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse begins at 2:01 p.m. (not visible in our area) and ends at 6:26 p.m. (which will be close to the horizon in our area).


The Lunar Eclipse will occur at 5° in the sign of Taurus.


All eclipse’s suggest heightened energy and with the Lunar Eclipse, in particular, the energies suggest a time of releasing and endings. It operates like a super-charged Full Moon and will create major changes and the finality of what has been in play for approximately the past 6 months.


Because it is in the sign of Taurus (a fixed, earth sign) it often speaks of material or objective matters. You will need to go slow but be steady in your approach. This is not the time to rush into situations. Be practical and make sure that over-spending is not part of the scenario as you may want to buy expensive things on impulse or spend money when you likely should not.


When these energies are working well, although the Lunar Eclipse is attached to endings of some sort, there is often an advancing stage in the evolution of what is unfolding now in life. The area of life affected by this positioning will depend largely on where Taurus 5° is found in your birth chart (which house) as well as any planets in the natal chart or current transits that are affected by this position.


There is an opposition coming from Mercury and from Mars so in many cases this suggests that others are involved in the equation.  Taurus is a very sensual sign and perhaps some interchange with an individual has the potential to unfold or the relationship moves to its next stage. This could include an ending of sorts such as the end of a sexual union, or, perhaps on the other side of the coin, the end of a platonic relationship that morphs into a sexual relationship.


Oppositions are not overly pleasing exchanges, and some friction might be involved. This can be a time of great change but not without some type of hard work or interaction that is not unfolding in your favour. Others may play a clear part in what unfolds. Relationships of all kinds might be part of this.


The energies may take several months to completely unfold, but you will often notice that during the week or two prior and the first month following the eclipse is often the peak time for the experience defined by the positioning within the birth chart.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Eclipses suggest heightened energy. With a Lunar Eclipse, it is a time of release and finality related to Taurus energies for October 2023

Tuesday, 24 October 2023


As our readers know, we always run deep, so when we refer to “event planning” we are not talking about planning a party or social gathering. You likely didn’t expect that anyway. We are referring to reflecting on life to this point and planning or implementing and maneuvering our way forward. The future will be event oriented; we can always count on that.


Reviewing your life’s road map so far, may provide an inclination as to where life might lead you next. Perhaps it has been about raising a family and building a future that will incorporate what is needed for times ahead. This may include financial planning, organizing your environment or working towards building a name for yourself in the corporate world, or it may be simply building on what is already in place.


Material living is important as we do live in a material world, even though you may feel that spiritual life is much more relevant than material sustenance. Spirituality is important but it is important that although our vision may be spiritual, we are also very connected to this worldly life. We are here and for a reason!


We can live day by day and not worry or be concerned about the future. Certainly, all we have is this very moment, in reality.  There is still everyday living which does incorporate the concerns connected to survival, health, financial security, etc.


No matter how important the material side of life is, in my opinion, spiritual connectedness is more relevant. Life in many ways looks after itself, but our evolutionary path is enhanced by the way we live our lives. If we are solely focused on material advancement or material “lacks”, this is what our life will be. If we are mindful and appreciative enough to put this focus on a less important priority so that we can work on ourselves first and foremost, then the focus moves in that direction and awareness takes place.


There is no escaping the reality of our material world, but we can purposely participate in the on-going process of self-enlightenment and spiritual evolution. If material wealth was so important, I personally believe we would be able to take that wealth with us when we transition.


No material benefits carries forward so these benefits are transient. What likely will matter as we prepare to pass over is who we are, how we have treated others, the love we have received and given (shared) and how far we have grown with enlightenment and clear understanding.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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There is no escaping the reality of our material world, but we can purposely participate in the on-going process of self-enlightenment and spiritual evolution.