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Monday, 18 December 2023


Those with their Sun in the sign of Capricorn, which is a Cardinal, Earth sign, are known to be hard working individuals.  They have their minds set on reaching their highest potential which must incorporate lessons about responsibility and their obligations not only to themselves but also to others.  They are the realists of the Zodiac, and with their commitment and drive, they are often able to reach their objectives in life.


Material goals are often a big part of their priorities, and they are concerned with tangible results rewarded through diligent effort and consistent work ethics. These individuals can be overly intent to achieve, almost regardless of any intrusion along the way.  They plan on reaching that summit whatever it may be and learn lessons of patience which is acquired through endurance and effort.  They use the resources at their disposal and do the best they can with these available resources whatever they may be.


The Sun has to do with our inner essence, who we are at our core and our individuality which separates us from others, although in the big scheme of things, we are all joined together in the realm of humanity and share what we exude in our outward expression.  The Sun also has to do with our goals and objectives and the road we walk in this life.  It explains clearly what the motivating factors are in our personal experience and why we feel the urgency to move in any particular direction.  Of course, there is much more but this is what our Sun sign highlights.

Sun in Capricorn have their minds set on reaching their highest potential which must incorporate lessons about responsibility and their obligations not only to themselves but also to others.

Capricorn’s ruling planet is Saturn, which is known as the teacher and disciplinarian of the Zodiac.  It has lessons that will be taught throughout life, and the road that we walk connected to Saturn’s energies is often not an easy one.  Life for the typical Capricorn does not come easy although they do not often show this on the surface.  They learn about perseverance and organization through structured effort and building things that are meant to last.  They know that there is no easy route when reaching their objectives and learn patience. They understand that it takes time to reach the summit. 


It may take many years for a Capricornian to reach their objectives and later in life, they will finally learn to relax into life without wanting to achieve more.


They have a great sense of humor although rather dry.  Some can get caught up in what they refer to as their failures, and this can be humiliating and squash their ego.  Achievement is prime and they truly wish to attain status, and a life of fulfillment and recognition is important for some but not for all.  Inner recognition for their effort is more important and what comes from their effort is important but not everything.


Happy solar return to our Capricornian readers.  Stay tuned for our transit forecast in the next couple of days.

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Thursday, 14 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto trine Natal Jupiter


This is a very powerful aspect which may take time to unfold in your life due to the slow movement of Transiting Pluto. T. Pluto may take as long as 2-3 years for its energies to unfold to their full potential.


The energies from T. Pluto trine Natal Jupiter is about regeneration and if you have had struggles in the recent past perhaps because of a death or a shift in life, this is the time for perseverance and a desire to make significant changes to the way you view your life’s journey.  It may start as an unconscious urge which seems very optimistic, and you may feel regenerated and even ambitious. You may not really understand why, however.  This is due to the powerful effects of Pluto making a positive aspect to your Natal Jupiter.


You will likely have the chance to broaden your horizons and make shifts to your life’s path often through channels related to your personal philosophy of life, religious intensions, and/or spiritual/occult matters.  These realms are now open for such experiences to be a part of your life. 

With Pluto trine Jupiter, it is time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth or expand your opportunities for luck.

You will realize that the challenges you had faced head on and had overcome were important lessons that needed to surface.  You will now look at life from a different perspective and in some cases, life is not only expanding in its horizons, but you may also find that now is the time to advance your cause or take advantage of growth of your business or expand your opportunities for luck and the general feeling that you are on your way to something good. With this aspect active in your chart, you likely are in line for these to materialize.


You now can move ahead in your endeavors and establish yourself in the workplace or perhaps as the person you have been striving to become.  You have the power to succeed in life, to rise above intrusion and learn valuable lessons that in a different time might have weighed you down.  Move forward with building and expanding (this may have seemed very limited not too long ago).


Have a look to see where Natal Jupiter and Transiting & Natal Pluto are located in your chart to get a clearer picture of how this aspect may influence you when active in your chart.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday, 13 December 2023


We are focusing on Transiting Pluto Trine the Natal Midheaven.


Pluto, the agent of transformation and creator of regeneration through acts of transformation suggests that now is the time for constructive and easy flow generated into the area of career, goals, and aspirations that in some way might bring gains with insight and opportunities in these areas.

With Pluto Trine your Midheaven, some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand.

This is a good time to make constructive changes to the career and to push forward to make significant changes where needed.


Trine aspects indicate easy flow, positive energies, and productive, beneficial outcomes because of actions you take now. There will be a general feeling that things might unfold well over time, but the willingness to advance and push ahead might not be overwhelming. You may feel as though the energies will push themselves and you just might be right, but you will miss an important opportunity if you just sit and let these energies pass you by without putting forth some type of effort.


Pluto will probably bring an end to things that no longer are suitable for life moving forward and changes are evident, if not most likely. That which no longer suits your evolution involving your goals and life objectives must now go through major alterations if not complete teardown and rebuilding.  What is in place now likely will no longer work and, in some cases, this could mean a complete change in occupation, or if you own your own business, a change of direction or the way your business is being handled. Perhaps with your own business, you have been ruling with an iron fist and now you have come to understand that you get things done when using a more calm and gentle approach. It would be important to take a step back and recognize that power can be used in many ways. The scenario may be quite opposite to this suggestion. You may need to push ahead with a firmer hand. Power struggles or power lessons are often part of the profile.


There are no halfway measures when it comes to the energies of Pluto and sometimes even the trine aspect, which is the most hoped for aspect, must go through some challenges to reach the outcome which over time will prove beneficial.


Some type of end is in sight and a new beginning is at hand. You will feel these energies up to three years prior to this aspect being direct and it may take as long as two years to see the final results. Have patience and know that you are moving in the right direction.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 12 December 2023


Sometimes life just seems to happen, and we are forced to make quick decisions or act on impulse.  Other times we seem to have time to figure out an action plan but find it difficult to make up our minds on which route to take.  Our decisions can have long lasting consequences and if we make the wrong decision, then what? 


Sometimes we know exactly what must be done but are not sure what our first step should be and when to take it.


At times, it is not easy taking decisive action. Fear can freeze us in our tracks.  What if we make a mistake?


Making mistakes is human but are they really mistakes? 


Were events meant to go the way they did? 


If they were meant to be, then that was the best lesson for us at the time. These things we think of as mistakes usually take us exactly where we need to go.  By taking no action, we may stagnate.


By waiting for the perfect time, we may miss the opportunity.  What is the perfect time?


This is not to say that we shouldn’t take the time to plan or that we should rush into things because we may never have that chance again. There are times when the time is ripe for action and times when we need to reconsider. 


No matter what the situation, we cannot let fear stand in the way of progress.  Have faith in your convictions and make changes when changes are due.


Make your decision based on the best information available to you at the moment.  Sometimes you have to decide based on your best interests and sometimes based on being able to help someone else.  You cannot however base your decisions to be a “people pleaser”.   


Make your decision, be committed, and move forward with conviction.


Sometimes any change is better than no change at all.

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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday, 11 December 2023


On December 12, 2023, we will be having a New Moon at 20° Sagittarius at 20° at 6:32 p.m. EST. 


This New Moon will be making a quincunx to Uranus at 19° in the sign of Taurus. 


New Moon’s energies are about new beginnings and often indicate a surge of activity or energy directed at making new plans of action, setting goals and aspirations, and moving in new directions within the framework of the sign and house position indicated by your natal chart.


Because this New Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, our focus should be in areas related to the traits of Sagittarius.  If you have planets within 3° (17°-24°) especially by conjunction or opposition and any planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), this New Moon will affect you.  If you have other planets in these degrees but not in the mutable signs or in Opposition, you can also be affected by this positioning but not to the same degree.


This will be the best time to begin your focus to expand your horizons and plan action that is optimistic in nature and viewed as though you will gain perspective and advancement.  The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter and Jupiter bestows good luck and often fortunate conditions especially when we are being honest with ourselves and others and making plans that not only move us in a forward direction but also have a positive impact on those around us.  You can be independent in your approach but keep in mind that what you start at this time can also affect others.


You may have a more adventurous spirit and feel a greater sense of confidence under this influence, and because of this broader perspective and optimistic view, your chances of success may improve.  You may find that you are more open to new concepts and outspoken when it comes to your opinion.


On the negative side, you may have exaggerated expectations.  Over exaggerated ideals may not be reached but the higher your aim, the greater the potential.


Transiting Uranus is in quincunx to this positioning, and this often suggests that you must adjust to what is taking hold.  Perhaps jumping into situations is part of the problem.  Uranus will provide a push to find something new and sometimes without due consideration.  Take your time.  Don’t jump, but you should still advance with optimism and open doors that might otherwise have been closed. 


You have a more open adventurous spirit at this time, and you might want to travel and broaden your horizons.  This might not be a bad idea if you can prepare for it and can afford to take this trip.  A part of you wants to move ahead without too much forethought, so think things through before jumping.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 23 November 2023


It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation to understand the concept of karma.  Many look at Karma as something that needs to be paid, something that we are here to deliver or receive because of what actions were taken in previous incarnations. For those that do not believe in reincarnation, the concept is the same, but it is a debt owed from previous actions in this life.  Many think of Karma as something bad that is due because of negative or harmful actions we have taken.  We feel that on some level we must pay for what we have done, and in turn, learn lessons through our connectedness to the physical, mental or through life’s experience.


For those that believe in reincarnation, some ask why we must pay debts incurred in previous incarnations, for actions we can’t even recall.  It does not seem just. 


Many believe that our previous lives are all connected to this current one, so the debt still stands. We must reap what we sow.


No one can truly prove how this system or karma really works, although some claim otherwise.  It is likely that on some level we do have a subconscious understanding of karma and life. 


Karma is likely intentional and is not referred to as good or bad.  Karma can also be considered favorable and reward us for positive actions taken however many people seem to pay more attention to what they term as “bad” Karma.  If challenging Karmic implications are due so are favorable life experiences as there is always balance in life.  Perhaps paying more attention to the good in life rather than focusing on the difficulties will enhance our“good” karma.


Some believe or should I say feel that Karmic debt can be paid off during the life it was incurred.  Why not pay and/or reap your dues/rewards for this life now?


You reap what you sow and if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, then rewards can come to you in this life.  Mental reasoning and the ability to understand the deeper meanings is a gift that can be experienced now, no matter how it is revealed.


Thought processing, belief structure and focus are taught in this life, and this too is a gift, as so many do not understand or recognize this reality.  Look deeper at your life and your experiences, and recognize the blessings that have come and are coming your way.  Material comfort is not all that this life is about although there is something to say about not having to worry about your next meal or staying warm and comfortable.


Be happy for the positive experiences in life but work on what needs to be worked on.  Challenge the concepts that make you uncomfortable and strive for the betterment of not only your life, but the lives around you.  The opportunities surround you; pay heed.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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You reap what you sow & if you know that you are living your life to the best of your ability, rewards can come to you in this life. What are your karmic intensions?

Wednesday, 22 November 2023


Much of what we will discuss here will influence those with their Sun in Sagittarius at varying degrees.  You will have to check the degrees of influence in your natal chart along with the degrees of the transiting planets to get a clear picture of whether these positions will influence your chart and when they will highlight the areas of life suggested in your chart.  We will only look at the outer planetary positions because their influence is long lasting; the inner planets move quickly and have only a slighter influence compared to the outer planets.



Pluto is all about transformation and regeneration and will highlight individuals in a positive way providing opportunities and advancement with goals, life objectives, career path and changes of a personal nature especially those energies that needs revamping from an internal perspective.  Pluto will be in Aquarius for many years and is currently making its final pass in the sign of Capricorn.


Pluto will move very slowly creating many occasions when you will feel its influence. This will create inner reflection, with a need to dive deep within to gain clarity, especially on the parts of yourself that could be deemed dark or undesirable.  You will be asked to face the truth and although it may not be overly pleasant, now will be the time not only for reflection but for change either with or without your approval.  Pluto’s action is definitive and there are no half measures.  Something will end so that something new can begin.


If this timing fits your chart, it can affect not only your life’s path but also enhances your position for advancement in your career or with plans that you have been tossing around for moving ahead. 


The sextile is an opportunity aspect and although life can offer up situations that are appropriate for change and transformation to take hold quite often, you will need to set the action in motion.  Without a push from you to advance your cause, there is a chance that nothing will take hold.  With the sextile aspect, a push from you is often a requirement for advancement. 



Saturn remains in Pisces into early 2026 and during its time spent in this sign, it will be making a square to those with their Sun in the degrees associated with its placement at that time. 


Sagittarius is a free roaming sign that loves adventure and exploration.  It is mostly adaptable to life’s situations yet wants its freedom.  With Saturn making a square to those with their Sun in Sagittarius, there may be feelings of being held back or being slowed down when it comes to the desire to move ahead in life, especially with new adventures.  Saturn likes the tried and tested and is not overly interested in moving in new directions. Saturn will likely do its best to stop you from advancing into new areas.


Sagittarius does enjoy free spirit and the wide-open spaces, and Saturn, the teacher and disciplinarian, will want to teach important lessons while Sagittarius finds room to move.  These lessons and teachings can be quite valuable when we look back, and over time, will create a solid foundation for the information or experiences taken.  It lays the groundwork for further advancement, but you will have to work hard to advance whatever your objectives may be.


Enjoy your new solar year, Sagittarius.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes is now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Sun in Sagittarius will have an influence from Pluto and Saturn in the coming year bringing opportunities for advancing and lessons for building a new foundation.