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Showing posts with label psychic. Show all posts

Thursday 19 October 2023


On October 23, 2023, the Sun moves from the Cardinal Air sign of Libra into the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio. We will speak primarily to those people with their Sun in Scorpio. On a different level this post can apply to those with their rising sign in Scorpio or for those with planets and/or MC in the sign of Scorpio.


The tendencies we will discuss will primarily have to do with Sun in Scorpio but as the T Sun moves through Scorpio and touches the other influences in the chart, it will have a much lessor impact but still have some affect in the areas of life indicated by the house position and the planetary energies indicated by the planets involved.


The Sun moves one degree per day so its influence in other placements besides the solar return (which speaks of the Sun coming back to its original placement in the natal chart) will only last for approximately 5 days. Its influence will likely be minor unless other planetary placements also enhance these positions.


Those with their Sun in Scorpio are deep and introspective individuals in general. They reflect on life and find meaning along the way by digging deep for the truth. They love the mysteries of life and love to find answers that lie under the surface. They are intense and often quite sensual. Their appetite for learning about the mystical side of life runs deep.


There is something mysterious about the average Scorpio individual and often they keep at least a portion of themselves private or hidden. They often are inclined however to know what goes on deep inside of others. Like Cancer and especially Pisces, they are feeling people and although they use their intellect to dissect life’s matters, they often go by instinct and their intense feelings. Quite often they know without being told. In some cases, this perceptive ability can make others uncomfortable. Scorpio individuals can find others who do not find it necessary to hide any part of themselves quite fascinating.


Scorpio may have a bad reputation for their sexual behaviors or for being sneaky or deceiving. Some Scorpios do have these characteristics, but in general, these latter type Scorpios are less evolved. This personality type is known as the scorpion while those with clear insight and intuitive perception are what is referred to as the eagle. Their insight can be profound, and when they learn to open up and not withhold the knowledge that they gain through life’s experience, they can open the doors for others seeking enlightenment.


Transiting Mercury will influence the transit of the Sun in Scorpio roughly to the end of October, 2023, enhancing the mind and communication techniques. Transiting Mars meets up with the Sun in the final stages of the Sun passing through Scorpio and Saturn will be in opposition to the early degrees of Scorpio, but we will touch on these influences in our next Astrology post.


Happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.


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Sun in Scorpio are hard to decipher, deep, perceptive and intense.

Wednesday 18 October 2023


As mentioned in a previous post Transiting Pluto went direct on October 11, 2023. Today we will While in retrograde, it might have made an aspect to your natal Mercury and now may return and make an aspect again.


Today, we will focus on Transiting Pluto square Natal Mercury.


If Pluto does make a square to your natal mercury and if this is the first contact by square you can think of this time as an intense period of re-evaluating the whole thinking process which might have you wondering about the knowledge you have accepted as truth for some time now.


Your ideologies and concepts may go through intense transformation under this aspect. Because we are speaking about the square aspect, this period (often long lasting) can not only be intense but also quite disruptive and challenging. Conflicts can arise about your beliefs and others may insist on changing your mind. At the very least, you should review your ideas. This is especially true if there are opposition aspects from other transits currently or oppositions to this point in the natal chart.


As mentioned, your thinking process is going through transformations, and this is a good time to review your belief structures and make sure they are built on solid foundations. It is most likely that you will experience changes that affect you in personal ways and that your pattern of thinking adjusts. This can apply to self-knowledge and the control you have in life because of your beliefs.


Don’t worry about what is taking place as you will find that although this might be a tumultuous period lasting about 2-3 years, the changes that are now taking hold will lead you to where you need to go. The thought process needed some challenges to push you out of complacency. Now you are ready to open doors that might otherwise have been closed due to closed mindedness or fixation from the past.


The outer planets, which seem somewhat fated, will push us ahead because change is now necessary. The actions because of their energies can be very disruptive, even causing conflicts and confrontations with others but the potential outcome from the challenges put us in a better position for moving forward.


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The thought process needed some challenges to push you out of complacency. Now you are ready to open doors that might otherwise have been closed due to closed mindedness or fixation from the past.

Tuesday 17 October 2023


Are you at a place in life where change is a requirement, and you are ready to make these changes?


Change indicators are set in place when life has gone stagnant. You have a new lesson to learn, or you have become complacent with your life situations. Life is now pushing you forward because it is time to move forward.


Sometimes taking the necessary steps can be challenging. Perhaps you are in your comfort zone. You might even be a little uncomfortable because you really don’t know where this change will take you. Due diligence is a prerequisite, as it is never suggested that we jump into something “sight unseen”. Planning, preparation and setting a positive attitude is always necessary; however, overthinking is not beneficial either.


There are turning points in life when life just seems to lead. Sometimes there is little choice to be made, and we need to go with the flow. In many cases because of the uncertainty, we hold on to what is comfortable. We refuse to budge, and fear or anxiety sets in.


If we need to change course and we know it, perhaps now is the time, especially if we have been examining the situation or contemplating a move for an extended period.


Sometimes our focus can push us one way or another. Focus creates emphasis and your concept of what needs to change might not be as drastic as you think.


Transformation on some level is evident even if it is only through focus and intension. Don’t forget your focus and belief structures slowly mold over time and grows when we concentrate on anything.


Sometimes life leads the way and other times we are drawn deep into situations because that is all we think about. Your prime objective should be to move in the direction you actually need to go. Is it need or focus?


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Sometimes life leads the way and other times we are drawn deep into situations because that is all we think about. Is it needed or from our focus?

Monday 16 October 2023


Transiting Jupiter moves through each sign in approximately one year therefore taking 12 years to complete a full cycle through the zodiac.


T. Jupiter moves into retrograde (appearing to move in a backward motion) once a year. During its retrograde cycle, it can make aspects to planets or angles up to three times, making these aspects from Jupiter more relevant.


Jupiter is the planet of good luck, expansion, growth, and easy flow. Its energies are what we wait for and in many cases good things happen (although when we are having an extended difficult time, it can exaggerate what is already in place). E.g. If someone were to have terminal health conditions, Jupiter’s energies can influence the situation to end the suffering. Jupiter’s energies are in place to expand situations.


A sextiles aspect indicates opportunities. When Jupiter is in sextile with natal Venus, it can bring good opportunities for a romance to blossom and go to the next level. Perhaps you have been involved in a relationship that seems promising and now you become engaged. Good, easy flow comes your way. Unlike the Trine aspect, however, with the Sextile, you should put energy into the situation for it to go to the next level.


Venus is about love, affection, romance, sex, finances, and social energies. All of these can be part of the conditions in place although much will depend on the area of life involved (determined by the houses involved in your chart). Check where T Jupiter and your N Venus are located, as well as the natal position and natal (aspects) to Jupiter’s place in the birth chart. This will give you further information.


E.g. T Jupiter moving through the seventh house (relationships, marriage partner or business associates) while N Venus is in the fifth house (children, romantic involvement, and the enjoyment of life) while N Jupiter is in the second house. This could refer to a romantic relationship with your partner moving to the next level and affecting your children or the children of your partner. Security is enhanced because of the combined income now being generated.


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Good Luck and expansion opportunities in connection with romance, finance and social energies.

Wednesday 11 October 2023


On October 14, 2023, we will experience a Solar Eclipse at 21° in the sign of Libra.


Anyone with planets or angles within three degrees of this placement in their natal chart, either by conjunction or opposition or to a lesser degree by the other major aspects will be influenced by this eclipse. Check the placement of this eclipse along with the aspects it makes, and the natal configurations attached to this position in your chart. Natal potential will give a clear understanding of the energies in place and their potential in your specific case. Each chart will have different dynamics in place and although the energies of a Solar Eclipse often bring the same conditions into life, the areas of life will differ from person to person.


Solar Eclipses, although quite different from a Lunar Eclipse, often signify the likelihood of some form of stress or in some cases a crisis. With the Solar Eclipse, there is an indication of the initial stages or beginnings where there are opportunities, although we are often hard-pressed because what we feel comfortable with in our life, now has changes in place. These changes can be quite vast and will be defined by the placement of the solar eclipse in the chart. What is now in place (beginning phases of this transformation or alteration) will set the theme for the future, some six months ahead, although many Astrologers believe the influence of these solar energies lasts much longer than six months.


There is a sense of destiny in place often with karmic indictors and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra. As mentioned, this Solar Eclipse is at 21° Libra. This can be a time of balancing and creating harmony in the sphere of relationships. Harmonizing is especially essential, and it is important that we also check the opposite house (Aries) to see which other area of life will be affected. If there are planets in your chart at this position (21 degrees give or take 3 degrees of influence) this placement will also be affected by this event.


E.g. Someone with their Neptune in the tenth house conjoining this placement with the eclipse at close proximity, would have indications of spiritual evolution or psychic indicators that would pertain to the career path or goals and aspirations. Neptune would evoke something connected to the psychic realm or some spiritual offerings. This will also affect the home and family because of the fourth house location in opposition to the tenth house placement of this eclipse. The tenth house alignment would be where this Solar Eclipse makes its mark.


What is the influence in your chart?

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There is a sense of karmic destiny in place and in this case related to relationships of significance because of the influence of Libra and the Solar Eclipse

Tuesday 10 October 2023


Today, October 10, 2023, Transiting Pluto moves into its direct motion. Pluto has been in retrograde since May 2, 2023.


This will be the time for those individuals who have a planet or angle either Conjunct Pluto’s position (27/28° Capricorn) or in Opposition to this placement to go through some important changes and major transformations. The Square, Trine and Sextile aspect also have influences on this position but the Conjunction and Opposition are the most powerful.


When Pluto goes direct is a time when you can move ahead with any issues that might have been buried or left on the back burner. You should move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.


If a relationship is what this speaks about (check house position for area of life) then it can mean new beginnings or endings that should have taken place long ago. Pluto is literally about death and rebirth and these endings, if this is the case, are likely total and complete. You will want to confront any part of yourself that needs facing or changing. These innate character traits may not be comfortable to face but this will bring a sense of power you may not have experienced before. Do what needs doing and life will take you to where you need to go.


It is time to be honest with not only yourself but also with others. Let the cards fall where they may. Honest self-reflection can change the course of your life and there may be no halfway measures about this. It offers psychological and, in some cases, spiritual insight and you may meet someone who helps you with this process or in the case of the opposition pushes you to confront your darkest secrets. This is not a time to be easy on yourself. It is a time of realization and confrontation and then healing can take place. Sitting back is not a good idea at this time and you may not have a choice when the veil begins to lift.


As mentioned, the areas of life will be indicative to the houses involved and the energies in place will correspond to the merging of the planets/angles involved in the aspect. You can give yourself about a 3 to 4° orb of influence. It will also be important to look at where your natal Pluto is situated and the aspects to it as this will give you further insight.


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Pluto goes direct is a time to move ahead with any issues that might have been buried. Move ahead with these matters, bring things to the surface and face the matter, even if it is hard to face. Pluto’s action can be intense and feel fated on some level, but insight is often very powerful when we deal with matters of this kind.

Wednesday 4 October 2023


When transiting Pluto squares your midheaven (MC) challenging situations will affect your career options, life status, goals and aspirations and life’s path. This is not an easy time, and you will have to adjust and often to a great degree. Intensity and disruption along with adversity can be expected.


There are no halfway measures about Pluto and in many cases, what takes place is out of your control. You can fight the process, which in some cases can be beneficial) but, in this case, you may have to go with the flow and recognize these energies over time will move you in the proper direction (although perhaps not in the direction you anticipated).


There can be power strategies and ego disputes and almost always a struggle to gain insight into where life is taking you. There can often be a degree of uncertainty especially when Neptune is involved in the calculation. Worry and concern about your future is often evident because of the uncertainty.


As with all transiting squares, however, the energy is challenging enough that it forces you into action. A resolution is needed, and you will find one if you go deep enough. Sometimes attitude is your greatest enemy.


Your goals in life will likely change and your path will alter, but the outer planets when transiting over parts of your chart are indicators that change is required. Although it may feel like the rug is being pulled out from under your feet, you will find a way to land on your feet with new perspectives and a new path as you move forward into what now seems like the unknown. Faith in the process is vital and although the struggle may be intense, you need to keep your wits about you. Don’t let life get you down and believe that this is for the best, no matter how things might look in the moment.


Everything in life happens for a reason. Take the bull by the horns and adjust when you need to and know that as time progresses you will recover, be in a better position and be wiser when the dust settles.


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When T. Pluto squares the Midheaven, change is required.

Monday 2 October 2023


With this aspect you can expect changes in the areas of love and affection, socializing, and finances. Uranus brings changes that are required to move you forward. Sometimes these changes are sudden and completely unexpected while at other times you “feel” or know that the potential is there for things to make a move.


Uranus acts in quick and unusual ways bringing about an awakening of sorts to what it touches. It invites “new” to situations that require change. When Venus is involved perhaps this could involve a love affair that you never saw coming, or perhaps you have been friends and now the relationship goes to the next level. You may feel ill-prepared and may never have considered this individual on a love relation level. Perhaps things just happen out of the blue and one thing led to another. Now it may seem as though this was a fated encounter.


Venus, definitely speaks of love and affection, can also refers to a younger woman. It is likely females that we are speaking of whether this be you or it is speaking of a female counterpart. Perhaps your friends set up a social gathering where you met. Perhaps you were celebrating something, and this individual connected with you.


As mentioned, this can also speak of your finances and beautiful objects. Perhaps on a whim you decided it was time to buy a new car or perhaps you decided it was time to sign a mortgage.


Watch for Uranus being retrograde as this can restrict its energies. Review what you might want to buy or where you place your attention at this time, and if possible, wait until the retrograde period is completed.


E.g., if T Uranus is conjuncting the MC as it sextiles your Venus, you get a raise or you become more social with those that you work with (this is more likely if Uranus or Venus is in the sixth house). The sextile is an opportunity aspect, and the energies are ripe for more positive potential to arrive. You should review your objectives, especially with love, affection and your finances, then take advantage of your options. Make sure you check out your full chart before you advance, as any challenging influences can hinder things or influence bad decisions.


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Transiting Uranus sextile Venus is a time of sudden change in relationships, finances and social networks

Thursday 28 September 2023


On September 29, 2023, we will experience an Aries Full Moon at 6° (First decant).


A full moon is the harvest time of our efforts from seeds plants some six months earlier under the energies of the New Moon in Aries. For those that are affected by this Full Moon, the efforts they expended will be reflected in the fruits of their labor.


The sign Aries is often associated with a new beginning and with this New Moon/Full Moon energies what you initiated is likely something very personal in nature. It may have been something that you started with or without the help of others and it has your personal stamp on it. You may have started a business or initiated something that had been sitting on the backburner. Perhaps you began a love relationship that is now maturing and either moves to the next level or ends.


There are other energies involved. Transiting planets Venus and Uranus are square to one another often indicating some type of change taking hold in the area of relationships or your finances. There must be indicators in your natal chart before this applies to you. If there are, you can expect the unexpected and it might happen in an erratic and unusual manner.


There are no other transiting planetary energies attached to the location of the Full Moon at 6° Aries, but your natal chart might say otherwise.


Aries is about taking the initiative and forging ahead with or without much planning. What you do or how you move forward might be considered by some as ego oriented or self-consuming. Your actions, however, must suit your objectives first and then have their outward expression. There is a degree of “What do I need?” in this Full Moon in Aries and you must come first. It is time to think about what is best for you and how you can go about making changes or following through with whatever will benefit your goals.


The house positioning and aspects from the natal chart to this placement will tell the story and those that are affected by this placement will realize that what they plan and work towards has potential to come to fruition.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for out Beginners and Level II classes is now complete.  Watch for our announcement in the future for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Full Moon is a time to harvest; Aries makes it personal

Wednesday 27 September 2023


We continue our look at aspects affecting Sun in Libra readers. See our previous post on Monday for more forecasting


Neptune and Jupiter are both currently (September 2023) in retrograde suggesting that they are not operating to their full potential. Neptune can make things feel unclear while Jupiter can influence you into thinking you could make anything happen. There are many more outlets for these energies, but it is safe to say that when they turn direct (December 2023) things will be clearer, more concise, and you will look at your objectives in a more reasonable light without overexaggerating the potential. The areas of life involved in these equations will be marked by their house positions and the house position of the Sun for those with their Sun in Libra.


The quincunx aspect is a 150° angle between two placements in your chart. You can allow an orb of 5° to see if these placements affect your Sun. A quincunx also known as the inconjunct is a challenging aspect which speaks of adjustments that need to be put in place. Once these adjustments have taken hold, things will flow more smoothly. As time passes you will recognize that the changes were essential to your goals and aspirations.


The Sun represents who we are and is connected to our path in life along with other indicators in the natal chart. The Sun speaks of inner personality and objectives available to us which we can either act upon or pass by. The Sun is our essential self and indicates our mission and who we are in personal terms. Not everyone sees certain Sun sign energies but with Libra, we are seen as someone who is seeking equilibrium, calm and also wanting fairness and justice to prevail. (See our previous post on Sun in Libra characteristics for more details


Sun in quincunx to Neptune often suggests that things are not as clear as they could be although when this placement of Neptune moves into direct motions (in many cases and depending on the rest of the chart), things often clear up. This can relate to relationships, goals, occupation, plans and the general direction of life and in some cases in mystical or religious terms. Again, review the house placements.


Jupiter tends to expand on situations, and growth is often apparent even when it is in retrograde (not as prevalent as when in its direct motion). Jupiter often brings good luck, an ease in obtaining benefits and opportunities to advance. When not operating in optimal ways Jupiter can create feelings that nothing can go wrong. Even when we make mistakes we may feel that we did not do anything wrong, and that things will eventually turn out better. In many cases this is still true but for now make your objectives practical.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Tuesday 26 September 2023


Are you playing all your (life) cards?


Will you play this round with the best of intensions and with a winning attitude?


Life is not like a card game; however, we do have to play with what we have in front of us. It is better when we understand the process and when to move ahead and when to stand back. As Kenny Rogers sang, “We have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them”. There is a strategy to life, just as there is in a game of cards. It can take time to move ahead and we learn from previous plays or in real terms from previous decisions.


As in a game of cards, life will throw us twists and turns and sometimes we can make things work and other times we just must accept that this is just the way things are. Attitude as mentioned countless times before is a big part in the process and we can fight the inevitable and feel frustrated or we can change our attitude and life then seems more promising.


Some individuals seem to be dealt a winning hand while others have many struggles along their life’s path. Do not compare your journey to others’ journeys. You only know what you see and there is much more to someone’s life than what is on the surface. Focus on your life and ask yourself, “what can I do to make things easier or better” and more importantly “what did I learn from this experience?” There are always lessons. Be ready to learn.


Accept your life in the moment and be open to something favorable coming your way. Formulate an action plan that will build momentum in your favor as you move along. You can expect delays and shortcomings, but you can also expect rewards and benefits you may never had dream of.


We can only play the cards we are dealt. What can you do to make the best of what you have in the moment? Tomorrow is another day; it is always a whole new story.


Remember your perception has a big influence on how you feel. If it is less than ideal, make alterations to your expectation and your focus.


Life might not seem as though it is in your hands but you have full control of your attitude and focus.


You do have a winning hand!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for our fall classes in now over. Watch for announcements for our spring class in the future. Visit for course details.


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You have a winning hand

Monday 25 September 2023


As mentioned in our post September 20, the Sun moved into the Cardinal, Air sign of Libra on September 23, 2023.  See our posts at  Here is our Libra forecast (transits) for 2023


With transiting Uranus remaining in the sign of Taurus reaching its lowest point of 19° towards the end of 2023 and into 2024, those with their Libra Sun within orb of these degrees will experience a quincunx. The quincunx can be a bit of a challenging aspect as it speaks of the need for adjusting their life’s circumstances. This can relate to relationships or goals in life, and it may not be an easy alteration. Uranus acts in unexpected manners although it does provide a degree of warning of what needs to be done.


Uranus’ action is swift and can be erratic although the changes will be what is required at the time and the need for change has likely been in place for some time.


There is also an upcoming Solar Eclipse at 21° Libra which will certainly touch those within a 3° approach to this degree with their Sun or other placements of planets and angles within their chart. (We will be discussing the importance of this upcoming event in a future post).


Jupiter is also in early degrees of Taurus having an influence on what unfolds in the quincunx. T Neptune will play its part as well being in the final stages of Pisces also making a quincunx to those with their Sun in these degrees.


In general, this upcoming period certainly suggests that adjustments are necessary for those with important connections related to these positionings.


More will be written in upcoming posts about the influence of these positions in the natal chart, but for a personal analysis contact an experienced Astrologer.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall Beginner's and the Level II registrations are now complete. Watch for announcements for our spring courses in the future. Visit for course details.


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Libra Forecast

Thursday 21 September 2023


September 23, 2023, we (north of the equator) will experience the Autumnal or Fall Equinox at 02:50 a.m. EDT.


The Fall equinox (Mabon) acknowledges and celebrates the rewards of our hard labour and the gathering of our harvest. The Fall equinox is a time of reflection on the harvest of our achievements and often considered a time of change. It is linked to the astrological sign of Libra which above all else is a sign that requires balance. Our current balance requirement is knowing what we need to hold on to and what we need to let go of.


Now is the time to reap the rewards of our labour but if we have not sown the seeds of life in the manner we should have, we may have to sacrifice because of the shortfalls and count our losses.


Astrologically, the Fall equinox represents finding a balance within our self-image and within any disapproval that is found in our view of self. How can you change that disapproval to approval?


This is a time to review our life’s goals and the conquests we have made. This review will assist us in recognizing our abilities and true selves.


The spring and fall equinox are known as cardinal points. The cardinal points in the horoscope are known as action points. They are used as timing devices and lead to activity, drive, ambition, and involvement. The fall equinox is the end or culmination point of whatever action you have already taken similar to the Full Moon’s energies. It is a time to actively pursue a course of action, to take control of your life and push forward in the direction of your choice. Cardinal signs are action oriented and strive for activity that is often personally initiated. Do not wait for or rely on others to make things happen.


This will be the time to push ahead with the harvest of your efforts or count your losses and set new things in motion. Use the energies of the equinox to push forward and make the changes you need. Address any situation that needs your focus. The time has come to move beyond any stagnated stages of life that have held you back. Now is the time to reap the rewards after a busy season of planting the seeds and nurturing growth. The efforts you put forth are now ready to be harvested.

If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or   Thank you.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for out Beginners and Level II classes are now complete.  Watch for our announcement in the future for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Autumnal or Fall Equinox a time for action and to harvest

Tuesday 19 September 2023


We have all heard the old saying that the hard lessons are the ones we remember. During the smooth times it seems there are few lessons to learn but why is this so?


Do we just float through the good times without recognizing they are blessings?


Can we learn from our positive experiences or does life have to be challenging for us to recognize our lessons?


If we realize how fortunate we are and appreciate our life’s experience (challenging or not), lessons are still being taught. We know the value of appreciation. We recognize the abundance that flows from these periods and are grateful. This too is a valuable lessons and teaches us to appreciate what life sends our way.


Let’s give the same amount of focus to these easy flow periods as we do to our challenging periods.


In knowing and understanding that the flow of life does change with the amount of focus we give to certain events in our lives, it is important to pay closer attention to what we refer to as “good times”.


Energy grows and focus builds. I believe we have acknowledged a valuable lesson today!


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Registration for out Beginners and Level II classes are now complete.  Watch for our announcement in the future for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Please “Like” us on Facebook.  Your “shares” are appreciated and your questions are welcomed.


If you have confidential comments or questions, or if you would like to speak to us concerning the preparation of a chart, please visit

Life Lessons