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Monday 28 October 2024


On November 1, 2024, we will experience a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio at 9°. 


This New Moon in Scorpio has to do with transformation, and this is often because Scorpio needs to get beneath the surface of matters and dig deep.  There is a need to understand things on a deeper level and uncover life matters. If this Scorpio New Moon’s energies affect your chart, what will you be setting in motion?

This Scorpio New Moon will influence those that have planets or angles within 3° of this placement and especially by Conjunction or Opposition.


A New Moon will have different energies depending on which Astrological sign it falls in; however, every New Moon speaks about the beginning or start of something which can be important, and it is significant to known which houses it falls in within your personal chart as this is the area of life affected.


For example, if this New Moon happens to fall within 3° of your Midheaven, your career or life’s path including your status and goals in life would be affected by the energies.  The home environment and your family will also be involved but not to the same extent that the career would be.  However, the conditions in place may stem from the family or your home environment, because this placement will make the IC in Opposition to the New Moon’s placement in our example.


As mentioned, this New Moon is 9° Scorpio, and Scorpio’s energies would be part of what this New Moon will be about.  Scorpio has to do with transformation, and this is often because Scorpio needs to get beneath the surface of matters and dig deep.  There is a need to understand things on a deeper level and uncover life matters, especially what might be considered somewhat taboo to the general public. 


When called upon to seek out the truth of matters, those with strong Scorpio tendencies can be relentless in their pursuit.  There is great intension and intensity and much of what is recovered may not be open for discussion.  Often, there is something about the discovery that must be kept private and very few will know about it. If deemed necessary, however, it will be brough out in the open with those that are connected to the matter.  There may be sexual overtones to this process and when dissected a huge change often follows.


Transiting Saturn will be in Trine to this placement at 12° Pisces.  Transiting Saturn is in its retrograde cycle until November 15 when it moves into its direct motion once again.  In many cases, Saturn while in retrograde works much better than when it is in direct motion.  Saturn is the teacher of the Zodiac, and its lessons can be difficult.  It is all about reality and seeing things as they are. When Saturn is in retrograde it will open the doors to clearer perception and a wider understanding of the process unfolding in the moment.  It still works slowly however.


If this Scorpio New Moon’s energies affect your chart, what will you be setting in motion?


What seeds will you plant in the garden of life?


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Scorpio #ScorpioNewMoon #NewMoon #intense #sensual #deep #reflective #setyourintentions #newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 24 October 2024


It is essential to learn when to stand up to fight for change & when to ride the waves of change & adapt.  On the winds of change, life will take us exactly where we need to go. We learn, we live, & if we enjoy inner peace, we adjust to accommodate it.
Just as we experience the changing seasons, there will be times when we ourselves begin to feel the need for change or feel that change is beginning to manifest in our lives.  Sometimes we know that a change is about to occur, and other times, life presents us with the unexpected. It is not always easy to adjust to change but it is essential for our mental and physical wellbeing.  There are certainly times to fight but more frequently there are times when we have to recognize that change is essential and go with the flow.


For example, sometimes a relationship will end, with or without our consent, and we must begin a new life without our partner. Alternatively, we may have been on our own for a great length of time and enjoy the independence, but we meet someone new. We can be concerned with where a relationship may take us. 


We may lose our job or have an opportunity to start a new career.


Sometimes it is an easy adjustment and sometimes not so easy.  Even good change can be taxing.


Some of us are quick to adjust, and some have a very hard time even adjusting to minor changes.  Some are so set in their ways that change, although unpredictable, is so challenging that they will do their utmost to keep things the same at any cost but again, change may come without a choice.


As we move through life, we will go through many different experiences, and adjustment is an essential part of the equation.  We learn to bend and stop resisting change.  Refuse to change can create much unnecessary anguish in life.


It is essential to learn when to stand up to fight for change, and when to ride the waves of change and adapt.  On the winds of change, life will eventually take us exactly where we need to go, with or without our consent.  We learn, we listen, we live, and if we enjoy inner peace, we adjust to accommodate it.


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall course is now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 23 October 2024


Happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.


Transits that will affect Sun in Scorpio indicate powerful change ultimately all favourable for Sun in Scorpio when the dust settles. Again, happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.
Today, we would like to touch on the transits that will affect Sun in Scorpio


Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are all transiting in the late degrees of Capricorn, Pisces, & Taurus respectively; therefore, these planets be now affecting all those with their Sun in the final degrees of Scorpio. 


This would have been and likely still is a time when there are great changes and powerful energies taking place in life.  The aspects will be affecting anyone with their Sun from 25 to 29° and for those with their Sun in the immediate earlier degrees, you have already gone through what we are about to touch on.


Transiting Pluto and Uranus are both in earth signs therefore they are making an opposition from Uranus to the Sun and a sextile from Pluto to the Sun.  Once Pluto moves into Aquarius (mid-November) and stays there without retrograde motion, it will be making a square for those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio. 


Once Neptune moves into Aries which takes place into 2025, it will be making a quincunx to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio.  These two planets will already be having their energies felt for these people but will intensify as time progresses.


Pluto, a powerful agent of transformation, suggests massive changes of a positive nature and will bring opportunities for those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio. For those with their Sun in the early degrees of Scorpio, the energies are quite different as this aspect is now a square, while the earlier aspect with those in the later degrees is a sextile. 


The square presents us with obstacles to overcome in the areas of life indicated by the house positions of transiting Pluto and the Sun.  This would likely not be an easy time and change, although quite disruptive and often unavoidable, will, over time, put you where you need to be.  It is important to recognize this the energies in place in the initial stages are often not very pleasant.  Change is now a requirement from deep within  and what you used to hold on to or have will make a giant shift and a new idea or concept or experience takes hold.  It will likely take about 2 years to fully understand the reason behind what takes place and the acknowledgement that this is favorable over the long haul.


Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces making a Trine to those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio suggests that although things may not be too clear as to where you might be heading, the changes that affect you will be advantageous as time passes.  There may be more insight into the mystical side of life and an unlocking of the door to clearer insight and spirituality of a positive sort. Things just seem to flow and both Pluto and Neptune are making easy and good energies for those with their Sun in the later degrees of Scorpio. 


Uranus is also a powerful agent of change but not as dynamic and absolute as Pluto. With Uranus in the last degrees of Taurus making an opposition for those with their Sun in the final degrees of Scorpio, this will likely bring changes and often these changes have to do with relationships and the energy is often brought on by others.  Uranus, although it can act in unusual ways and bring sudden and unexpected change, fosters change that is needed because whatever was in place now no longer serves a viable purpose.  The soul is asking that you make changes and has likely provided you with a little push in the past, but you may not have reacted accordingly so now its energies are much more abrupt and insistent.


For a deeper insight into what these energies might mean in your particular chart, contact your Astrologer for personal details as the full chart must be reviewed for a total clear picture as this is a general look at the stronger aspects to Scorpio.


Transits that will affect those with Sun in Scorpio indicate powerful change ultimately all favourable for Sun in Scorpio when the dust settles.  Again, happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 22 October 2024


When sworn to secrecy, it takes deep contemplation and understanding to know when it is not acceptable to share and when it is essential to speak up. If you carry the weight of a secret, sharing your secret may far outweigh the benefits of keeping your secret hidden. If, however, you are sworn to secrecy, honor your commitment to this individual.
Trust and willpower are two key elements when being sworn to secrecy. You must know that you have the willpower to honor the wishes of the individual who trusts you.


There are times when what you know can cause harm to someone else and in some cases change their lives forever.  Let’s use a married couple for example. We are open and bear our deepest, darkest secrets to our partner. Even if the partnership falls apart, I personally believe it is our obligation to retain our partnership secrets as such. Divorce should not steal our integrity no matter how hurt or blindsided we may be.


There are also times that what we have learned needs to come to the surface because keeping it hidden and away from those that need to know can harm them as well. 


When sworn to secrecy, it takes deep contemplation and understanding to know when it is not acceptable to share and when it is essential to speak up.


For those asking for secrecy, it is important that they realize secrecy can harm them both physically and mentally.  Keeping a personal secret can cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, and a disconnect to name a few. It may be healthier to share your secret for your own health. Sharing will also give a feeling of control and release.  Sharing your secret can lighten the load.


If you carry the weight of a secret, sharing your secret may far outweigh the benefits of keeping your secret hidden.


If, however, you are sworn to secrecy, honor your commitment to this individual.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #secret #sworntosecrecy #sharing #secrecy #trust #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Monday 21 October 2024


On October 22, 2024 the Sun moves from the sign of Libra, a Cardinal Air sign, to Scorpio, a Fixed Water sign.  Libra is very concerned with relationships and keeping things in balance, creating harmony through dialogue and fairness.  They are the mediators and the peacekeepers of the Zodiac.


Scorpio, on the other hand, is a deep and reflective sign and much of what goes on within is kept private. Scorpio individuals only share what they want to.  They go through major transformations in life, with one thing coming to an end because it does not fit their ongoing quest for understanding and reflection. Once things have ended, they begin anew with a concept or deep understanding.  This is not to say that they know where life will take them, but they do know what is no longer a viable source and will search for that which can take them to where they need to go.


Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto and co-ruled by the planet Mars.  Wherever Pluto is found in a natal chart depicts an area that needs transformation over time and heralds great change because of life’s circumstance.  Pluto often speaks of power struggles and in some cases, we find this true with Scorpio individuals.  They usually have a great deal of confidence within and are very hard to sway, unless “proven” otherwise. 


Scorpio runs deep below the surface and what goes on inside is often a mystery.  They have a mysterious demeaner and have the ability to penetrate deep within themselves and others.  Some individual are comfortable with this; others are not. 


The less evolved Scorpio will use this ability to delve deep and use what comes to the surface as a source of power over others.  Those more evolved use this ability, which will grow as the evolution takes place, to help others along their path in life, by listening and offering advice, which under most conditions, others will listen too. In general, Scorpio people are more introverted than extroverted, and therefore when they do offer their input in matters, people will listen.  In general, Scorpio individuals will not babble on about things that do not matter and are rather matter-of-fact individuals.


Scorpio has been given a bad rap because of their sexual appetite.  Many Scorpio’s can identify with this intrigue, but most are quite committed once they decide to stay with a partner.  They can be promiscuous although this can be controlled if they so choose.  Scorpio is a very sensual sign. 


Sun in Scorpio individuals have intensity in all they do and how they live. If you enjoy a mystery, you will enjoy the company of a Scorpio individual.


Happy solar return to our Scorpio readers.


Our post October 23 will touch on the upcoming transits that can affect our Scorpio readers.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Scorpio #SuninScorpio #mysterious #secretive #intense #sensual #introvert #deep #reflective #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 16 October 2024


On October 17, 2024, we will be experiencing a Full Moon at 24° in the sign of Aries.  This Full Moon will have an influence on anyone who has planets or angles between 21-27° either Conjunct or in Opposition to this Full Moon’s position (Aries/Libra). To a lesser degree, it will also affect those with a Trine or Square to this placement in the mentioned degrees in Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, or Sagittarius.


The full moon in Aries is a harvesting of the efforts you put forth concerning something very personal. Our current results or consequences mirror the actions and effort we took.
The energies of a Full Moon in Aries amplify action and push and will particularly involve you on a personal basis.  This does not mean that others cannot be involved as the opposition always speaks in terms of others being part of the picture, but what it does mean is that it will likely affect you on a personal level.


This placement speaks about what would have begun approximately 6 months ago when the new moon was in Aries. It may now be nearing its completion.  Whatever was involved will now begin its harvesting period.  The amount of energy and dedication focused on this matter or goal will clearly reflect the advancement towards your desired results.  This matter likely has a personal approach and would most certainly be about you and your path forward.


Does this have to do with your career (10th house), your family and home environment (4th house) your relationship (7th house), finances (2nd house) or joint finances (8th house)?  Much will be determined when we look at the houses involved in the equation. 


We must also take into consideration the current Square from transiting Mars which is at 22° Cancer. Although out of orb, Pluto at 29° Capricorn also makes a Square to this position forming a Grand Cardinal Square when including the position of the Sun.  This suggests that it is likely that the planning and orchestration of the desired goals will have some obstacles in the way of success.  It will most likely not be an easy task, and you may find that there are several other issues somehow related that have an impact on your desired results.


Grand Squares in the Cardinal signs suggest that there will be a strong push to advance whatever you might be trying to achieve and with a sustained effort you can get, at the very least, close to reaching your objectives.  A strong push is required and still there is not a guarantee that you will reach the summit of your goals, but don’t give up unless you can see no way clear. Keep reminding yourself that you can achieve a great deal with the necessary push.  You may find hurdles, delays and some setbacks along the way, but persevere!  See where it takes you.


Alternatively, if there is no doubt this will not work, you may want to let go and find another road to follow.


The whole chart will give a clearer picture.


The full moon in Aries is a harvesting of the efforts you put forth concerning something very personal. Our current results or consequences mirror the actions and effort we took.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #FullMoon #Aries #AriesFullMoon #reapyourrewards #harvesttime #effort #effortsequalresults #personalgoals #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Fall Beginners course is well underway. Watch for announcements for our spring courses in late winter. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 15 October 2024


During our lives, we will go through huge trends of what we consider ups and downs.  There are no avoiding life’s obstacles, and at other times the easy flow is certainly a part of our ongoing experience. 


We must find ways to safely conquer harsh lessons learned from experience and to take advantage of what life is offering.


We learn to bend and adjust to life’s situations, or we become victims of circumstance. 


We also need to know when it is right to move ahead with our objectives and when to wait for the appropriate energy to come our way.


Experience teaches us when to be rubber & when to be steel. Adversity is our greatest teacher. When life runs smoothly, we learn to appreciate what life provides. How we maneuver through life is always in our hands. Attitude is the key to any life situation.
We can and should become like rubber bending when we need to, or we become like steel unable to or unwilling to adjust when adjustment is necessary. 


We can learn that life will be much easier to handle when we go with the flow and at the same time stand up and fight when it is called for it.  There is a time when we need to remain steadfast in our approach and be like steel, and there is a time when we need to adjust to life’s situations and bend like rubber.  The challenge is knowing which one to be, rubber or steel, at the moment to obtain the best results.


Experience will teach us when to be rubber and when to be steel. We will also learn that adversity and hard times are our greatest teachers.  When life runs smoothly, we learn to go with the flow and to be appreciative of what life provides.  It is always in our hands as to how we maneuver through life. Attitude is the key to any life situation.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #schooloflife #spirituality #spiritualjourney #inthemoment #psychic #OracleReadings #adversity #circumstances #attitude #rubberandsteel #beflexible #standyourground #steadfast #flexible#newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall course is now underway. Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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