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Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Transiting Uranus has been in Taurus (it’s fall position) since March, 2019 (without taking into consideration retrograde movement prior to this). Uranus moves through a sign about every 7 years.  Although still some 18 months away from moving into Gemini, we thought we would touch on this upcoming energy. 


All the planets have an exalted position, a detriment position, a fall position and their domicile position by sign.


A planet does not function well in its Fall position.  It is not suited well for the energies which are part of the planet in question and it’s position by sign.  Its energies are not suitable for this placement.  Uranus likes and pushes for change, especially when what was in place no longer suits its evolutionary quest.  It seeks change of direction so it can open doors to new perceptions, new opportunities and awaken to these possibilities.


Taurus on the other hand likes security and stability and does not like change.  It is quite comfortable in situations which provide structure, stability and are reliable.  Uranus is unpredictable by nature while Taurus is very predictable by nature.  As you can see, in short, these two do not work well within the structures they provide or are looking to implement into being.


With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into areas of interest and excitement. The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.
Although Uranus in not exalted (exalted in Scorpio) or in its domicile (domicile in Aquarius), it will still be much more comfortable in this new amiable and explorative element of Gemini.


Gemini is ruled by the mind, is open to new ideas and does not resist change. It knows on some level that the exploration into new and inventive ideas can produce viable results.  Aquarius, the ruling planet of Uranus, and Gemini are both Air signs. Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini will work well.  Although Gemini is a mutable sign and Aquarius is a fixed sign, Gemini can mold into areas that Aquarius might infer. 


As we begin to feel the shift of Uranus which begins approximately 3° prior to moving into the next sign, we can expect the beginning of a concentrated focus on bringing something new into existence.  With Transiting Uranus moving into Gemini, we can open doors that have been closed and begin to feel the shift into an area of interest and excitement.  The mundane no longer will be in place, and we are now open to new upcoming intervals with an awakening of sorts beginning to take hold.  What was in place may have suited the environment previously but now needs to shift and move where it is much more comfortable and open to new avenues of expression.


Those with Uranus strong in their charts will be the ones most affected by this transition on the near horizon. The placement of Transiting Uranus by house and aspect in your chart will be where this implementation will be enhanced. 


Also, you will need to have a look at the natal potential and see what aspects your natal Uranus makes within the framework of your natal chart and its house position.  This will provide you with a greater understanding of what is yet to come.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #Uranus #UranusinGemini #changes #newideas #easyflow #potential #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Fall Beginners course started on Monday but there is still time to register. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 10 September 2024


There is certainly justified fear.  There are many cases, when fear is in place to warn us of danger.


Fear, however, can also be a part of our life because of our perceptions and our belief structures.  We can live in fear of what might unfold even when there are no indicators that such an event is possible.  Our minds can trump good judgement and take us down roads that do not need to be travelled.  We can be swept away by our thoughts which are not based on reality.  We must step back and recognize our mind’s chatter for what it is and bring ourselves back into the moment (reality).


We cannot change what we do not recognize so recognition of the mind’s chatter is the first step.


Do not act out of hurt and haste when making decisions that are irreversible. Fear and obstructive views are detrimental. Haste and ego can lead to many years of wasted time or worse.
Negative viewpoints on life events or people that we associate with can change the course of our relationships at home, with friends and co-workers. These viewpoints can also stand in the way of peace, mentally and emotionally. 


Forgive where forgiveness is appropriate. It is essential to look within at our own actions before we lay blame on others. Is our perception clear or is our judgement clouded?


If you are in danger or in an abusive relationship, do what you need to do to change this.


If someone has misspoke, a heartfelt conversation and forgiveness may be the appropriate action. 


Take the action needed to move forward whether this entails maintaining the relationship or moving on but do not hold a grudge.  Grudges hurt you; no one else.


Do not act out of hurt and haste when making decisions that are irreversible. Fear and obstructive views are detrimental. Haste and ego can lead to many years of wasted time or worse.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #schoolofLife #inthemoment #themoment #spirituality #spiritualjourney #change #innerstrength #fear #danger #emotions #hurt #grudge #obstructiveviews #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Holm Astrology’s Beginners course started last night but there is still time to join us.  Visit for course details.


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Monday, 9 September 2024


Transiting Saturn currently (September 2024) is in the sign of Pisces.  Pisces is a sign of spirituality, psychic energies and is not well acquainted with mundane earth matters.  It can resort to escapism, has creative endeavors or abilities, is feeling and intuitive. This intuition is likened to feelings rather than the thought process.


Saturn has to do with structure and discipline and is known as the teacher of the Zodiac.  It speaks of hard work, sometimes restriction and delays, and has its endeavors tied to business or working towards achievement. 


Saturn pushes us towards what is material and real while Pisces can be tied to service. When distressful situations surface, Pisces can have the tendency to avoid this at any cost.  Together they will force us to look at life from a deep perspective and although intuition plays into this scenario, reality will also surface.


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time.
When Saturn makes a Trine to Mars, (Mars being the planet of aggressive action and Saturn being restrictive and can create obstacles) there is a degree of hesitation to our achievement push.  Part of us wants to push ahead with great enthusiasm and another part of us says we need to slow down and make sure we are not only ready to work and move ahead but that there is little chance for mistakes along the way.  Saturn forces us to rethink what we might be venturing towards, and it can also make us worry about the validity of these endeavors.  So, there may be a push and pull situation at hand.


With Saturn trine natal mars, we may be often presents with opportunities and easy flow even when Saturn is involved although the energy does not flow without diligent work.  There are things in place that can help us move in our intended direction and chances are with the right preparation, we will succeed in our endeavors.  There may be some stumbling blocks along the road to overcome, but this helps us create the perfect plan and will also make sure that everything is done right the first time.


Look to the natal positioning of your Mars by house and aspect as this will provide you with further indicators of the area of life involved and how challenging or how easy the flow to achievement will be for you.  Saturn’s natal position will also give you more information along with its transiting position. 


With the aspect of Transiting Saturn trine Natal Mars in your chart, the time will be ripe for you to advance with your objectives.  Move forward with positive expectations and take your time. 


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Trine #easyflow #Saturn #lifelessons #theTeacher #Mars #opportunity #energy #advancement #newblogpost #SaturnTrineMars


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our Beginners course starts this evening. Fill out your registration form and submit it to us so that you can joint us. Visit for course details.


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Thursday, 5 September 2024


Life is ever changing and offers experiences as it develops. We, at times, move through a life adventure seeking something of value and other times, are so absorbed in our heads/thoughts, that the events pass us by with little to no awareness from us.


When we are in the moment, these events bring with them much excitement, pleasure and/or learning potential, but if and when we are experiencing life on the surface or without focus, we gain little insight. 


The key to getting the most out of life seems to be to live in the moment and experience completely each and every event that life sends our way.  We tend to judge each event particularly by its monetary value. Judgment, however, is only a concept of what we believe has significance. 


Looking at life as a learning experience places “the lesson” in focus which fosters growth and development. With this focus, you are provided with a learning tool which has value.
Each experience teaches us something.  Each experience tells us something of ourselves.  Some individuals live to experience life, while some just pass through life experiencing the mundane and having no interest in what life is teaching or offering them. 


There are bits in life that are tragic, and these events can send us down roads that we wish we did not have to travel.  There are also events in life when everything seems to be miraculous, and life feels as though it teems with wonder and excitement. Oh, the influence of attitude!


We move through life, moment by moment, with great expectations at times and without any expectations at other times.  Perhaps it is best to have no expectations as sometimes we experience failure, sadness, despair due to our expectations.  We do, however, need to set goals for ourselves but with flexibility so that we can adapt with our ever-changing circumstances. 


Every passage in life prepares us for what is to come next or for what potentially lies in the future.  A bad experience (which is an opinion) does not necessarily mean that life will now always be stressful. This experience was a lesson from which we can grow and improve.


What we focus on, we magnify. If you focus on stress, then you will magnify the stress in your life. If you focus on gratitude and appreciation, then you will magnify gratitude and appreciation.


We really do not know what life’s lessons will bring, but we do have options on the way we perceive what life is presenting. 


Looking at life as a learning experience places “the lesson” in focus which fosters growth and development. With this focus, you are provided with a learning tool which has value. 


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #attitude #lifeLessons #LearningExperience #growth #development #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are accepting registrations for our Beginners Course which starts September 9. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday, 4 September 2024


Transiting Neptune stays in each sign approximately 14 years.


Neptune entered Pisces in the spring of 2011 and will be moving into the sign of Aries in the spring of 2025 but moving back into the final degrees of Pisces when turning retrograde and then returning to Aries and remaining there from the beginning of 2026. 


Neptune moves into Aries for the next 14 years, and we will be tied into our subconscious and learning to evaluate inner communication with outer forces. We will be deepening our understanding of life through the study of self.
As with all sign changes, as Neptune moves into Aries, there are some ramifications of the previous sign, Pisces, and some reflections of the upcoming sign, Aries.  This is like an orb of influence usually beginning to show its influence in and around 3° degrees prior to entering the next sign.


While in its own sign of Pisces, Neptune was working well connected to the energies of spirituality, enlightenment and awakening into the psychic realm.  Many individuals can relate to this over the past 14-year span. Many people became interested and entered this realm of influence. They questioned if there were not more to life than the mundane tasks of everyday responsibilities. 


For those individuals already on this route before the coming age of Neptune in Pisces, the awakening process was enhanced, and their abilities would also have been heightened.


As we begin to feel the energies shifting from Pisces to Aries, the psychic awareness gained by many people becomes more apparent on a personal level.  We become awakened to our own connectedness to the other worldly realms and enhance our personal perspectives into these now more accepted and realized states of being.  We are now more intuitive and have a deeper understanding of the world at large and are now beginning to delve deeper into our own objective reality.  With the influence of Aries, this becomes more personal, and we gain momentum as we advance our individual cause with the objective of assisting others in finding their true identity.


This is a time of personal spiritual growth and an expansion into deeper realms of self from a spiritual level.  We gain momentum by inner/honest reflection and can begin to understand the connectedness of humanity and its plight.  We learn compassion on a personal basis, we learn perseverance through diligent self-examination and delve headlong into the future not knowing exactly what that might entail.


Neptune moves into Aries for the next 14 years, and we will be tied into our subconscious and learning to evaluate inner communication with outer forces. We will be deepening our understanding of life through the study of self.  We are here to learn that we are all one and that the concept of individuality is now more focused on the concept of internal connectedness. 


With the energies when Neptune moves into Aries, explore yourself and open the door. Find the truth to who you are.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #Neptune #NeptuneinAries #Psychic #spirituality #enlightenment #selfExploration #selfunderstanding #selfconnectedness #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the near future. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday, 3 September 2024


 Holm Astrology is offering their Beginner's course starting September 9, 2024. This is an in-class evening course held just north of Barrie.

The materials offer a basic understanding of Astrology and the ability to decipher an Astrology chart including the planets, the houses and angles in a birth chart.The Astrology course will be held over nine classes, with a short exam at the end of the course which will be an excellent tool for you to evaluate your understanding of the materials. The materials offer a basic understanding of Astrology and the ability to decipher an Astrology chart including the planets, the houses and angles in a birth chart.

Classes are $25/class or take advantage of our reduced rate of $200 if paid in advance.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

For complete details visit

To register visit

#astrology #astrologer #astrologypost #HolmAstrology #astroworld  #astrologyposts #zodiacsigns #classes #astrologyclasses

Thursday, 29 August 2024


Life is a continual lesson, a continual current of change. We have gained inner strength particularly in the darkest moments.  This is a test of resilience.  A test of faith in others and ourselves.

There is much uncertainty in life. We really don’t know where we are headed, yet we can always hold our heads high and make our way through the currents of change presented to us daily.


Life moves us along with or without our approval.  We juggle our objectives and set courses for the road ahead without really knowing where that road might take us.


Our objectives are likely feasible and attainable, yet it is okay to reach for higher goals as the higher we aim the higher we can reach. 


You may question what is the purpose for striving to achieve or to pushing ahead in life. After all, life is uncertain.


It is human nature to need goals and objectives to strive for as it gives us tangible purpose.


We learn perseverance in dealing with the different climates life presents us with and need to be adaptable as we coming to terms with where life is taking us.  We find solace in those that provide support and tell us to hang on. We maneuver our way forward and we learn to listen to the advice of our inner voice and those who care about us.  We will learn to walk with our heads high through difficulties and we gain immensely through adversity.


There certainly will be times when life smiles at us and we must remind ourselves to relax and enjoy these times.


Life is a continual lesson, a continual current of change. We have gained inner strength particularly in the darkest moments.  This is a test of resilience.  A test of faith in others and ourselves. 


Count your blessings and acknowledge your accomplishments.  Believe in yourself.  Listen to advice and know that you are never alone. You can depend on life teaching you whatever you need to know and then moving you in the right direction, always!


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologer #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #psychic #Medium #innerstrength #adversity #lifestruggles #learning #growth #resilience #obstacles #inthemoment #newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registration for our Fall Beginner’s course. Visit for course details.


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