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Tuesday 16 July 2024


There are times when we need to do some soul searching and there are times when we need to have a close look at how fortunate we are even in stressful times. 


Life can be challenging, and situations seem to happen when we least expect them. These can hit us hard when they surface.  However, looking at the overall situation of OUR WORLD, most of us live a relatively good life.  We are not amid war, or under dictatorship. We have freedom of speech.  Many of us do not live in areas ravaged by natural disaster, although some of our readers can relate to some of these conditions.


Most of us work or have a steady income.  Most of us have adequate food and nutrients and clean water.  Most of us drive vehicles, bikes or can walk to work. These jobs provide us with money, although we may have to work hard to bring in the funds we need.


Many of us have health care, infrastructure, housing, etc.


In many cases, we have extra money for vacations, to eat in restaurants, attend a movie, and fund celebrations such as Christmas, birthdays and social gatherings, pay for cell phones and have internet.  Life is good, is it not?


The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing.  Have faith in the process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!
We are the fortunate ones. The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing. 


We sometimes need a reminder that what we focus on builds over time and if we don’t like life or its current direction, we can tweak our focus if no action can be taken.  Don’t get caught up in what is missing, or the “should haves” or “could haves”. We need to be patient with our outcomes.


Have faith in your life’s process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #appreciation #fortunate #reflect #attitude #Newblogpost


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday 15 July 2024


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.

On July 21, 2024, the day before the Sun moves into the sign of Leo, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 29°.


The last degree of any sign often carries with it the urgency to complete something or clearly define what the energies of that sign signify.  There is often a sense of urgency, and with this placement 2024 Capricorn Full Moon at 29°, the urgency may be related to business and completing things in an appropriate manner.


This is a challenging positioning of the Full Moon as it is in conjunction with Pluto which currently is at 0° in the sign of Aquarius.  There is the likelihood of power struggles perhaps with those in authority. This can occur with individuals who have their Sun in the sign of Leo in the early degrees as this placement will be in opposition to this placement.  It might be a good idea to express your ideas but to be ready for those in authority to want proof that these ideas are significant.


With transiting Pluto in conjunction with the Full Moon’s placement, transformation and change are highlights for those with this connection affecting their chart.  These are the final stages (full moon) of what was put in place some six months ago when we had the New Moon in this sign, Capricorn. A culmination point is about to materialize.  Everything that you have worked towards should mature pertaining to your goals set six months ago.  If you did not put in the necessary work, a new stage may not be ready to develop.


Pluto often creates power struggles, and those in positions of authority (or those wanting to be in positions of authority) may find the career or life in general having a lot of minor faults under this influence.  This is primarily because the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is in the third decan which implies that there are also Virgo qualities attached to this placement. 


Go with your gut instinct and know what is worth pursuing and what is not worth pursuing. 


Transiting Neptune is making a sextile to this position and often with this contact things have the potential of falling into your hands although it is always suggested that you do what needs to be done for the best end results.  Opportunities are what the placement of Transiting Neptune is about.  Neptune currently sits at the last degree of Pisces and will move into Aries in the spring of 2025, although moving back temporarily into Pisces April 22, 2025, and then returning to Aries in January,  2026 where it will remain for approximately 14 years.


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #fullmoon #CapricornFullMoon #business #powerstruggles #opportunities #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 11 July 2024


Sometimes our gut instinct is so powerful that it stops us in our tracks and pushes us in a new direction.  When we are too impulsive, we get little warnings.  When we need to make changes, we get little nudges suggesting that we move in a new direction. Utilize your gut instinct.

Have there been times when you wished you had listened to your gut instinct, to your intuition (call it what you will)? 


We can often fall short and make mistakes when we don’t.  We just know or instinctively understand that we should not take a certain path, but we do, and something takes hold that could have been avoided. 


In most cases, our instincts can be overruled by our mind or emotions, and we follow blindly forward sometimes into unknown territory and almost anything can happen.  Sometimes the unexpected takes hold and we are victims of our own choices and actions. 


“I should have listened to my heart”, “If only I had followed my gut”, or “When will I learn to follow my instincts?”, are common questions.


Poor decisions can be brutal, but in many cases, they are learning tools.  We gain immensely from these so-called mistakes.  They are our teachers, and we must listen when life’s twists and turns seem to dictate.  The path we take is the road we are meant to follow, no matter how difficult it is.  Change that is required will not unfold without these important but difficult steps through learning experiences.


Gut instinct, however, can help us when we are in situations that might be dangerous.  Sometimes our gut instinct is so powerful that it stops us in our tracks and pushes us in a new direction.  Sometimes these new directions seem far from where we want to travel but life pushes us that way anyway and we, at times, may have little choice but to go with the flow.


When we are too impulsive, we get little warnings.  When we need to make changes, we get little nudges suggesting that we move in a new direction. Sometimes our impulsive actions cause very difficult repercussions.  Sometimes when we do not listen to the little nudges, we get kicks and if we don’t listen to the kicks, life uses forceful energies to take us in that intended direction. 


We need to listen carefully to what our gut is telling us and pay heed, especially when a part of us knows which direction to take.  Do not run from adversity. Face challenges head on and move in the intended direction that is required.


We have intuition, gut instinct, a simple knowing (again call it what you will) for a reason. Utilize your gut instinct.


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #learning #gutInstint #intuition #simpleknowing #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Wednesday 10 July 2024


With Saturn opposition Natal MC, outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.
Before we go into transiting Saturn opposition Natal MC (Medium Coeli), we should also understand that it will also be making a Conjunction to the IC (Imum Coeli).  The Conjunction is actually more powerful than the Opposition and changes will take hold primarily within the family unit, the home environment and who we are in personal terms, perhaps a part that only we know. 


Saturn can be very discriminating and astute with letting us know, through challenging conditions, where we need to build structure and what needs to be defined clearly.  It does not hold back anything when it comes to the truth and will create what is needed, which may be through painstaking effort.


When we look at the opposition to the MC, the likelihood of this being stimulated by something that is taking hold either from within (the individual) or from outside influences, especially from family is strong.  Perhaps the family moves, and the career or life objectives will also have to adjust along with this move.  Perhaps the changes that are taking place at home cause an adjustments which  affects the occupation and your goals in life.


Outside influences in a challenging manner push us to adjust, to reevaluate and to challenge ourselves to work through adversity that is present within our occupation.  This is a challenging situation because perhaps things have been moving along smoothly and then there is a shift and work becomes a hinderance or our goals and aspirations may be difficult to follow.  We might even have to adjust because our superiors or a parent now needs our care.


Perhaps the home front changes, and we now need more financial support to make things work more favorably.  We may have to take on extra work or adjust our spending habits to make things work.  Outside influences cause concern within our occupation, and because of others, we will be challenged.  This can create more work, less time to be spent with family and more concerns about where life is taking us.


Remember during these challenges that Saturn is the teacher and will help us to build a solid foundation that we can rely upon in the future.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #Saturn #MC #family #career #challenges #SaturnOppositionMC #opposition #aspects #disciplinary #newblogpost


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Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 9 July 2024


For those of us that truly grasp and accept that our thought process creates, we must follow through on this knowing.  We are fortunate enough to have realized the apparent secrets creating our experience. Let’s make sure that we are using it to the best of our abilities.


It is important to go beyond just knowing this; it is imperative to live this.  We have now received information that can assist us and with this knowledge help us assist others. 


Take, for instance, (and I go down this road with great sensitivity) what we went through in our belief structures surrounding Covid.  There were those that believed that this was a serious virus threatening many and there are those that believe it simply was no more than a normal flu. 


Live each moment as it comes. Be mindful. If your beliefs or focus cause anxiety and worry, is it your choice then to follow them and live within those emotions and confines? Set yourself free. Realize the significance of knowing.
Regardless of what you believed, as this is not what this post is about, why would you follow thoughts and beliefs that feed worry, concern, anxiety, etc.?


Why would you focus on the negative repercussions knowing what you know about focus?


You can walk any road you choose to walk. It does not matter which road you choose to focus on and follow. What does matter is how do these choice affect you? 


Ask yourself “did I live according to the guidelines of my beliefs or am I being swept away by my thoughts causing anxiety and worry?”


We all tire and slip into our heads on occasions.  Our training, however, will help us recognize this and allow the thoughts to pass by without any type of ownership. Our mind can justify anything. Our mind will justify something and then in the next thought completely denying it. Do not own your thoughts. They are fleeting. You are not your thoughts. You are the one listening to the thoughts. Be the observer!


We are not suggesting that you hide your head in the sand.  Live each moment as it comes. Be mindful. If your beliefs or focus cause anxiety and worry, is it your choice then to follow them and live within those emotions and confines?


Set yourself free. Realize the significance of knowing. Be the master of your response to the moment. Do not be the slave to your thoughts, worries and anxieties. Don’t own those thoughts.  Recognize them, acknowledge them and then let them pass on!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #focus #fear #anxiety #inthemoment #stress #knowing #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday 8 July 2024


Saturn sextile Moon can initiate long lasting gain especially through the feeling nature, sometime related to the mother or other females.
Saturn sextile natal moon can be quite challenging.  However, because the energies of the Sextile aspect have to do with opportunities through engagement, there is a constructive energy that applies to this aspect.


Saturn is the teacher, the disciplinarian. Through hard work and a steady approach, Saturn’s energies can initiate achievement.  With the right amount of effort, especially when we are talking about the Sextile, Saturn can initiate the potential for long lasting gain especially through the feeling nature due to its influence in this case with the Moon.


Sometimes this will relate to the mother or important female individuals. 


Eventually after the sextile, Saturn will make a Square aspect to the Natal Moon, so what we do with the Sextile aspect will undoubtedly assist over time when the Square aspect comes into play.  The emotions will most likely be involved throughout this whole interchange, and Saturn makes emotional responses difficult even under the best of conditions.


Perhaps this relates to the home where the mother currently resides.  There is often a steadying and reliable situation when we speak of the home environment.  Perhaps the mother, who might be beginning to show signs of aging, will need to be placed in a home soon.  This can be a touchy situation because perhaps she feels like she does not need assisted living, but part of you knows that this is fast approaching.  The emotions come to the surface for both of you, but you know that something needs to happen soon, so you try to explain the situation to her.


This might be a good time to start to organize the placement, as it will likely take some time before things fall into place (Saturn’s influence).  You might want to take this opportunity (Sextile aspect) to get things moving in the right direction.  If there are challenging conditions coming into focus, (perhaps this aspect also forms a difficult aspect to Mercury) then perhaps her mind or your decision making is strongly affected by the emotional situation at hand.  You may have to make challenging decisions, and this can be even more challenging if Uranus or Pluto also connected by aspect.


For example, Uranus involved in the situation could bring things to a head when you least expect it, and Pluto could suggest that this will be life changing for your mother and likely for you as well. 


Much can be ascertained by the story written within the natal chart as well as other transits or progressions in place during the affected time of this aspect. 


Sextiles suggests that opportunities are in place, but that does not mean that it will be an easy journey.  The house position and Saturn’s natal position by house and aspect will further define what takes place as time progresses and the energies begins to come to the surface.


#astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #aspects #sextile #Saturn #Moon #foundation #transits #emotions #change #Achievement


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Thursday 4 July 2024


We strive & push to better ourselves, to become achievers, to learn from our mistakes. We rise above these challenges & become stronger because they are present. The shining light that we need resides within. It always begins from within & radiates outward.
Life can be a real struggle at times, and we may feel overwhelmed with the challenges that present themselves every day.  We learn what loss and hardships are about.  We challenge ourselves, however, to step up to the plate to meet these challenges.  We overcome difficulties that at one point we may have thought we could never conquer. 


We strive and push to better ourselves, to become achievers, to learn from our mistakes. We rise above these challenges and become stronger because they are present in our lives.


The shining light that we need resides within each and every one of us. We hold the answers.  We are deeper and more knowing than we comprehend. We have come equipped to overcome any of life’s challenges.


Know, however, that it is okay to reach out to others for assistance. We are never alone. Be aware of the shining light and the forces of those that stand by our side during these life lessons.


As we mature into ourselves, we grow, we learn from life and move forward.  The balance we seek is first found within and then the thoughts, focus and actions taken reverberate out in our outside world.  It always begins from within and radiates outward.


What is the reason behind this life?


Look inside to reflect. Look at what you might need to do. That necessary action might be a simple attitude change, or it may be a step in a new direction. Everything begins with you, and you are your answer. Be your own shining light!


#astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #change #learning #growth #reflect #attitude #shininglight #Newblogpost


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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