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Wednesday 24 July 2024


The opposition of transiting Saturn to its natal position occurs around the age 74.  At the same time, we are also amid our Nodal Return.  This can be an important time in life for finding one’s path and learning from important life lessons up to this point in life.


Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Saturn is a time of reassessment and reflection of our life’s path, and we are pushed to take responsibility for much of how our lives have developed thus far.  This can be a time of building structure and create growth moving us towards our destiny or the way forward at least for the current time frame and path.
Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Saturn is a time of reassessment and reflection of our life’s path, and we are pushed to take responsibility for much of how our lives have developed thus far.  This can be a time of building structure and create growth moving us towards our destiny or the way forward at least for the current time frame and path.


We are now at a mature stage in life, have met many challenges and realized that we are stronger than we might otherwise have thought previously.  How else did we get this far? 


In many ways we did this on our own although when we speak of the opposition (Saturn to Saturn). We can now listen to advice from others before making decisions that will affect the rest of our time on earth.  We may find those that we deem as authority figures and that are reliable connections can be of assistance to us. 


This can be the time to make a commitment to future growth and if we have felt off our path, this is the time to find where our path should be.  At around the age of 72, we experienced the return of Jupiter to its original position and this placement, which is often a growth and expansive period, can enhance where we are heading now. 


Each of us entering this timeframe of our lives will have opportunities, although not often seen in this aspect, to reflect and make significant changes, knowing that we oversee our lives and our attitudes. 


We will need to check the house where our Natal Saturn is found and the house that Transiting Saturn now occupies to get a clearer picture of what potential lies ahead.  At the same time, look at the aspects to the natal Saturn along with other aspects currently activating this and other parts of the chart. 


The Nodal positioning by sign and house will give deeper insight as to what this time in life is about and what direction we might want to take.  Some will know they are on path at this time and will not need to make choices on direction and much of this will be defined by the natal potential found within the birth chart.


Oppositions are said to be challenging but much depends on our view of what is taking place and how much attention we give to those that are speaking to us.  Take their advice and do not be offended. Listen carefully to what is being provided to you and get beneath the surface on any issue.


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Tuesday 23 July 2024


Remember our focus is in our hands, and we choose what to hold on to and what to release even with senseless acts. We will have scars but how will we allow these scars to affect us?   Will they stagnate us or catapult us to great growth?

If you have been the recipient of a seemingly senseless act, my heart goes out to you.  These acts can be very intrusive and, in many cases, can set someone in a spiral causing great grief and anxiety.  If we cannot comprehend the why behind an act, it can be hard to process.


Unfortunately, there are perpetrators and there are those who care little about the effects their actions have on others.  Instead of using this energy constructively, they indiscriminately unleash their fury on others.


For those that have been the recipient or outlet for someone’s fury or have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, most often these acts are not against you personally. Regardless, however, these acts take place without warning and can have powerful side effects. 


If we want to return to any sense of order in our lives or enjoy peace of mind, we must learn to process, let go and move on. Holding on to these injustice only causes us heartache and anguish for longer than necessary. They hold us captive to the past.  We must live through adversity but then learn to let go and move on with our lives.  We can’t change what has happened and we cannot blame ourselves in any way for the actions of others.


There are always life lessons to be learned from whatever unfolds in our lives, but in many cases, we may not understand the why behind the incident. 


What did we learn from the event?


Can we make any type of change to avoid such an incident occurring again? 


Whatever happened is likely not to happen again so the worry and anxiety created by the event must be dealt with head on so these emotions can be released and we can move forward in our life’s journey. 


Life can have unbearable events at times, but these are temporary and a steppingstone to growth if we can take the lesson and turn it around. Remind yourself that the overall conditions in lives, in most cases, are quite promising. 


Remember our focus is in our hands, and we choose what to hold on to and what to release even with senseless acts. We will have scars but how will we allow these scars to affect us? 


Will they stagnate us or catapult us to great growth?


We can never ignore what has taken place in our lives. Life has lessons, whatever they may be, including those that seems to be a senseless act. Learn what you can from any incident, whether we determine them to be good or bad. Do not focus on where you do not want to be; focus on where you want to be.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Monday 22 July 2024


As Transiting Neptune takes about 14 years to move through one sign and is in retrograde for about 6 months each year, when it does make a sextile to your Natal Sun, it should be a time when you pay attention to what is taking hold in your life.  At the time of this post, Neptune is in the final degrees of Pisces and almost moved into the sign of Aries but went into retrograde on July 1, 2024. Neptune moves into Aries in March, 2025 and returns into the sign of Pisces in October, 2025. By January, 2026, it remains in the sign of Aries not to return to Pisces.

The energies of Neptune sextile Natal Sun can last up to two years.  Sexiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. Sextiles offer opportunities in life and when connected from Neptune to the Sun, there can be either have positive or negative ramifications. Much will depend on your attitude and the Natal positioning of your Sun and Neptune.  If you have always felt a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, this can be the time to become realistic with your view of yourself.  Watch for disillusion if your Sun is poorly aspected. With a poorly aspected Sun, you may not be seeing things as they truly are. Neptune sextile Natal Sun can assist you in rising above intrusive elements connected with self-deception. 


Your sense of compassion can be heightened during this aspect so why not direct this compassion at yourself?


This can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Meditate to help stir up self-confidence.  Reach out for guidance.


You likely will have more psychic awareness during this alignment.  You have greater insight, and your intuitive faculties are enhanced.  All your senses are tuned in, and you can mediate and be creative to find solutions that have been hidden to you up until this time. You must have faith in the process and believe.


Your compassion and sensitivity can also be heightened under this aspect. You may want to help those less fortunate than yourself. 


Your imagination and creative outlets are also heightened and now can be the time to advance with these innate character traits. 


Those that are musically inclined or are connected to acting may find that there seems to be a greater sense of accomplishment with this aspect. 


The energies of Transiting Neptune making a sextile to your Sun can last up to two years.  You have time to build on this opportunity but sextiles imply that you will have to advance your personal cause or objectives and do the work so that the potential can manifestation. 


Again, Transiting Neptune sextile Natal Sun can be a time of healing for both the mind and the body.  Take action and make things happen. Don’t waste the energies


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Thursday 18 July 2024


On July 17, 2024, we reviewed some of the character traits of Sun in Leo.


Happy solar return to our Leo followers.


The 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize thinking & communication. Romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life & possible recognition for your creative thinking.

Today, we will look at some of the 2024 aspects for those with Sun in Leo.


Mercury is in retrograde from August 4 until August 27, 2024, and during this period, it will begin to influence the charts of those that have their Sun in the later degrees of Leo.  Mercury moves from Leo to Virgo on July 25 and stays in Virgo until it once again moves back into Leo on August 15 due to retrograde motion. Mercury moves from 21-29° of Leo into September and then moves back to Virgo moving forward. 


Anyone having their Sun in Leo from approximately 18° into its final degree will experience this conjunction of Transiting Mercury and your natal Sun.  


Mercury has to do with the thinking process and communicative techniques. The Sun will emphasize this capability and it will be like you know exactly what you are talking about.  This, if all else within the chart agrees, can be a great time to bring to the surface some of your ideas and goals for others to analyze, and perhaps you will receive some recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking. 


Venus moved into the sign of Leo on July 11, 2024, and will remain in Leo until August 5. Those Leonians who have Venus in conjunction with their Sun may find that their financial situation is more satisfactory, and that they can enjoy what money brings into their lives.


Romantic involvement may increase or become more relevant during this Venus contact. There may be more social involvement and perhaps parties or gatherings to attend.


The whole chart will have to correspond with the energies associated with what was just noted. The house placement will speak of where these energies will reveal themselves.  We must always look at the natal potential to fully understand the potential available as other transits will have to be configured into the equation as well. These are just short transits that will take place for our Leonian readers but these are the only ones that are noteworthy to the Sun.  There will certainly be other transits in the chart aspecting natal positions that do not affect the Sun.


To summarize, the 2024 aspects for Sun in Leo will emphasize the thinking process and communicative techniques and romance may become a focal point. Enjoy your social life and possible recognition for your enthusiasm and creative thinking.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


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Wednesday 17 July 2024


On July 22, 2024, the Sun moves into the sign of Leo which is a fixed, fire sign.  Fire signs are often energetic, impulsive, and spontaneous.  They are fast-paced, enthusiastic, and concerned about their objectives.

Many Leonians have a playful demeanor, and their intentions are noble. Being ruled by their heart, Leo truly wants to do what is best for others. Happy solar return to our Leo readers.
Those with their Sun in Leo or strong placements in the sign of Leo are confident and can be rather dramatic in their actions.  Many Leonians have a playful demeanor, and their intentions are noble. Being ruled by their heart, Leo truly wants to do what is best for others.  They often feel that they know what to say or do, and they like to orchestrate what is happening.  Leonians enjoy organizing events and taking control of situations; however, they must watch for overstepping.


Leonians are strong-willed and stubborn with an unwillingness to shift although they can be swayed if it has been proven to them that another way is better than what they believe.


Many Leonians have strong egos and do not like to be wrong, or in some cases, outdone.  They are leaders.  They can adhere to authority if the leadership abilities evident to them seem cultured and matured due to experience.


Leo individuals can be quite charming and often bold in their actions. They are a daring and often a courageous sign.


Leonians wants recognition for what they do.  A pat on the back or words of encouragement goes a long way.


Sun in Leo individuals are charming individuals, and you will not find anyone with a bigger heart.


As the Sun enters Leo, Mercury and Venus are also in this same sign.  Those with their Sun in the later degrees of Leo will have the conjunction of Mercury with their Sun sign at the time this is posted. We will look at the transits affecting Leo in another post in the near future.


Happy solar return to our Leo readers.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late summer for our fall courses. Visit for course details.


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Tuesday 16 July 2024


There are times when we need to do some soul searching and there are times when we need to have a close look at how fortunate we are even in stressful times. 


Life can be challenging, and situations seem to happen when we least expect them. These can hit us hard when they surface.  However, looking at the overall situation of OUR WORLD, most of us live a relatively good life.  We are not amid war, or under dictatorship. We have freedom of speech.  Many of us do not live in areas ravaged by natural disaster, although some of our readers can relate to some of these conditions.


Most of us work or have a steady income.  Most of us have adequate food and nutrients and clean water.  Most of us drive vehicles, bikes or can walk to work. These jobs provide us with money, although we may have to work hard to bring in the funds we need.


Many of us have health care, infrastructure, housing, etc.


In many cases, we have extra money for vacations, to eat in restaurants, attend a movie, and fund celebrations such as Christmas, birthdays and social gatherings, pay for cell phones and have internet.  Life is good, is it not?


The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing.  Have faith in the process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!
We are the fortunate ones. The next time we get caught up in how difficult life can be, we can remind ourselves of what we have, not what is missing. 


We sometimes need a reminder that what we focus on builds over time and if we don’t like life or its current direction, we can tweak our focus if no action can be taken.  Don’t get caught up in what is missing, or the “should haves” or “could haves”. We need to be patient with our outcomes.


Have faith in your life’s process and believe that there is always hope. See what is in front of you, and have faith that what you need, you will have. We are the fortunate ones!


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our spring classes have now commenced.  Watch for announcements for our fall classes in the future. Visit for course details.


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Monday 15 July 2024


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.

On July 21, 2024, the day before the Sun moves into the sign of Leo, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 29°.


The last degree of any sign often carries with it the urgency to complete something or clearly define what the energies of that sign signify.  There is often a sense of urgency, and with this placement 2024 Capricorn Full Moon at 29°, the urgency may be related to business and completing things in an appropriate manner.


This is a challenging positioning of the Full Moon as it is in conjunction with Pluto which currently is at 0° in the sign of Aquarius.  There is the likelihood of power struggles perhaps with those in authority. This can occur with individuals who have their Sun in the sign of Leo in the early degrees as this placement will be in opposition to this placement.  It might be a good idea to express your ideas but to be ready for those in authority to want proof that these ideas are significant.


With transiting Pluto in conjunction with the Full Moon’s placement, transformation and change are highlights for those with this connection affecting their chart.  These are the final stages (full moon) of what was put in place some six months ago when we had the New Moon in this sign, Capricorn. A culmination point is about to materialize.  Everything that you have worked towards should mature pertaining to your goals set six months ago.  If you did not put in the necessary work, a new stage may not be ready to develop.


Pluto often creates power struggles, and those in positions of authority (or those wanting to be in positions of authority) may find the career or life in general having a lot of minor faults under this influence.  This is primarily because the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon is in the third decan which implies that there are also Virgo qualities attached to this placement. 


Go with your gut instinct and know what is worth pursuing and what is not worth pursuing. 


Transiting Neptune is making a sextile to this position and often with this contact things have the potential of falling into your hands although it is always suggested that you do what needs to be done for the best end results.  Opportunities are what the placement of Transiting Neptune is about.  Neptune currently sits at the last degree of Pisces and will move into Aries in the spring of 2025, although moving back temporarily into Pisces April 22, 2025, and then returning to Aries in January,  2026 where it will remain for approximately 14 years.


With the 2024 Capricorn Full Moon expect an urgency to deal with some type of business matter. There may be a power struggle with authority, but the right opportunities may materialize. Utilize these energies if available to you.


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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements for our fall classes in late summer. Visit for course details.


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